7 Well, very non-standard ways to make a man well



Before writing articles on any topic, we are usually Google - and what kind of smart people have already told on this topic? Or some morons, do not essence. Maybe the topic is closed and you should not touch it once? Exactly we also acted with this article.

And then it suddenly turned out terrible - all the materials on the topic "please of their poupets" certainly advise the readers to shove something in the mouth, it is advisable - putting his bastard pre-fragrant, forgive, forgive Lord, oils. This, comrades, nasty gender chauvinism. It seems that, in addition to the blowjobs, the bups is not interested in anything. It is impossible to such an extent not to see the personality in the soup. Let's remember (well, or imagine) that men are living leather people and try to please them, based on this background.

Shut up

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Shut up - a completely underestimated abilka. But she can create real wonders. Yes, it is insanely difficult, and we initially agreed to poke nothing in the mouth (although it is an excellent cheat), but try, definitely worth it. If you doubt in yourself, you can start with the training exercise during the ugly scandal. For example, he is yelling: "Yes, shine already!". And you're like this time and shut up. If it were a Disney cartoon, at this moment the swallows would swell over your silent head and got a beautiful song with voice Celine Dion. But even without a cartoon your shocked husband approximately such a picture and sees - birds and gentle music. When the first shock passes (and you still shut up), my husband will understand what is terribly happy.

Make digest

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All Bughasheneks who went out today in the Internet. Pictures, jokes, articles - all copies in a file and save on the evening. What awaits a man who came home after a difficult labor day? In the worst case: Oh, Mount, Cow is not millet, seven along the bench, where the salary, I told me mom that you are a goat. In the best: oh, bunny, I missed you so much, let's take sex, by the way, bring the garbage and go to the children, they missed the daddy. And in our case, he comes, and you nod to your computer and say - I'm in a shower, and you go and boosted. Goddess, goddess.

Give the present (and not tie)

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Did he go to work? Excellent. Come to his computer. Sit down Make a deep breath. Submiss a desire to format the hard drive. Posted? Not? Nothing, let's from the beginning, I'm not rushing anywhere. So, once again from the first digit: come, sit down and exhale. Clever. And now, come on, baby, you can: Nafar Honor, buy a new tank, choose a beautiful honest or, in the end, pay off, and then what he is like a noob, on pirates spire. All of the above words are easy to go. Come on, you can, you can all, you are a woman.

Turn it on the role-playing game

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Well, why again immediately sex? No sex, only corpses, riddles and locked rooms. Indoor quests can be found in any major city and they are divided, mainly into two species categories: "Choose from the room" and "kill everyone fuck." In the first case, you need to solve riddles, find safes, keys, lays and other leading artifacts. In such a situation, the beloved finally gets a chance to prove to you that he is smart, and not "Lord-from all-normal-ah-I-I-Pokrok-some kind." In the second case, the organizers will give you roles, costumes, the condition "all around the enemies" and the topsacking "defeat all enemies." In this situation, the beloved will be for four hours in a row to kill you, which will give him an unimaginable pleasure.

* Gloomy * I checked.

Feed him a car

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It's time to admit that this is his second dick, even if he calls the car with a female name. And to a member, as we taught us in the Internet, you need to treat deepest respect. And, as doctors taught us, the member must be clean. Obviously, this is a direct guide to action. And a completely stunning surprise, because from the women you can expect everything, but so that the car washed ... and you werehed. He will remember it on her deathbed. And - yes - it is not necessary to do it in bikini, the beloved will not see anyway, the same surprise. Although no, better in bikini. Then they will rejoice: Favorite, all the surrounding men, all the men in the U-tube and, not excluded, even all the men looking at the news heading "where this world is rolling." Yes, bikini cooler.

Buy his favorite alcohol. With no reason

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He can still expect you to prepare his favorite bokings without reason. But the forty-year-old one-beam - such a fint from his wife does not expect an average man. He, though, can decide what you change him. Too cool gift. And without reason. Maybe it is worth thinking ... But today we have an article about the pretty surprises - about Paranoa, the next time.

Make a career

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Who is there in the raspberry "Mustang" with the Ambassador Spanish speak? And my husband did such a breast with the wheel: so I'm married, didn't you know the wound? And he cuts it from pride, cuts. I have a cool wife, and what did you achieve? If the wife receives an Oscar Award, the husband rejoices much stronger than if she has managed the recipe for Prababook jam from Feichoa. What, of course, does not prevent him from devouring halfbake per night. But with men in the bath do not brag their wives jam, only by conventional Oscars. Well, please him, let him boast, and Oscar Goes to ... What is your name?

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