Unrequited love? It's just some kind of holiday!



Love evil, and goats that do not pay attention to us, never remain without our attention. However, the brutal and merciless great feeling towards the unworthy character (hereinafter - for brevity "Nesk.Lubof") there is a bunch of side effects. So it would be worth it periodically unhappy in love at least preventive!

one. Most importantly: you lose weight. No, no, just do not need this: "I'm worried, I climb into the refrigerator, hugging with chickens with tears ..." Nesk. Laboof needs to be used correctly! Forget to dine, staring at a smart replica with unacceptable answers, coloring over a plate, until everyone is wondering the past cats, only tears swallow to dinner, but to gnaw exclusively - for the fact that weakly sent another unrequited SMS-ku.

2. Sublimation - our everything! You write the dissertation and novel. You open the shelter of the cats and the new flowering law of rhododendrons. You go to yoga, and then in the bar "bad cat". You decapania and harden. You can even meet at electric car height lectures. When you have a mutual feeling in the stage "So there were two loneliness," you are only on the sofa and sometimes in the bathroom.

3. But no, not all. You still do a haircut under Shinted O'Connor and Tattoo with triceratops, futuristic repair "Bathroom Malevich" and Selfie with a leopard in the Himalayas. This is if you chose such a high-quality object that the tender SMS-ki will raid or rather from the leopard from Himalayas.

four. Ah, yes, I almost forgotten. Are you still working. As a further workaholic. It is, of course, it is not easy to venture into the report - when, instead of Exele's stripes, for some reason, for some reason, there are some kind of sobular eyebrows. But you are ready to register yourself as a jockey horse to drive out this demon. You are ready to stay in the office until midnight, just in an empty apartment not to throw on the moon and the damn smart phones.


five. But you, by the way, you can do nothing. You have complete moral right. Because life is over and everything is completely meaningless. You can stay on the sofa and wall. Yes, and with chicken, it is why not. "Make me what you want, even though the ferricted country - still my life is not sweet!" Very ball understood everything correctly, not otherwise, Nesch. LaboFie has learned.

6. You get closer with friends. Figs would talk with you if you had a scoundrel with this green-ventibration. And so you have every Friday a dashing bachelorette party (from those who have not yet bonded or already worried), and on Tuesdays or environments, extraordinary steam and group apel-psychotherapy sessions.

7. You write in the social network. Your posts are mysterious as sphinx broods and passionate as a flock of carnames. And just only you will work out - and again, again, unequivocal and boring unimproved sushi.

eight. You are dreaming. Having encountered a happy coupon or five-point lilac, looking at the Persians or sitting down at a meeting between two Lidia Ivanovna, you are not thinking about what you would wish. You wish quickly and passionately. You have something to strive for. In the meantime, there is a desire in man, it has a life!


nine. You will with bright and exciting dreams. A normal premising psychoanalyst would have to be, in fact, for such invaluable material also to pay. With some fright, you would wake up with such a blissful smile on the lips in the vulgar family bedroom in pink bunas?

10. You develop paranormal vision. Paredolia is scientifically called. Only this, somewhat specified. In all the surrounding items you see a light image. Even in the shade of some oak. Not to mention the human beings, possessing a similar complex and manner to dress.

eleven. And sensitivity develops inhuman. You all feel all the music and understand movies. You can selflessly cry even over the luckless in love with minion with his epic song about the cowardly.

12. By the way about to suffer. This is also very thumbs up with you. And this is, by the way, a very pleasant process! You do not believe - ask those who have not worked for a long time. And also - useful. At psychologists this time ask.


13. You learn to appreciate the life, in the smallest and progressive manifestations. Every garbage obtained from him or associated with it becomes more immentable and inhumanly precious. This tea bag stayed with you from that happy day when you were sitting next to the last brainstorm at the head. Here this acorn you picked up on the road, on which he spent two hundred meters and dived in the subway.

fourteen. You have a very languid and heroic look. You begin to make compliments (only it is, damn striped). And all the business is a feverish brilliance of the missed eagle, a non-hard hand of a namuelo fog around them - and the first of this list.

fifteen. Well, in general. If we fell in love only in unmarried and childless. In those who answer reciprocity and adequacy. In those who fits us by the mind, the status and preference of serial heroes. In those who become a good manufacturer of dad. And not in beautiful, wild and proud inhabitants of mountain peaks rich in the inner world and pantokarin. What would happen in the world, we ask you?! Skobet and Tlen. It would be just stupid, honestly. And I would not remember what was on pensions - with a fading of the heart and the joy that more about such emotional feats you have no health anymore!

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