How to stop late and start getting up


The eternal lateness of everyone annoy. Why there, we even annoy themselves. We put the second alarm clock, read the motivating articles (and suddenly this psychological resistance!) We are trying to lie down early, and WHO is everything there.

The most amazing thing in finding is that everything except small kids is perfectly understood as it is bad and indecent. What punishment would not come up with the bosses, an employee, most often, and he himself is not happy. But most will continue to be late, despite fines. The reasons for desemination can be a lot. Here are the most common:

Planning error

Symptoms: You are always late in different ways, then for 10 minutes, and for a whole hour. Diagnosis: Planning error. Most likely, your inner watches are shot down and you can't accurately predict how much, in fact, spend time to put a child sleep or finish a report. Scientists have established that this is the most common cause and, on average, people at least 40% underestimate the amount of time that they need to finish everything. Recipe - Training of proper planning.

Polite rabbit

Symptoms: You do everything on time when you act alone. But it's worth a mom to come to visit you or you go from Freilance to work in OpenPais, how you start to dump things. Diagnosis: Problems with speech. You do not pronounce three letters: N, E and T. Learning the talent of polite refusal and do not try to save all the circle. By the way, scientists and here were infused and determined that lovers of multitasking (Julia Caesari) are late often.

Leader sign

Symptom: Everyone knows about your "branded delay", for example, for 10 minutes. In some sense, you even punctual. Loading always equally. Diagnosis: Something psychological. This may be a trail of a children's protest, the need for motivation, which gives a missed Dedine or an attempt to draw attention to this at least so: "A, Tanya, well, yes, that is always late!" If reluctant to a psychologist, then acknowledge that, in fact, you come exactly when you want it. So go to the bosses and say then proudly: "The bosses are not late, the bosses are delayed."

One, without ensemble

Symptoms: You are falling mysteriously. It seems and gathered in advance, and the time was full, and there were no traffic jams, but still at the last moment you have to run, sweat, apologize. Diagnosis: Fear of expectations. Little-known fear, but quite real. So people are very unpleasant to sit and do nothing. " Therefore, you will better suffer the consequences of late, how will you be bored under the door if you come too early. The solution is very simple - come up with yourself complex tasks for waiting time.

Not worth it and climb

Symptoms: You're late, meaningless. Even if you have long wanted for a long time, even if it is a concert of your dreams or a date with the best man in the world. Sometimes you catch yourself thinking that I did not stand up, because you still be late, and you are to blame. Diagnosis: Psychological, but serious. Maybe even depression. Here it is better to check.

Receptions for falsehood

Even if you did not find your version among the diagnoses, these techniques will help you introduce life in a rings of punctuality. one. Take into account past experience. If, last month you have completed some cases, it is not necessary to expect that you are suddenly wrapped in it, and you will make two times more. And if you look even further into the past and remember that in summer, for example, you are always less able-bodied, the plan will turn out more realistically. 2. Try to count in advance and write how much time you need for a particular thing, and then check whether you guessed. By the way, already the same records are well customized. 3. Mooked mentally, the task on very small pieces and count the time for everyone. Scientists have found out that it is so time more accurate. For example, do not tell yourself "I will prepare lunch for an hour," and think how many minutes to every step of cooking. four. Try to present your plans from someone else's point of view. For example, no matter how much what kind of foreign person would you have left to prepare an apartment for the arrival of mother-in-law? five. As is well known, the caravan speed is determined by the slower camel. And the speed of performance is at the weakest work hour. We so rejoice in our peaks of activity that we believe that we can move the mountains every day. It is better to progress. 6. If you are using a calendar, noted in it, it's not a single line (16.00 - salon), and overclocking the entire segment of time (15.00 - 18.00 - Salon), which you will need, not forgetting training and travel. This will help not to schedule intersecting. 7. Put an additional signal at the time when already, blood out of the nose, it's time to go out. If you are delaying this moment for all new and new things, teach yourself to throw out what you are doing and moving forward. Nothing, the bottom side of the shell was notched half a year and the day will wait for you. eight. If you are an alarming person, you can save the calendar with the days of the day broken on the half-hour segments that you paint in detail.

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