You are doing your own business! And to that - 13 evidence


Work such work, which is neither the mind or heart, but only to maintain pants - the process is meaningless. Because pants - they tend to climb. And the benefit is for the mind and joy for the heart - they have a different tendency. When they develop, it is sooner or later monetized!

If you quive your head on most of these items, then you are in your place. If negatively, Mashet is negative - it means that it is worth noting something in the conservatory.

1. Your occupation is a plus for you

If you ask you: "Please list the positive sides of your work" - then you will not start immediately from the points "Well ... could be worse", "ball probes of cosmetics" or "Cute brunette in the IT-Division." Somewhere in the first triple will definitely be the item "It is interesting."

2. You earn your "strength of"

Suppose, in Pioneerland, you were the main storytellers about the stories about the black hand, on the exams, where "floated" in the material, whipped teachers, and now your main occupation is to establish communications. Or vice versa: You preferred a noisy puzzle bubble and rebuses - and now they dig more in codes than sitting at meetings. Yoga would say that you mainly use your lead chakra.

3. You develop your "weak side"

In any work there is some additional part that is not very in your part. Let's say you excellent it turns out to join the presentation, but it's more complicated with her before the audience. Each time it falls at a certain distance to crawl out of the comfort zone. And every time this crawling is obtained at least a little better. This little is annoying, but in general improves. If in the correct dosage.

4. Work for you not only money

Imagine the situation: you instructed you some new task for your specialty, for the successful execution of which promised a prize. You did everything, the premium in the wallet, but - there are in the life of chagrin - her out of the wallet was pulled out. It turned out as if you did this work "Thank you." Do you have, in addition to the usual annoyance from the loss of money, thought: "Here is the Christmas tree prickly, it was not necessary to make this task! Time stupidly spent in vain! "? If not, put yourself a plus sign.

5. You often enjoy

"For another 15 minutes - and go for lunch!" - Honestly promise you a colleague, knocking on the keys. As a result, after two and a half hours, you emerge from the waters of ideas, sprinkling - and discover that the neighbor has successfully digested his dinner, and you even really really got hungry.

6. You are not ashamed for your lesson

And even on the contrary. Even if you are closely engaged in the problem of the effective mating of rare skunks - you are firmly confident that the planet without Skuns is fatally decorate, and those who are wrinkled - can safely go there ... where at the skunk of iron. Even if you are inventy pink songs for barbic pubery girls with rhymes "I am yours, my love" - ​​you are glad that they are glad to your product. Without alternatively wise girls, the planet will also decorate, still fatal.

7. Criticism does not kill you, but makes stronger

Hearing from the boss: "Your bear looks like a horse!" "You go to it with raised paws to screw, only the first two minutes." Two minutes later, you can draw him such a bear that he will fit on the tree ... on joy. Hearing from the commentator on the forum: "And in my opinion, it is g ... o" - you do not run the changed face to the pond, and worthy of answering him that g ... oh in the eyes of the looking. No, of course, you are a living creature, equipped with nerves, and the negative cannot do you purely do not frustrate. But he does not force you purely professionally spit and go to the monastery. You just can't spit on it. It is more important than all the boring critics as a class.

8. You want to boast of the hands of your hands.

Hang your calendar on the wall, the second to give mom. Send friends link: "Look, what kind of coolness I am in the case!" ... Even in the case when the surrounding does not work at all in the theme you do, you still want to share uncontrollably. Not to envy, but from the wishes overwhelming the desire to show the world: "Hey, peace, well, you just look, what is my cool here!"

9. You do not feel sorry for your lesson

This does not mean that you do not have free time or hobby, and you just do that they are self-realized around the clock. But if you come across a curious book of the Great Spirit in your industry, you do not throw it into the stove with a cry: "Well, no! Also, the evening to give this topic - for any rugs. Only detectives, only hardcore and rest for the brain. "

10. You are ready to invest in the development

Spend money for interesting courses, where they will tell how to actually make the process and the result is still cool - it is for you not to send them to the cat under the tail. Spend the day for a seminar, which will teach you something that has not yet been feended - it is not to lose time.

11. You want to improve something

You constantly somehow come up with itself, which can still be improved in your paraffia. You are sitting in the park, do not touch anyone, it falls on the head of an apple - and here the brain pierces the thought: "But we did not do the burghers with an apple taste!" Getting to sleep, close your eyes - and here the idea is lit with the light bulb: "But the side of the book will be perfectly looking for a green dog!" The same one who will look at you tomorrow with the kind of doomed donkey, takes my shoulders and watch: "The dog is so a dog, for me - so at least a ferrous garden, just leave ..." - he is clearly not in place, do not go to the fortuneteller.

12. In the famous people you sometimes see yourself

Not in the sense that you have the greatness of greatness and you seriously consider yourself equal to Leonardo. But in books or cinema about the great you find some confirmation and hooks: "Oh, on the level of the perfectionism of the Bulgakov was quite like me! I also altered a hundred times ... "

13. Peace supports you

Periodically, mystical things happen to you. For example, near somewhere, people "from the same sandbox" appear. Well, those who are interested in similar things, or can somehow help, or push the idea. A cool idea suddenly comes to mind, "When you are not at all waiting." Suddenly, the circumstances are successfully well for the new activity. Of course, all this is no "suddenly" - and at all the result of what you are aimed at a certain point. And therefore you can see and catch what the attitude towards it is. It's like money more often find those who carefully looks at your feet! And what to do, you ask, if most options - "No, it's not about me"? Well, as you know, even when you ate you, you have two outputs. If you just do what you do not like, you have them more. Several options to choose from!
  • Find in your work what is more like. And try to beat this point. Maybe from you, let's say, simply a mediocre scientist - but a potentially brilliant administrator.
  • It is better to deal with it. When it turns out badly - what is love here.
  • On the contrary, to do it at a minimum, as far as possible - and in parallel to learn something related or completely different.
  • With relief spit from a high tree and go to free swimming to look for another. Sometimes you need to completely get out of the spell of routine - to see good opportunities!

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