The great people with whom you lived at one time (although it seems that there is no)


It seems that everything is already stolen to us, and you can only touch the museum to the Great, and all the great people have long died. And here is not true! PICS.RU remembered 15 great people who lived quite recently when you were already in a conscious age, and not just let the nose bubbles allowed.

Gabriel Garcia Marquez (1928 - 2014)


Gabriel José de la Concordia "Gábo" Garcia Marquez - Colombian writer, owner of the Nobel Prize in literature "For novels and stories, in which fantasy and reality, combining, reflect the life and conflicts of the whole continent." We infinitely love him for mystical and truly the most magical novel of all the times and peoples "One hundred years of loneliness", which brought him world glory. It seems that he lived a long time ago, but this is not the case - Marquez died in April last year at the age of 86.

Muslim Magomayev (1942 - 2008)


"You never have been light in this city"! "You are my melody"! Magomayev has so many magnificent songs that you can listen to their lifetime. It was called a lot of times working abroad, invited to sing to Berlin and Paris, but he did not think of his life without the USSR. Although he was prohibited from his homeland outside the native Azerbaijan and even brought a criminal case on him. But he still remained. And good. Because Magomayev is beautiful. And, by the way, was very pretty! His name is inextricably linked with the USSR, but he lived until 2008, although he suspended creative activity for 10 years before.

Lyudmila Gurchenko (1935 - 2011)


A woman and a legend that does not need a presentation. Man and steamer, Great Actress, who survived so much attacks and falls, which is enough for a dozen biographies simpler, but Gurchenko is the only one. She survived the years of oblivion, many personal tragedies, once on the set, almost lost his legs, but stood up until the last day retained the resistance of the spirit and only her inherent sense of humor. In addition, I managed to get married 6 times (for the last husband came out at the age of 58) and in general remained beauty. She's all as if from another era, but it was not with us only 3 years.

Jerome David Sallinger (1919 - 2010)


There is a feeling that the book "Above the Great in rye" was always, it is so firmly associated with the classical foreign literature and the lists "necessary for reading all-all-all-all adolescents." Sallinger volunteer took part in hostilities during World War II, a lot and fruitfully worked, but after 1965 he led the recovery lifestyle, wrote "on the table" for himself and did not go anywhere from the house, where he died in 2010 at the age 91 years old. That is, imagine, in 14, you read a book recognized as classic, and its author was still alive and well. Impressive.

Andrei Voznesensky (1933 - 2010)


One of the most famous Russian poets of the 20th century. He was friends with Pasternak, Picasso, Sartreh, hanging out with Bob Dylan and generally led a rather interesting way of life, for which he was strongly unloved by the working and peasant masses, he was even trying to send it from the country, as before the Pasternak himself. It was distinguished by the principal civil position and until the last day it justified her. Died in 2010 from the second stroke.

Tony Curtis (1925 - 2010)


Handsome, playboy and star of the film "In Jazz only girls" (Some IT HOT). By the way, the native father of another Hollywood star - actresses Jamie Lee Curtis. First of all, his name is associated with the magnificent Marilyn Monroe, which in sensations lived a hundred years ago, and Elvis Presley, who, according to rumors, was borrowed from Kurtis his famous hairstyle. A person who hung with Marilyn and Elvis, Kutil in Studio 54 died in 2010 in Las Vegas (well, in fact, where else). He was buried with his favorite things: in the artist's coffin put a hat, a scarf from the fashion house Armani, a couple of gloves, an instance of his favorite literary work - the novel "Anthony Unfortunate" Hervey Allen, as well as an iPhone smartphone. Time Time!

Elizabeth Taylor (1932 - 2011)


The owner of three Oscar premiums, which has become a legend in his life, Queen Hollywood, the first woman, the fee of which was $ 1 million, but we love it primarily for the exceptional sense of humor.

The taste is formed gradually. Twenty years ago I happened to marry men, who now I would not invite to my lunch.

For one of his men, by the way, she got married twice, and there were 8 marriages in her life. In the list of her friends Andy Warholl, Michael Jackson and James Dean. I can not believe that it was not in 2011.

Eduard Hil (1934 - 2012)


He twice survived the great hunger - in the occupation and in his native Smolensk - he entered the printing institute, but finished the conservatory, it was scary in Brazil (Brazil, Zakhar!), He was friends with Yuri Gagarin and Leonid Rockov, the first to see the talent in a young guy by name Lev Leshchenko, lived in emigration in Paris, where he got acquainted with Charlay Aznavour and Mirey Mathieu. In 2010, this amazing person managed to regain the love of listeners of the whole world with the help of the Internet and the turbulent tour and concert activity began to the very end. Eduard Hil died in 2012 in St. Petersburg.

Ray Bradbury (1920 - 2012)


The classic of fantastic literature, although it seems to us that his works are more like philosophical parables, fairy tales and fantasies. We have read books written by Bradbury so long ago, which does not leave the feeling that they were always.

When I was 19 years old, I could not go to College: I was from the poor family. We had no money, so I went to the library. Three days a week I read books. At 27, instead of the university, I graduated from the library.

Ray was an excellent family man - he lived 56 years old in marriage from his beloved Maggie, who dedicated almost all his work. Interestingly, the novel, which brought international glory to the writer - 451 degrees Fahrenheit, - at the same time was published in Playboy magazine.

Margaret Thatcher (1925 - 2013)


The first woman, who became the head of the European state, the first (and is the only one) woman who was the post of Prime Minister of Great Britain, an iron lady and, to all of the time, also Baroness. Tatcher sharply criticized the Soviet Union (because of which during our childhood, her name was not inclined at the domestic TV), brilliantly acted during the Falkland War, and after the resignation, she took up charity, writing memoirs, and, among other things, work on tobacco The company "Philip Morris", seven years old led it the same created by the University of Buckingham. Truly, the historical person, which influenced the course of history, was awarded the monument during his lifetime, but, unfortunately, she died alone, suffering from dementia. It happened only a couple of years ago.

Nelson Mandela (1918 - 2013)


The icon man, the world-famous fighter for human rights, 27 years old from his 95 who were in prison for his convictions, after which the one in the history of the black president of South Africa. At the time of the beginning of the presidency he was 76, by the way. He stood for freedom, he fought with oppressors. He wanted all people to be free. Real people of the world. He died surrounded by a family in 2013.

Mikhail Kalashnikov (1919 - 2013)


Everyone knows about the Kalashnikov machine (even if there are no idea what it looks like), but that his creator lived and he helloed until 2013, few people know. And he lived! He passed the whole war, was seriously injured under Bryansk, but it was in the hospital that he had the idea of ​​creating automatic weapons, so he spent the entire semi-annual rehabilitation course by posting the drawings and charts.

The soldier made a weapon for a soldier. I myself was ordinary and know well the difficulties faced in the soldiers' life ... It is very simple, this machine. But I want to say that it is more difficult to do a simple thing more than complex.

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