5 signs that your guy is narcissus narcissist


5 signs that your guy is narcissus narcissist 39884_1

It is believed that there are two types of daffodils: demonstrative and hidden. The first type is much easier to detect, since such people openly demonstrate a vain, exploitative and aggressive behavior, usually associated with narcissism. Hidden Narcissus, however, is less noticeable. It seems modest and sensitive, but inside it "hides" the most overestimated self-esteem.

Usually hidden daffodils themselves are considered closed and sensitive. At the same time, their specific character traits are confused with introversion. While the demonstrative Narcissus will approve its superiority with obvious and obsessive ways, a hidden daffodil to identify more difficult.

1. They have passive aggressiveness and tendency to manipulation

An introverted Narcissus, who wants to notice and admired his surprise, can be resentment about any of your requirement. When you need a favor, he will say "yes" and convince you to deal with the problem, and should not worry. Then he is viciously "foam" alone, because it will assume that its time and energy is wasted.

It will avoid doing what promised, and then tries not to take the phone when you try to contact him. And when you finally consider it for such behavior, he will start swearing and arguing how much it was loaded by work and how stupid you were to present such unreasonable claims regarding his time. And even if he does what you asked him, you can be sure that he will tell everyone how you were inattentive to him and expose yourself to the victim.

Some narcissists also have no problems with manipulation, causing guilt. They use such manipulation to get what they want. For example, if he wants you to stay with him at home, he can declare that he feels bad. If he even tell him that in an hour nothing happens to him, Narcissus will answer something like: "Good, go and well spend time. Just that you knew, I have a breath problem, so I can die from an asthma attack at any time. "

2. They lack sympathy

Demonstrative and hidden daffodils are equally egocentric and give little importance to others. In the case of a secret daffodil, this can manifest itself in the fact that it almost does not listen, and also clearly does not express interest in someone or anything that does not concern him directly. Often they apatize to the needs of other people, although it can pretend to care. The reality is that it is offended by others who are trying to burden them with their problems.

3. They are excessively sensitive

Interactive narcissisis are usually extremely sensitive and unable to cope with any form of criticism. Faced with negative statements about themselves, they will be defended (and, by doing this with a clear sense of complacency and using neglecting arguments), even in cases where the "ordinary person" would smooth down the situation. Usually they are trying to hide how much they actually worries criticism, and instead they pretend indifferent.

4. They cannot form the right relationship.

Interactive daffodils experience much more concern in the formation of relations with others due to the fragility of their self-esteem. They may even avoid relations because of fear that the potential failure may be too unbearable for them. Narcissian-introvert spouses are assessed by eternally dissatisfied and disturbing about something (in contrast to demonstrative daffodils, which are called powerful, cruel, arcing and degrading).

5. They accuse others, and not themselves

An introverted daffodils will try to blame every person around themselves in their failures in life, never accepting personal responsibility for the fact that they "went wrong."

They will blame their parents in the fact that they did not provide them with enough opportunities in childhood, and their boss is that he pays them enough money. They will accuse their friends in the fact that they did not help them to meet the necessary people, and romantic partners in the inability to enter into relations with them.

If it is found that you are dealing with a daffodil next to you, you always need to remember that it is worth always keeping wit and not reacting too emotionally. It is also necessary to clearly understand your self-esteem and avoid manipulating yourself.

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