We sleep and see how to do you. 5 myths about the mercantile woman.


Women, as you know, very mercantile creatures. And they told you completely disinterested men. In all thirty-three volumes of the book "How to contact a woman and keep a wallet" they honestly write about it. And on online trainings like "How to stop paying predators", they also honestly talk about it. Again, disinterested. Almost. Although - we will not argue with the obvious - the truth is invaluable. If this is really true, of course, not a myth. However, we will introduce you to myths. Without WHO MOTHERS. Do not thank.

Myth is the first: if a woman wants you to pay for her in a restaurant - she is mercantile.

It is not true and vile mine. For some reason, if we are talking about our mentality in general, it turns out that we have women from us: a horse from the burning huts will be pulled out and under the trunk to him, so as not to climb where it should not. Patriarchal values ​​are also popular - so that, it means, the rear covered and brought comfort. But when the question of billing arises, suddenly new-fashioned European values ​​pop up. But we were brought up differently. Our mothers did not occur to get a wallet in the restaurant. This was done dad. And moms taught us that on the first date it should be limited to a cup of coffee, so as not to put in the awkward position of the cavalor. And we cannot instantly change the paradigm. No, if you insist - please, but then everything is on garlic: kiss us under my mistletoe and give the engagement rings. And we will work while you are taking care of the child. Three years old.

Myth Second: Women choose bank clerks.

They say, women are now so mercantile that as a satellite of life is considered exclusively financial workers. Money for money, so to speak. Why there - the Psychoanalytic Cabinets flooded lonely truckers, electricians, doctors and designers, desperate to find a couple. Only ensigns and hunters are not surrender - these bank clerks are slowly shooting to get a female. If you suddenly do not ensign and not a hunter, do not despair and look at: We are interested in working with you in principle. It is desirable that where you are in place. So that you have developed and improved, because to live with the sauna anyone reluctance. And who specifically you work - the tenth business. Ask your car mechanic, how many years he is married.

Myth Three: Women are so mercantile that they evaluate a man only in the size of his earnings.

We appreciate it true. But not a man in general, but how much it suits us. And not in size, but by availability or absence. And not "only", but "in the aggregate." And most importantly - we do it not before we offer you guest slippers, and after. First you need to understand why you are at home in these slippers sit. And if for one night relationship - we are indifferent how much you earn. And if for friendship - especially. But when there is a question of a serious relationship - here, sorry, nature: We choose that male, that Citius, Altius, Fortius. And you do not need to remove the shirt and strain the broadests - they say, in muscles strength. To get a school commendable diploma for successes in a run of 100 meters is also not necessary. We do not scatter your basket of collected raw materials as evidence of female consistency.

Myth Fourth: If you lose work, the woman will immediately leave you.

"Wao, you are with me for money. Woob, I lose work and everything. Everything!". In fact, the saying about the suitcase without a handle is entirely a fully feminine story. Sorry Suitcase! In it, photos from the zoo, a wreck of iridescent springs, a grandmother's mushroom for dusting socks and a chuck rose in a tomb of the block. These are very valuable things! Here and with men. As long as we are emotionally cling to something in a man, we will drag it on your hump and hope that it is not for nothing that is not in vain. And on the road it is still subjected: do not worry, the suitcase, we will give you a new handle - Better former will become! No, of course, sooner or later we will understand that in vain and throw it. With great regret. The average person - such a story is stretched for seven-ten years. That is - you have almost no chance of abandoned. Ferstein?

Myth Fifth: If I did not give a woman a fur coat - so you need.

And it all started with coffee, yes. Paid? Fool himself. Clear now on the fur coat. Your predator is a few of the evolution, but dreams to return to the pristine appearance (you have already paid claws). We will not be told - that the poor girl is frustrated, to blame, of course, you. Only it is frozen not physically, but emotionally. You come home and immediately go to the raid. You do not have a tank and the zone is faint. And talk? You see, a woman asks a fur coat, not because she needs a fur coat, but because she needs your attention. Shuba - just a very weighty sign. In fact, you can not spend mad money, but just to make small pleasant surprises with your cute - but more often. We are fully tired in general, and breakfast in the bed, and we rejoice without worse than roses in 33 wrappers, and some stupid notebook with a cat on the cover will also be quite suitable. Because it is important to us that somewhere there at the end of the working day, you tear off my ass from the chair, remembered us and wanted to cause us joy. And what you will be there this joy to hurt this - cats, or fur coats the question of the twenty-fifth. Honestly.

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