How to stop afraid to lose jobs?


Time to buy buckwheat, save on electricity and read the little thing once passed a few years ago and now it came again. This year. Again, it became scary for myself and for loved ones, again it became scary to lose the only source of income - work. Psychologists call not to panic, breathe deeper and learn the joy of today. Well, we - the editors of PICs - listen to them. Because time is.

It is important to understand that our fears and anxieties are a completely managed thing. If you are able to. Not so, of course, so that we want - we are afraid, but we want - no. But at the level more or less afraid - quite. Does it make sense to try to help yourself so that you feel at least a little easier? I think that few people do not want. How to manage fear? I explain. Absolutely any fear, at least about the work, at least about the prosthetic mice is formed in the head as follows. Three-track.
  1. First you need to think about what will happen. Think about the future.
  2. Then you need to see some threatening trouble in this future. Tlen, dust and ruin.
  3. And in conclusion it is necessary to think badly to yourself. That I am such a story that does not know what to do, and I am not able to cope with all this. Ready: A man is sitting, all so nervous, shaking.

We take the first point: look into the future

What can I do? Obviously: to live today. You will say: about the future only the fool does not think. And I will say: But he lives fun. You say: how don't you think about the future? When it thinks. And I will say: Yes, think yourself, why not. Just - try smaller. And more - about the joy of today. Will help.

The second item. These are these troubles that you threaten in your imagination

Other people listen - and you think: what talent disappears! Where does Hollywood look? Golden feather world drama! Shakespeare would read - cried! The number of troubles that can naphantize a person depends primarily from his personal dramatic talent, and it makes sense to figure out - where he is vindicated and afraid of nonsense, and where is really a serious matter. And for this there is a simple rule: do I have any evidence that the frightening really happens? Well, that's all that will be fired from work, I will not find another for six months, you will have to eat one buckwheat and drink to me, I will first look at me, and then swear, and in the end we will die - there is no evidence that Is it all so? And here as far as there is no evidence - so man is afraid of what? That's right: your fantasies. And this is, of course, fascinating. But it does not contribute to the comfort of the soul. Therefore, more adequacy, gentlemen, and take a leaf, handle, and write a list of what we really threaten. Getting rid of these fiction.

And the third point. And the most important at the same time. About this is this "bad to think about yourself"

Our society advises us to "not succumb to", think more modestly, and about others - on the contrary, well, and on this spirit. Then you will be a decent person. As a result, what? A man since childhood is mastering the art of being decent, and sits and thinks to himself: Does I better than others? I'm the same as everything! Such specialists pond prudi! And they will be taken to work so only if you are lucky. Well, attacks man despondency. Because in his thoughts, he can't do anything with his throats. And if a person sat and thought: "Yes, in general, it doesn't matter how they are there! Let them want. It is important that I personally - it's very well done! That is why. And that's therefore. And so now I will think, and since I am well done, then you look, and I will think up! ". And then the person will start not to lose hopelessly, but to think. And something really will come up. Because well, obviously: there is not only the only option for this life - to go to this work and get these money. Seven billion people live without this place where you work now, and somehow come. So, summarize: more live by the joys of today, and less in fantasies. If they naughty horrors - do not forget to check how realistic it was naphtantazed. And if there are valid threats - to stop thinking about how much you have a nicudient creation, the life of which depends on the breeze of the breeze. And start thinking about how you, such a well done, these problems shake.

Sergey Shvaratsky

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