Neighbors from whom not to hide!


You removed the apartment in a new area and literally in the first weekend found that your woodpecker moved along with you and, of course, did not forget his favorite puncher with a drill. But this is not the only discovery! It seems the rest of the unpleasant people neighbors flooded the whole entrance!

Stamja Percentage

Neighbors from whom not to hide! 39860_2
Baby and incredibly harmful grandmother that lives under you. She remembers not only Stalin and Khrushchev, but caught, it seems, the children's years of John Grozny. About himself declares the rhythmic tapping mop on the ceiling, the clock on the night (when will they break something already?) And the TV working on the full volume is grandmother, of course, deafness. It is seen more often once a week - about seven.

The reason is simple - you walk very loudly, run and generally live. Maybe you have a junk for migrants ?? And, by the way, why do you constantly happen drunk robs ?? Therefore, it regularly complains of you with a local district area and causes the police. Guards of the order about the features of your relationship with a neighbor are aware. Even you sympathize and sometimes come with a cake to tea. Tea, not strangers.

Hugh Hefner.

Neighbors from whom not to hide! 39860_3
Lives with you on the same platform. It does not particularly dock, greet, smiles, garbage under the door does not fit. The only inconvenience is morally ethical. First, women constantly come to him. And beautiful. Moreover, different. How to react you do not know - whether silently be jealous, or whether to loudly condemn and knock the lord to the wall.

Well, and secondly, you feel old and boring, and the moans and screams that are regularly coming from behind the wall, they say that your neighbor has a fantasy in sex, the situation is clearly better than yours. And he, a dog, 10 years older! It's a shame, yes?

House manager

Neighbors from whom not to hide! 39860_4
Lives with you on the same staircase. She makes up the floor washing graphs, the signs are born to the apartments with the inscription "on duty" and is generally engaged in the organization order on the staircase. At the same time, the floors do not deteriorate in principle, motivating it by the fact that she was the only owner here, but you firsthand you, you wash. She comes to swear when you, in her opinion, clap the doors too loudly. And, yes, bags with garbage, which periodically appear under your doors, puts it too. From harm.


Neighbors from whom not to hide! 39860_5
On the street hurricane, storm warning and tsunami, and this neighbor is walking with a dog. As usual without a leash and without a muzzle. Yes, you know that she does not bite. Well, that is, you are talking every time. But literally yesterday, this monster came up with enemy rottweiler. And the latter was lucky to the veterinarian. Is he his strength of thought? The dog is constantly barking, howls to the moon and generally leads an asocial lifestyle. But you pass, do not be afraid! He does not bite.


Neighbors from whom not to hide! 39860_6
Well done! Everything makes it yourself. And repair, and furniture, and in general on all hands master. One "But": repair it is already 15 years old. The sound of his perforator hate everything. But there are no councils on it. He doesn't do anything bad. Just hammer. And saws. And knocks. The branch of the Treighteners in itself is seen! And all this is all weekend, long ... I would have been interested in reading, honestly. If you think, maybe someone still grows the perforator from that place?


Neighbors from whom not to hide! 39860_7
Every time with this person is the same story. He, by the way, lives on you. If he made repairs and put the laminate, then saved and did not put the sound insulation layer. Therefore, you hear everything - how dust falls on the floor, as he shed tea and how he vibrates his phone, which he also puts on the floor. Guests come to it regularly. And you too hear. And they still love to sing together. Not this way.

They love to loudly shout with ill voices and branding on the guitar (which in which you think is already the string, only one). Yes, they all sincerely consider themselves via and are very surprised when every time after 23 you are nervously calling the door and ask to be fun. And what? If the guests do not come, the neighbor turns on loud music and sings one. At your calls on the door every time surprised and asks: "And Chotakov?"


Neighbors from whom not to hide! 39860_8
Usually such one for the entire entrance. Everyone clearly know when he has exacerbations and quietly live with it. Well, here is a person. And he can yell at night, jumping along the stairwell and threaten violent disagreeable. But you just need to suffer - it he reacts to the full moon. And in general it must be understood. A person has a hard fate, yes. And alcohol here is not at all, do not need dirt!


Neighbors from whom not to hide! 39860_9
He always greets and says goodbye, the young man skips forward and, entering the elevator, asks what floor to you. You don't like it. Suspicious is just some kind. What is he greeting? And in general in the still waters ...

A prostitute

Neighbors from whom not to hide! 39860_10
Oh, well, everything is clear. Guys, she, however, does not lead. But the manager told you confidence that the dogman saw and told conciegor, as she somehow at night on a taxi came all the warm and naphrain. Well, for sure these! And the bags are constantly brings some. And manicure with her, and hairstyle, and dressed is fashionable somehow ... What? PR operations? This is how it is called now!


Neighbors from whom not to hide! 39860_11
Lives on the second floor (rarely above) and always causes an elevator. And every time he annoying to wait, and he goes on foot. And the elevator does not know about it. And every time he is hospitably reveals his arms. Together with you. Because you are naturally inside. Because every time you are late, your neighbor causes an elevator. Then you know.

Family with children

Neighbors from whom not to hide! 39860_12
You are nicely smiling at each other when meeting in the elevator, but if they had come to you by Saturday morning, when you learn with a towel on my head (and try to find an answer to the question, why yesterday after the port you drank champagne), you would not be so kind. Because exactly at this time the child is beginning to cut teeth, while the piano tutor comes to the elder, and the average is a whole group of kindergarten to visit. And all this is very loud !!!

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