We need it! Best Banks with Iherb Oils


In winter, when the skin turns into a parchment disgrace, there is nothing better than good jets of oil. Pics.RU once again went to Iherb (we have already been there, remember?) And returned with rich catches - 10 funds with natural oils, which are pleased to use, even if you still have not folded with butter.

Cococe Cocoa Oil in Pack


It fantastically smells the factory Willy Wamps, and even if there was no sense from him, we would still smell it on yourself for the sake of fragrance. And the way, by the way, is - cocoa oil is instantly absorbed, very well moisturizes and saves the skin from the wind and frost. You can smear anywhere, from the lips to the hair.


Moroccan beauty oil "1000 roses" Andalou Naturals


Pharmacy Menzur with Magic Elixir - Rose Oils, Jojoba, Mandarin, Gilaurionka, Vegetable Stem Cells, Cranberry Extracts, Sealessness, Magnolia Bark, Rosehip, Pomegranate, and another one and a half dozen exceptionally natural ingredients. Smear anywhere for food and rejuvenation. This oil is absorbed instantly and gives a tangible anti-Age effect, only here for oily skin can be heavy.


African Black Nubian Heritage Body Soap


This brand has a whole sect of fans, and palm ash - the prophet. The African black soap is made from the ashes of a special variety of palm trees, and the magic ash struggling literally with any of the victim - from acne and eczema to Chumka and understated self-esteem. Well, with acne, it definitely copes. For consumer effect in this body soap, shea oil, a dead sea salt, oats, aloe extract, and salicylic acid were added. It turned out a delicate peeling with a rude oriental smell.


Organic Oil Tamana Aura Cacia


This oil is squeezed out of the bone of the fruit of the tree Taman, which grows in Polynesia. One of the most effective pieces for healing all sorts of scratches, shells and sores - and one of the few oils that are specially created for oily skin, which loves to present unpleasant surprises, especially the eve of important events. Even if it is not about you, the oil of Taman in a home first aid kit is still useful - it heals burns, herpes and dermatitis, and experts say that even from cuperosis helps. Well, except that the scrambled eggs in the morning does not grow, and so - perfect.


Scrub-detox with juniper and grapefruit Abra Therapeutics


We do not know about toxins, they did not ask, but the peeling and irregularities of this strange scrub accurately displays. In the bank - dry powder from volcanic ash. If you add some water - or just smear it on wet skin - it turns into a slightly oily paste. While the ashes polishes the skin, almond oils, olives, sunflower, jojoba, dandelion root and burdock moisturize and nourish it.

For consulting and joy in scrub, essential oils of grapefruit, juniper, lavender, cedar, lemongrass and vitamin E.


But But Butter Now Foods


Ambulance for rough elbows, cracked heels, weathered hands and seeds of hair tips. It is thick, like a foiled oil, nothing smells and perfectly interfere with any leaving agents.


Body Cream Lavender Shea Firming Body Butter Andalou Naturals


The most fashionable guy in the city. The composition is all ingredients from the "Opening of the Year" series: Honey Manuk, Kupauas Oil, Mango and Taman, stem cells of apples and grapes, and the old Guard - Shea, Bee Wax and Lavender Extract. Lavender he smells - it is necessary to notice, it is powerful, so that any Khrushchka in Biryulyovo turns into Provence.


Argan Oil Acure Organics


Argana is small - the main toy of beauty bloggers in recent years. And all because it rejuvenates, takes advantage of inflammation and peeling at times, smoothes small wrinkles, treats acne and leaves no other fatty film. So a delicate thing that even for the most princess skin is suitable. If the cream with organic oil works so well, then imagine what feats it is capable of pure.


Oil-antioxidant for face Mad Hippie Skin Care Products


Another mixture of exotic oils for the skin - this time there were argan oil, the extract of amazon berries of Kamu-Kamu, in which some incredible amount of vitamin C, berries, which are also antioxidant, kiwi, which is antioxidant, grape oil again And Vitamin E. It is easy to guess that the oil is rather anti-aging, but any skin exhausted in winter in a metropolis.


Coconut Air Conditioner Desert Essence

Here the first violin is played by coconut oil and shea oil, and in the support group they have extracts from olive and nettle leaves, sweet almond oil and jojoba. This salvation for killed hair - they not only look better, they really become better, and the effect does not disappear, if you stop using air conditioning. But it is impossible to stop - it smells like a paradise bush.


Sad AppDith: May 27, 2016 Roskomnadzor blocked the IHERB website. We continue to observe.

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