10 delicious pieces of watermelon and melon


Each conscious citizen is simply obliged by the end of the summer at least a couple of times from the nesting of a watermelon. And sit in an embrace with a fragrant melon. But when there are so many of them around - round, self-satisfied, mounted - can be held with them and a couple of culinary experiments! Pretty simple. But necessarily tasty.

1. Watermelon Greek Salad

Ingredients: Watermelon, Feta, Basil - how much is not a pity, a little olive oil and balsamic vinegar.

The process itself. Watermelon is released from crusts and stones, cutting cubes. Cheese cut about the same figures. Basil grind. All this mix and water the mixture of oil and vinegar. If you wish, you can vary the composition: for example, invite to the participation of tomatoes, or Ruhaw, or spices. But in such a basic version, too, very tasty!

2. Watermelon Gaspacho

Ingredients: 7 cups of chopped watermelon, in a cup of sliced ​​cucumber and celery, half a cup of cranberry juice, gradually shredded Bulgarian pepper (can and a little chili), onions, Lyme juice, greens (parsley, or thyme, or mint).

The process itself. Most of the sliced ​​watermelon Blendim together with cranberry juice, filter. Now in this "broth" by all other components, mix - and send it to the refrigerator so that the watch is invested under the lid. Very unexpected and invigorating cold soup turns out!

3. Watermelon Mojito

Ingredients: On the shell of watermelon flesh - 100 g of Roma, the juice of half lime, a couple of tablespoons of sugar (in the idea, brown, but can be white), greens (thyme, basil, mint), ice.

The process itself. Crumpled mint with juice and sugar Tough, then we send to the blender with a sliced ​​watermelon and rum. Slices of ice can be collected with the rest of the ingredients, and you can simply add to the glasses along with the greenery branches. In general, the same mojito, only without a harmful gashed component, and at all with useful-natural-vitamin! Preparation of such a non-standard cocktail - already in itself an excellent reason for a friendly party in the country in honor of the summer wires!

4. Watermelon cocktail

Ingredients: Watermelon, a glass of milk, a pair of sugar tablespoons.

The process itself. Even ridiculous and suspicious, as far as quickly, simple and elementary. Watermelon is released from all extra, cut into pieces and freeze. Three cups of frozen watermelon pieces send to a blender with milk and sugar. And bring to the consistency of the milk cocktail. Voila! The holiday has already arrived, even if for some reason it is not yet on the calendar.

5. Watermelon Scherbet

Ingredients: Small watermelon, Ryumka Roma, Three Lyme, tablespoon with a good slide of sugar, mint, slight salt.

The process itself. Watermelon cut into pieces, remove the crusts and bones. From limes squeeze juice. Now, everything, except for mint, purely pour in a blender - and then add it, and we still repeat the process. Now we ship all this in hermetic dishes and send it to the day in the freezer. Every hour it is worth visiting to the future scherbet and mix. At that moment, when you understand that there is no longer for the strength to restrain, the tasty is ready for feeding and distribution!

6. Mellen-shrimp salad

Ingredients: Grams of 200 shrimps and melons, green salad, a little bit of balsamic vinegar, olive oil and sesame.

The process itself. Well, how to prepare salads? Shrimps can be cleaned, cut the melka, the salad is rotable onto the parts and spray with vinegar, all mix, we water the olive and sprinkle with sesame. The preschooler will cope. And the taste - well, just a holiday of some kind! For the age of money from the lazy host for Gourmet guests - Number ONE!

7. Melinal chicken salad

Ingredients: By 400 grams of chicken fillet - roughly twice the melon, salad beams, a piece of feta, orange, starch spoon, salt-pepper.

The process itself. Fillet fry, cool, cut. Cheese and melon simply cut, salad by my Sweet-Rwe. We are preparing an orange sauce for watering from the squeezed orange, which remained from the frying of the juice and diluted with water starch, water the salad - and please the soul and the body. If it is too lazy to cook it, you can use some finished flat sauce. And if it is completely lazy - we build a melon sandwich. Immortal classic!

8. Mellen soup

Ingredients: The two-kilogram mole is a quarter of a glass of sour cream, a couple of honey spoons, 4 lemon juice spoons, astragon, greenery for feeding, salt.

The process itself. Sliced ​​melon, sour cream, lemon juice Salt, pour blender and wipe through a sieve. Sugar dissolve in an incomplete glass of water and bring to a boil, cook for a few minutes. Add Estragon, cool at room temperature, and then hold the watch in the refrigerator. With this sauce-syrup to hide a soup, decorate the greens and suck with pieces of melon.

9. Fried Melon

Ingredients: On a small melon - a beam-shallot beams, a glass of vegetable oil, a few tablespoons of flour, a couple of starch spoons, an egg, salt-pepper.

The process itself. Melon clean-cut, onions finely ruby. We connect flour, egg, starch, a quarter of a glass of water, salt-pepper - and beat. In the same dough add chopped onions. Slices of melon do so in this case - and fry in deep dishes, immersing in the oil. We have a little embarrassed, then applied - and serve surprised guests. We argue, none of them have tried this?!

10. Melno Coconut Shake

Ingredients: Melon, cucumber, coconut milk jar, lime juice, mint.

The process itself. Make a melka and cucumber, then we send to the blender - and we send all the other ingredients in the blender. All this is done by a solid "Shake It, Baby" - and rejoice in life non-alcohol, but it is no less uncontrollable!

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