Life in nineties. Memories of eyewitnesses


Now, in connection with all sorts of unparalleled events in the domestic economy, it became popular to remember the dashing nineties. These memories are served under the "sauce", they say, in what kind of difficult conditions we survived, and nothing - they coped. Even on the contrary, the character hardened and developed healthy pofigism.

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With the conclusion about steel character and healthy pofigism, we agree, but with the verb "survived" not very. The fact is that there was no harsh survival. Then we (most of us) then just lived. Lived like everyone else. Usually. And then, having matured, having arranged and adjusting the Salz on the barrels, we began to look at our past with surprise, delight and even horror: "How? How did you manage? How not killed then, in those crafty years "? How how? Calmly. Like this. "There were no fear, but fun. The marriages are great, well, well, they still knew where and when you should not walk a decent person, so as not to run away. And so - the cigarettes traded, alcohol speculated ... Oh! Once almost fell under the disassembly - the supplier threw, and I already designed a deal. But then I was very lucky. Killed that guy to whom I promised a batch of goods. And his partner turned out to be uncle spiritual. I returned to him an advance, and felt loved. But I've gotten, of course. " Oleg, 45 years old. "I thoughtfully hippoval. And the fact that I didn't have a damn money, it seemed a normal freedom fee. " Anton, 45 years "In the 90s I was a schoolgirl. Parents are engineers. Not hungry, but it was difficult. Chocolate, I remember, was a luxury, that is, they could not buy every day. Me, what? I do not like chocolate, and my mother is a terrible sweet tooth. So the guy was cared for me, I wore chocolates, I gave them my mother. " Tatiana, 39 years old "studied at school came to the institute, studied at the institute, worked as a marker, librarian. They speculated even there with the family smoothly. How many pigs from Belarus swashed on their hump. Not starved. But not seized, of course. I remember how Snickers-Bounty all sorts cut into pieces and divided "on all." Irina, 38 years

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"I worked in the city newspaper. Good was the place, reliable, paid salary - small, but regularly. At the same time, all sorts of things did, which the youth makes, cared for girls, played punk. Very free was time, stupid and cheerful. Do what you want, say what you want, everyone does not care. " Igor, 44 years old "And I tried to introduce me to the bandit! I was so beautiful in my mother's tidy dress (we then had a common wardrobe with her), and I liked it. I was persuaded that he would give me a one-room apartment, and the car, and that it would be possible at the university at all, but they will immediately give a diploma and to the prosecutor's office attach to a warm place. I somehow did not impress the prospects. And not in vain. Killed him somewhere in a year after that. " Natalia, 42 years "Sheltered leather jackets - either from recycling, or from stolen, for the skin was then not sold in principle. Sometimes they paid money, and sometimes barter, very diverse, from flour and potatoes with a bag to model shoes. Pelmeni home was always with me, without options, so that we are hungry - no cog-yes "! Inga, 43 years old.

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"He studied. In the university on mathematics, and then, deciding that no one is needed by mathematics, and at the economist and at the same time an accountant. In general, I was born in the 1990m in 1990, and in fact I should have been sitting with my child. But who in 18 years could simply rest in place, especially since everything is so interesting around! So she studied in 2 places, and worked with a child in her arms. As I did not have done at all! ". Anna, 42 years old. At first, "crowded" on the spontaneous flea market - yarn there, knitted costumes of wild polish polka dot, Chinese down jackets. In 94m, we are businessmen with classmates: the salt has traded the wholesale. In 96m, they finally began to earn something - collapsed in the trash. In 98m, almost everything went from business deals. So it was fun! Sometimes she was black that, but never starved and the children were taki. " Valery, 45 years "In the 90s I was a kid, just started the construction boom, we were knocked out in the brigades and hired at the utility workers, bring to the beer of the run. On Snickers, Zhuma and Peppi enough. " Sergey, 37 years old.

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"I just survived. With baby on hand and evening journal. The job took any, just to pay. If you list everything that I did during these years, the most ridiculous becomes. Texts gained texts in Lexicon: the most advantageous orders were the catalog of work of some Soviet artist-schizophrenic and prayer with comments. She traded to Shmotia on Cherkizovsky roar, a trifle, all her needlework masters to the city fairs and for a penny leaving. But I did not take me to work in the "Russian Union of White Koldov and Mages". " Tatiana, 41 years old. "At the very beginning of the 90s, I tried to understand that the world was changing rapidly, and then went to the decret :)) I went out already in a new reality, which somehow was equipped with me. But at all I do not like to remember these years, they are dark, unpleasant on aura. " Anna, 39 years old. "He served in Latvia in the most confused years. Survived only thanks to the soldering. Sometimes it happened, and his wife did not eat, gave the latter to children. And then someone from friends "regretted me" and took with me Poland for the clothes. Hated himself, but there was nowhere to go. Rose on the market with junk. But the children were full. Then the commissioned, slowly organized my work. I bought a car, the store opened. Purified. " Nikolay, 53 years old.

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"And I somehow immediately understood where everything goes, and since I am not a" business ", I don't know how to spin, I went to English courses (were then at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs), I got a chaffiner on the opposite, and when the language pulled up to a normal level , I moved (thanks to the chief) to managers. To 98th was already deputy head of representation with personal driver and salary in 2000 euros. " Anatoly, 48 years old. "I have (now you will laugh) was your video salon. Everything is as expected. I paid my cops, I paid my brothers, but it was enough for bread with caviar. Porn? Well, did not disgregate of course. So then it was the most demand used. Well, I am a fool - give up money. " Stanislav, 55 years old.

"At the Finnish construction company worked as an engineer. They arranged me there on a terrible blat. I earned a lot of 300 dollars a month and contained a husband, two children, mom, dad and sister with a child. Everyone was enough, and I also managed to smoke. " Larisa, 53 years old. "I taught. I paid Mzdu, who should be, and tacked. Girls from Tverskaya for customers. I saw all sorts, I don't even want to remember. But it was provided "from" and "to". Yuri, 57 years

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