How to attract a woman in your life? Practical Magic for True ME



While hundreds of resources are taught women with cunning trumps wisdoms, men walk completely deprived, untrained, dried. Do not cry, a true man, we will save you and reveal all your inner dance potential!

Today is for all fengshuichic and otherwise chtonic laws;) So, thanks to our previous portion of wisdom, you already probably became Yun and fresh as the May Rose. However, the princess, at the race, stopping the White Horse, did not have time to you yet? Basic theses "Favorite herself will find you if you are in the right psychological state" and "smile, looking into the eyes of the oncoming women!" did not help? Even when the desired degree was achieved, from your smile oncoming women with all the car moved somewhere for the horizon? Not drifting, right now I feel more abruptly!

Again in the first class

"We attract the images of people who already exist in our subconscious. Every day poses it, beautiful scenes of your novel, weddings and joint old age. All this at the level of thought will bring the performance of your dream. "

So, in the evenings, sit on the leaf in every detail, which one you want to see your princess. On the other leaf draw details. Then she, apparently, will not endure such intrigue and climbs into the window. (Well, how else to get to the unicum, which without leaving the house attracts the perfect pair of such an inaccurable sorcerence!) If it does not care about your leaf of porn in the style of the customs officer Rousseau - she is yours.

Get out!


If you are more likely to have drosophiles in your house than women, urgently remember the need to get rid of negative energy and unpleasant memories of the past that accumulated in the house. In the sense, the mops in the teeth - and forward to the ambrusura. And then the energy of qi through the screens will not shock. Your woman learns that your dwelling is successfully cleaned of negative, on a sacred sign: Web in your hair. And how will it come to try to you! Well, purely pushing the great miracle of a clean male apartment. Leave her at least a couple of unwashed cups in the southwestern zone, otherwise she will still decide that you are a new generation robot.

Split personality

"Nothing in your house should talk about loneliness. Buy a double bed, put women's slippers in the corridor. In the interior it is useful to observe the principle of paired: two plush hare in an embrace, a picture with a pair of swans, two vases on the shelf ... "

Well, you do not need to look at us, it was not we came up with, and this is not even Fengsui, the ancient and wise as a detector and immediately like Pinocchio. Think, at the sight of foreign slippers, she will run away at the very first minute, because it will decide that there was already someone to get sophisticated, and this Amur de Troita is she? Well, MNE-E ... you think logically. But we do not teach you logic here, but still Feng this very shui. So go for two hares and do not buzz. Love, by the way, is counted for mental illness. It seems to be the entire calculation of ancient wisdom.

Very dramatic


"Missed the girl who you like - you need to speak imperceptibly to the left palm:" So that I was with me, and then touch this hand to your chosen. This plot is particularly well acting during the dance. "

We wish you good luck, friend. We are confident, this is a faithful tool. Are you afraid for the integrity of your scoreboard after such manipulation? Well, what, in the rates of parcels come across very compassionate nurses. It actually Multiple Magic!

Sang, grandfather!

Light a candle of red ... not found like that? Well, any color will be lit. No found? Well lighter, okay. Now read the text: "Litato Vista (your name) Drillot Nisalo. As the red sun is no month, as a bright month without stars does not happen, so I, the Slave of God, I will find a man in the heart, on fate and in life. Amen. Amen. Amen".

How old are you - so many times and read. What drillot all this is not a question, do not ask. In the affairs of magic, the main hot and unstable faith. Well, without a mental illness (aka love), it will not work out in any way, you have already learned.

Energy Filling Practice

And now, dear comrade, turn off the brain at all. And include other organs. We will do the great practice of "Prostate's breath". She, how to charge you with the energy of the ancient elements - and how you charge the instill who you want.

So. "You close your eyes, you are inhaling the abdomen and imagine how the prostate expands and is filled with energy, and you are squeezing intimate muscles. With each breath, you imagine how the space of your prostate increases to the size of the room, then to the size of the city, then to the size of the country, planets and, finally, the universe ... "Further and we can not read it. For the farthers will grow further to the authorities - and they open their mouth ... But they promise that the whole world in the face of the opposite sex will be spinning around yours, hmm, nature. You chase your energy in your pants there, and you all run-run-run. Well, yes, if you think about - and where they still have to go, if your causal places occupied the whole universe: it is difficult to somehow miss!

Right into the left eye!


Well, for a snack. If you are already so tired of such magic, which is not able to even focus on a potential victim. Do not need. Defocimate and listen!

"Do not be afraid to look at women, but in order for your gaze to be smearing, sexy and attractive, squeeze your intimate muscles. Your pupils will expand, and the look will become such a bottomless thing that the woman immediately wants to drown in it. Give her this opportunity, trying to look at her left eye. He is responsible for our unconscious and helps to penetrate the soul. "

In the left, understood? I missed - we do not answer for the result! Where to penetrate, there you and the road.

... In general, do not stop vibrate, pulsate, shrink and expand, rechargeing from the chtonic forces. And be sure to wear pants. Pants are a magic sacred object, these forces are just overwhelmed in them. Pants under the pants do not wear, and then the forces will not get to the desired points. Vedic epic masculinity requires victims, and with the brain we said goodbye to a few more points ago. Some nomadny men, however, is this body and try to attract a woman in their lives. What can you do: the divided civilization of a woman, in shorts and without paired teddy hares, are found in our infected logic world more and more often ... Fengsui with them! To be pregnant to true - if only because they also came to hunt!

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