Gaslighting in relationships - Mind games that everyone needs to know


Gaslighting in relationships - Mind games that everyone needs to know 39887_1

Unfortunately, almost every person faces gaslight at some point of his life. Especially terrible when it comes from a beloved person, because in this case the pain may be simply unbearable and it will affect the emotional, physical and mental well-being. In fact, these "mind games" can be so subtle that many people do not even suspect that psychological violence is used to them.

The main reason why cannot understand this is that you usually believe a person who loves, and you think that he will not be able to betray and manipulate you. The fact is that Gazlating is the most dangerous and, unfortunately, the most effective way to manipulate.

Gaslight, who, in most cases, is a daffodil or sociophate, deliberately uses this technique for psychological and emotional violence against people and getting full control over them. The true goal of Gas Lighting is to reduce the sense of confidence of the victim in itself and the feeling of her own dignity to such an extent that the victim begins to doubt his adequacy, mental health, and the fact that it does not even mean anything. The feeling of insecurity grows to such an extent that the sacrifice cannot accept any decision personally, and becomes dependent on the Gaslavl.

Gaslight intentionally hides information, and also replaces the facts that the object of his frauds felt herself disoriented. He may even begin to rearrange things around the house and argue that "everything was so." The fact is that he needs to confuse as much as possible and destabilize the victim, playing with her mind. Moreover, he will not mention concrete things and details, to then convince you that he "has already said this is more than once."

And so, until you start to believe that you go crazy. For example, he can tell you something offensive and aggressive, and when you upset because of this, he will immediately calm down and deny what she said. He will even blame that you are focused only on a negative and just looking for the reason to quarrel. He will also make you feel jealous, unsure and destroy confidence in a relationship, and so that you will always feel that they deceive him. And when you accuse such a mahinator in this, he will declare that you are trying to be crazy, as well as you have serious problems with trust.

Gaslight will mock you, call and consciously humiliate to get the maximum power over you and your feelings. So, what is worth paying attention to the relationship to understand whether you are not manipulated.

1. You constantly apologize to your partner.

Even if you did nothing wrong. This is because the manipulator makes you feel that you are the reason for everything that is not so in your relationship, and, therefore, you feel a permanent need to take responsibility for everything and apologize.

2. You can not make decisions

As you will always feel that no matter what choice, it will always be wrong. In the end, you will feel that you can no longer think and make reasonable decisions about anything, and therefore will begin to wait for the partner to solve for you.

3. You have changed

When you begin to think about a person you were before relationship, and about the person who is now, in relationships, then notice that before you were completely different.

4. You feel embarrassed

It is extremely difficult for you to trust your mind and sensible, and you are constantly confused and embarrassed. The idea is always spinning in the head, what is wrong with you.

5. You become a replacement

You begin to give up people close to you, friends and even families. The reason for this is simple - you feel so exhausted, offended by the whole world and insignificant, which simply do not have the strength to be near anyone nearby.

Forcing you to feel completely helpless, the Gaslight will finally dominate you. You will be his puppet, and it will use you to achieve your own selfish and perversions. And when you give them everything they wanted from you, they will go to the next victim. The most important thing you need to remember is always needed to follow your intuition and look for signs of psychological violence. If they are, and the intuition suggests that it's really not okay, run as far as possible and never look back.

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