10 reasons why sometimes you should not be attractive


10 reasons why sometimes you should not be attractive 39886_1

No one will argue with the fact that the appeal provides a lot of advantages in life. Many studies have shown (however, as everyone suspected), that the more beautiful people, the better their life is. But few people suspect that ordinary attractiveness poorly affects many areas of life, where it is much more profitable to be less cute.

1. Attractive couples have more chances to divorce

Today, how the number of divorces is growing on yeast, and more and more people prefer to live together, without married. You can even say that the traditional institution of marriage is simply outdated. Nevertheless, many people still strive for a "stamp in a passport", while clearly not understanding that one desire is not enough for the success of relationships. Some studies have shown that more attractive people have a higher level of divorce than the rest. Such checked also with celebrities, and the result was the same.

2. Attractive women are less common to work

Usually everyone suggests that attractive people are moresessed to work, because someone's hunting to sit next to the "quasimodo". It may be true for men, but with women the situation is completely opposite. In a study conducted in Israel, 2656 resumes checked. It was found that more attractive men were often called after the interview, and with women everything was the opposite. Less attractive women were more often invited to work. The difference was particularly significant when women were experts (which is usually often found in most corporate personnel departments). The researchers came to the conclusion that HR-special female simply instinctively refuse to women-applicants whom they perceive as competitors.

3. Women happier with less attractive spouses

Attractiveness is often an important factor of how well the relationship is collapsed. However, it is interesting, this is differently applicable to both floors, because women tend to make up more satisfying their relationships with men who are less attractive than themselves. It turns out that heterosexual women with less pretty male partners are usually happier and more satisfied. One study showed that men who are less attractive usually try to "fill this disadvantage", for example, spending more time with partners or "try more" to bed. In another study, it was found that women are more often inclined to monitor themselves and try to look better if their husbands are more attractive than they.

4. Attractive people go less cooperation

Historically, the cooperation with each other is one of the best ways to survive. It is thanks to joint work with each other, people gradually won the world. Nevertheless, as it is neither paradoxically, more attractive people are less prone to it. Researchers from Spain found that people with more symmetrical persons (one of the most generally accepted traits associated with attractiveness) are much less likely to cooperate.

5. Personality disorders and reduced satisfaction with life

Many asked this question at some point of life, especially those who are not particularly greeted in terms of appearance - whether we will be happier if we are a little more attractive. Although this question is too rhetorical, and it is difficult to answer it, the answer will rather "not". For example, the models (which are obviously more attractive than the average people) are much more likely to suffer from personality disorders and feelings of dissatisfaction with life than others.

6. Attractive people are often pretty boring

Perhaps some have heard a statement that with attractive people is not so interesting to communicate, as with less beautiful. Of course, stereotypes are rarely true. But in this case, science confirms the generally accepted opinion. According to the study, beautiful people are not inclined to self-improvement, but simply support their image. The more attractive people, the less they have chances to do something to stand out, and the greater the likelihood that they will just swim downstream.

7. It is assumed that attractive scientists are more stupid

It turns out that it is even moderately attractive in scientific and academic areas is quite difficult. This is not just an ordinary "office, where a pretty face can help get a promotion. In science, the only way to success is the ability to think and work, because no one will give, for example, a geologist to the award just because he has a cute appearance. In fact, the reality is completely the opposite. Researchers photographed some scientists and showed them a group of people, asking their opinion on the quality of research of these scientists. Surprisingly, people believed that unattractive scientists do their job much better, and they were based only in their opinions in photographs.

8. Less attractive men are more prolific

It is assumed that fertility is inextricably linked with attractiveness. Of course, people always tried to choose a more cute partner. However, according to research, women are more likely to be pregnant if you choose a less attractive partner. The fact is that attractive men sleep with a large number of women than their more ugly colleagues, which is quite widespread fact all over the world. According to the study, the amount of spermatozoa released during sex decreases with each subsequent partner when a man often has sex. Thus, the more sex in a man, the less chance that he fertilizes a woman.

9. The generally accepted attractive women are less common on dates

In the online dating world, it seems obvious that more attractive people have more chances to be invited to date. Although it is completely true for men, the situation is a bit more difficult for women. It turns out that men often choose women who are not generally accepted attractive, believing that they are more likely to be successful. In other words, if the girl does not have a stereotypical appearance of beauties, it increases her chance on a date.

10. Women prefer for long-term relationships men who do not like Macho

When it comes to the traditional standards of the attractiveness of men, there are several features that are usually considered "male" and beautiful. A pronounced jaw, a wide smile and wide breasts - just some of them, and often it seems that women who will eventually appear a partner with a majority of these features will be happier in relationships. How easy it is to guess, everything is exactly the opposite. Studies have shown that men with more feminine features become more "ideal" partners than their colleagues Macho. Although women choose more masculine men for random intrigues, they tend to prefer men with moderately female traits for long-term relationships.

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