19 films about fraudsters and sweat


We love films about fraudsters and scammers not because they are so good. Just their ability to find a way out in any situation can not be admired!

Security (2013), Adam Bimer, Ivan Bimer

How to trade security systems in the city where there is no crime? That's right, it is necessary to create this very crime. Two friends decided to stimulate the market and rob several apartments. But, alas, they climbed into the house not to that guy. It turns out that they are still not so calm as they thought.

Scam Thomas Krauna (1999), John Mortyannan

Multimillioner decided to kidnap the MONE picture. He attracted experienced robbers, and then threw them. But the picture is looking for a police that helps a charming girl, an insurance agent. Beauty suspects rich, but there is nothing to prevent him. To learn more, she decides to get close to him. Here it begins the most interesting.

Bernie (2011), Richard Linklater

Bernie is a funeral bureau in a small town, but things do not matter. As a result, he decides to cut the elderly rich lady just for money. The crime succeeded, but unfortunately there were unforeseen circumstances. Bernie should show that the woman is alive. And the guy begins to get out.

Outwear Scammers (2008), Eric Nennard

Excellent film about robbers and policemen. Each side plays its schemes. Imagine the situation when an embedded lieutenant of the police, a sweater sitting on the hook at the cops, and the famous fraudster is planning a robbery of the century. And at the same time everyone pursues its goal.

Diamond Police (1999), Forest Mayfield

The main character comes out of prison and learns that at the site of construction, where he planted a huge diamond, now the police station. To get to the treasure, he becomes a policeman, and quite successful. Who knows the criminal world better criminal?

Gambit (2012), Michael Hoffman

How to make the rich to buy a fake picture of Monet? The London Funist developed a whole scheme, in the center of which is an uncontrollable tide from Texas, depicting the hostess of this picture. The scarlet comedy of the Cohen brothers with a stunning Cameron diaz in one of the main roles.

Big Scam (2013), Don Mackellar

Life was sometime in a small town, and now he is almost extinct, only 120 people live here. And the enterprising residents decided to revive it by building a chemical plant. Again, jobs will appear, new people will come, everything will be as before. But in order for the state to allocate funds for construction, you need a doctor who will agree to live here constantly. They found such a person, brought to the city and do everything so that he would not escape from this world of despondency and tens.

Fake (2011), Gregory F. Fridl

A talented artist writes excellent paintings, but stuck in poverty, while his more promoted colleagues sell their work with a bang. As a result, the guy decided to copy the Maneru of famous artists and issue his picture for others. The point went, the work began to leave once or two. But the deception will soon be revealed and the blades of the brush and easel begins to threaten the real danger.

Twenty One (2008), Robert Luetych

This film is not quite about scammers. The main character is a professor of mathematics and part-time - a professional card player. He gained to himself in the team of talented students, with whom he was recovered in Las Vegas. Professor has developed a clear mathematical system at which you can honestly beat the casino. But the casino usually keeps the difficult people who do not like them, when they are played. Highly.

Kidala (2007), Ralph E. Portillo

Family couple owns a small suburban motel, but they receive the main income from the fact that they rob their guests. True, the guys are so deftly obstruct that the guests feel guilty, and in the police, of course, do not declare.

Mysterification (2006), Lasse Hallstrom

One writer decided to turn the scaffold. He stated the publishing house that he writes a billionaire biography, which for several years she has not communicated with anyone. The author's rating immediately went to the mountain, began to be reckoned with him, he began to respect. But the more popular he became, the stronger rushed into lies. It seems that from such a trap is no longer possible to get out.

Chuck and Larry: Fire Wedding (2007), Dennis Doug

In this scolded comedy, two firefighters and Larry are forced to depict a homosexual pair. All this in order for Larry to receive social benefits laid for family-guys just need to provide their children. But the social service does not believe in the "sincerity" of their feelings and trying to expose them every way. To deceive officials, firefighters have to get more and more in their role.

Stealing Dutchman (2003), Yannik Johansen

A small fraudster with two sons decided to turn a good dolza, steal the picture from the museum. But in the art, the family did not understand much, and therefore, by mistake, they raised at all the cloth. In the hands of Vorishek, the only picture of Rembratt in Denmark worth $ 15 million. And what do they now have to do with it? In Lombard, such a thing will definitely attract.

Small scammers (2000), Woody Allen

The story of how difficult to go to the dream. The former washer of dishes with his wife and friends decided to turn the case of the century, proceed the tunnel to the bank storage. To remove the eyes, the heroes opened a pizzeria next to the bank, then bull, and then went! The tunnel is digging, but business flourishes. But the plan of the century is threatened, and small scammers waiting for a lot of surprises. Woody Allen tried.

MEVERICS (1994), Richard Donner

History about steep gambler and Shooter Brete Maverish from the Wild West and the charming thief Annabel. Their main goal is to get to the poker championship where you can get a truly big kush. But the input price for the championship is 25 thousand dollars. To gain such money a very difficult task, which each hero decides in its own way.

Shulera (1998), John gave

The story of two friends. Mike is a professional poker player who swore never take cards after playing an evil gangster. Lester just got out of prison and has already managed to join the story. To help a friend, Mike had to start playing big money again. Very strong drama.

How to steal a skyscraper (2005), Brett Retner

The story is about how bad to throw on the money of smart and quirky people. The main character of Josh Kwacha heard a major financier. Of course, Josh decided to return what belongs to him rightly. And if you're lucky, then a little more, in order to teach the offender. Josh gathered the team of friends and decided to get into the house of Magnate. They develop a plan to pass all security systems and pick up 20 million dollars.

Hearty (2001), David Mirkin

Two fraudsters, mother and daughter, diverge the rich men for money. One falls in love with rich and marries him, and the other seduces him and makes it change. Naturally, after this, treason is open, and then divorce and property in half. Everything went well until the game in love turned into real feelings.

Honorable Gentleman (1992), Jonathan Lynn

A small funeral that Eddie Murphy is playing, who has trusting citizens in his small town. But his ambitions do not fit in the province, and he decides to go beyond the big fish in Washington. Oddly enough, the talents of the liar and the cracks are very relevant in the White House. The guy is pretty quickly poured into political life and achieves success.

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