Car wash for female breast! 20 of the most strange inventions of the past


If at least some of these inventions are incarnated, then we would live in a completely different world. Imagine monkeys traveling on dogs, chickens with glasses and mousetrap, killing with a revolver. Beauty! We have collected for you the 20 most strange patents of the Victorian era, which for some reason were not embodied in reality.

Fly like a bird

This flying car was patented in 1889. According to the inventor, a small balloon and wings is attached to the person. The ball raises, and the wings give acceleration. It seems to be all logical, but Ihar did not fly. I would know Mr. Spalding, who invented this mechanism, that now people will fly with the help of jet badges.

It was still up to corrupt

This is not an iron rover, as you thought. This is a diver, invented in 1881. American Stephen Tasker developed a metal wettoos, which allows the diver to withstand a large pressure. I must say that by the time, the sailors have already used soft diving suits. And the first tight suite with the pressure maintenance system was launched in the production of 1900, but it was the development of not Stephen Tasker.

Tailed jockey

This invention relates to the twentieth century and does not fit during the Victorian era. But it is so kinda that we could not pass by. In England and Australia, in the thirties of the last century, there was a popular strange entertainment: the races of monkeys riding on greyhound dogs. Monkeys trained ride and spent real run. This device allowed the madushka to stay better in the saddle.


What if the building burns? Right, smoke in the window. In order to fall, it was not so tough Mr. Oppenheimer came up with parachute. Well, the very idea of ​​Parachute Vitala in the air since the time of Leonardo da Vinci, but to attach it to his head he thought for the first time. If the inventor for the dough simply suspected himself, he would probably not file such an idea to a patent society. We ask you not to repeat this number. At the end of Kulibin, it proposes to wear shoes on a thickening platform. Like, so fall will be more comfortable. It seems that a man with a broken neck is lying on Earth, but it does not hurt my feet.

What if he did not die?

Apparently the inventor of Kirchbauma very worried that a person could mistakenly admit dead and bury alive. Maybe it was his personal Bzik, but the fact is that he registered a device, with which a man from a coffin can use a signal to top. In the coffin, the device was mounted on the periscope manner with a handle. If suddenly woke up and dark, then rotate the handle, they will notice from above and dig.

Glasses for chicken

The inventor was concerned that the chicken periodically opened each other's eyes. He came up with protective glasses that are put on each zoom. That is, especially aggressive hen would have to take protection from the opponent, and during this time the unfortunate would have wished to call for help.

Rimmed hat

Previously, all men wore hats, and filmed them in the presence of ladies. Since the ladies came across frequently, the men were fragmented and began to simply raise the headdress at the meeting. But some and this simple ritual seemed too tedious. Mr. Boyle came up with and patented a device, lifting a hat without hands. That is, come to the lady, and the handles are here they are!

Harsh mousetrap

Real men kill the enemy from the revolver. Apparently there was an inventor by the name Williams, who patented the most severe mousetrap in the world. The mouse comes in hope to enjoy cheese or cookies and gets in the forehead nine grams of lead. Decent death.

Strait cowards

On penis
This invention is intended for the pacification of rapists. It was assumed that a person who was outrered in bad inclinations was supposed to wear such a device on genitalia. Acts on the principle of strait shirt. The patient twitches, but can not harm anyone.

Mechanical fork

The modern hostesses would not be abandoned from such a device. You just look at what a useful thing. Mother fishermen, such a plug, too, would be very useful. And then you have to take a wife for fishing just because she has a hand in a jar with cucumbers.

Reverse boots

Imagine that in the building is a fire, and you have no parachute that is attached to your head. We will have to go down the stairs, which the firefighters already put. But on the stairs, the crush, you need down, and the firefighters run up, stew the flame. The boots of Mr. Edmond Dennis will come up with the boots of Mr. Edmond Dennis. Cling to the stairs from below, and go ahead! It turns out a normal bilateral movement.

Fire mask

This mask will allow and see and breathe in a smoke room. Points protect eyes, and from the mouth there is a tube to the floor. As you know, there is always cleaned air, because Smoke rises down. There is even a nose clamp. And if there is no fire, in this mask you can go to Halloween.

Automatic washing of female breast

The next place in importance after fire safety in the inventors of the last century occupied the purity of the female breast. Some craftsman even came up with a special apparatus, allowing you to wash breasts without hands. The system is connected to the crane and wash everything you need. Only one is not clear. Hot water pipes like it was not yet. So how can you love yourself right so cold water?

Clockwork PupS.

Baby robot
Robert Glue received a patent for such a clockwork, creeping child. It moves along the floor on the wheels, and the hands and legs mimic the movement of the real kid. This terrible thing was invented, most likely in order to get acquainted with the ladies in secular receptions. Launch a monster to the hall and wait for the squeal. Then we ripe all such heroic and urinate the creature from the revolver. Everything, your lady.


This is a bizarre device - a bicycle relative. Only the wheel of his one and the passenger sits inside it. It is driven by a foot drive, all as it should be. The monocycle is even supplied with an umbrella from rain, everything is thought out. How stable this design is not known. But, judging by the fact that it did not go to the series, there were still flaws.

Tricycle on rowing

This is a transport for fans of academic rowing. Gentleman just sits down and rows, as he is used. After dozens of years, this principle found the use of manual drive in wheelchairs. In truth, non-defined paths of the Lord.

Bicycle from all sides

Extreme innovators existed at all times. This large was invented specifically for tricks and circus performances. According to the author's idea, it will be possible to make dead loops and in general to violate the rules of the road. As far as is known, further the drawings this device is not gone, although it looks quite logical. Can someone see a sketch and decide to recreate the masterpiece of engineering thought?

Anti-fat mask

At the end of the nineteenth century, smokers have not neglected. They ruined loosely, and could smoke everywhere where they want. As we are insulating smoking now, they were forced to isolate those who do not have this bad habit. A patent for an anti-bachet mask - a cry of help from the distant 1877 year. As far as we know, this mask has not received wide use.

Swimming suit

The inventor Plant came up with a funny costume for swimming. It represents a certain semblance of a challenge of traffic jams. It is almost impossible to drown in such an outfit, except to choke.

Mask leader

The principle is extremely simple. A cardboard cylinder with a drawn Indian is put on the head, the eyes are cut out, and the real burning candle is inserted into the inside. That is, it is understood that the person will walk in the dark and scare passersby an indian with burning eyes. Do you feel careless in working with fire? Apparently because of these crafts, other inventors paid so much attention to fire products.

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Text author: Vladimir Yarkovich

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