FEM-Schnobel Prize: the most stupid discoveries about women


Let's start with joyful news! Global Gap Report 2014 optimisticly reports that the global economy will need 81 years to completely forget about gender inequality in business. Well, that is, if everything is fine. Tt-t. And now - sorry, girls.

A bra has been developed that can be used as a gas mask

(Schnobel Prize for Health for 2009)

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US Patent 7255627 was represented by Elena Nikolaevna Bodnar from Hinsdale, Illinois, Raphael S. Le and Sandra Maryan from Chicago, August 14, 2007 on the "device of clothing convertible into one or more face mask". The purpose of their device, they say, is "ensuring clothes that can be transformed into a face mask" and "Improving the accessibility of face mask."

Scientists find out how pregnant people can walk and not tip

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Briefly: Fixing in the lower back and hopping the ass. Schnobel Prize in Physics for 2009! Catherine Witcomek from Cincinnati University, Daniel Lieberman from Harvard University and Lisa Shapiro from Texas University: "Embryonic cargo and evolution of a spinal column in two-legged hominids", Nature, No. 450, December 13, 2007, p. 1075.

The best way to increase your sexuality in female eyes is to lead a big dog

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Researchers representing the Californian Scientific University in San Diego studied the questioning profits on dating sites, created a special group in Instagram and conducted a survey. Questionnaires, in the photo in which a man was with a dog, caused significantly better response than the questionnaires of the same men without dogs. 61% of women stated that a man with a big dog causes their increased interest. On the contrary, what is characteristic, it does not work: female attractiveness does not change with any dogs, nor with the help of cats. The results were published in the scientific journal ANTHROZOÖS.

Facebook is harmful to women

New Zealand scientists decided to keep up with British and proved that Facebook is harmful to women from 30 to 40 years. As Netguide writes, 11 thousand people participated in the study of the University of Auckland, 62.5% of them are women. The age of participants ranged from 18 to 49 years. It turned out that of all the participants of the survey, the least satisfied with their own appearance of a woman aged from 30 to 40 years, from those who use the Facebook. The same who does not enjoy "Facebook" at all are generally more satisfied with their own appearance. However, after 50 years and those and other self-esteem rises again. Now there is a reason to wait for the fortiethly!

Women suffer the strongest, parting with a man who has a sense of humor

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Researchers from Detroit, who published their results in Adaptive Human Behavior and Physiology, proved that the more developed sense of humor in a man, the longer a woman needs to overcome the gap with him. No other quality of a man (physical condition, money, the opera vote or the ability to drive a yacht) did not make women suffer so much when parting.

Actually, PICS.RU thinks that it is not so ridiculous. The sense of humor is invaluable.

Unfortunately, they do not have references to specific scientific publications of reports that British scientists believe:

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  1. A woman is easier to get an orgasm when her legs are warm.
  2. On average, women are worse looking on Wednesday at 15-30.
  3. Women are scratching in 23% of cases less often than men.
  4. Women more often see nightmares and these nightmares are usually worse than male.

Florida University staff conducted research and found out: the more selfie in your account, the greater the chances of breaking with the second half

420 Instagram customers were examined and a significant correlation was revealed between a high percentage of photographs of themselves and problems in personal relationships.

Finally, British scientists have proven that men are stupid women

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In an article published in British Medical Journal in 2014, an analysis was conducted by the sexuality of the Darwin Prize recipients from 1995 to 2014. Of the 318 laureates 282 (that is, 88.7%) were men, and only the remaining 36 (11.3%) - women.

What do you say? Take care of yourself, men.

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