How to find your favorite New Year's gift and do not go crazy?


In fact, the "strong half" of mankind is much more capricious, picky and more than half weak. Although of course they consider otherwise. But we know the truth with you. And we also know that it is easier to kill passages than to give a loved one that he really will reap. Circles of hell, waiting for a good donatel, are familiar with each of us.

Circle 1 - "Guess myself"

How to find your favorite New Year's gift and do not go crazy? 39826_1

Who complains about that these women are impossible to understand? Who declares that a sweet one never speaks straight, but does not happen in vague hints? Hahaha - three times. The average man of the good half of December is silent as partisans in the interrogation. You walk for a long time with circles, and then you ask right in the forehead: "And what do you want for the new year, my happiness", and happiness is silent. Makes such a special person as the cocked spaniel, and silent. And you know perfectly well what it means silence. Does it mean "really you can not guess myself"? I can not, my happiness. Because I am not Wanta, and not Kashpirovsky. And not even the octopus Paul, Lord forgive.

Circle 2 - "I don't need anything"

How to find your favorite New Year's gift and do not go crazy? 39826_2

Here it remembers cute (suddenly !!!) that he is a man, and says categorically and severely: "I don't need anything, I have everything"! Three more times hahaha. Right like this: hahaha, hahaha, "he doesn't need anything," Hahaha. Try to give him "nothing needed," and get a sorrowful breath and eyes, like the baby, who did not give the dog. Sung away, he will be all the New Year holidays and from six months after them, so that you finally realized the depths of your fall, a stingy villain. Therefore, immediately after "I do not need anything," you sigh bitchly, take your feet in your hands and start your fascinating quest "Find something, I don't know what."

Circle 3 - "Razor, Barstie or Tie"

How to find your favorite New Year's gift and do not go crazy? 39826_3

The gifts industry broke away on the aunt, and on Unusek scored wisely. The standard set of "male" gifts is sad, as the abdicated mimosa salad on January 1. Razor, cologne, tie, cufflinks ... (Where will he poke them, will be a poor?). And cough. Kushne, the hell of him ... Cook has a cute so much that, if desired, he could wrap Tutankhamon once so 15 in a row. And in general, does anyone seriously carry this cough, except for the white-covered Dadkov from the photo station? In general, to hell ties and leather visits! We are looking for something specific, right and important to him.

Circle 4. - "Tool"

How to find your favorite New Year's gift and do not go crazy? 39826_4

What could be the best gift than a good working tool? Barguzinsky sable, to be honest, but, alas, you have no choice, baby. Therefore, you are dragging in Obi, to the "For Repair" department. Somewhere there, in the area of ​​the shurtors, you realize that black abyss turned around in front of you. Well, the saw from the drill you, put, distinguish. But how to choose between Makita and Bosha, how to find out what kind of power is needed, and how many turns should this heavy hrenovina do? And in general, what is this hrenovina - where to poke it? Ah, this is the departiousness ... it is what ... it is necessary, but how does the drill look like! Here you are looked around in the hope of helping the sellers, and the feeling of the apocalypse covers you in full. It's time to make a lyrical digression and envy men. Here imagine a man in the underwear department, where he chooses panties for his beloved. It is encountered scented, frozen beauties with gentle smiles. They are twitched, demonstrate a variety of models (sometimes on themselves), flirting. Guria - Pure Guria. Alas, Guri's instruments were not delivered. Shelves with screwdrivers - the habitat of low-speed creatures in vestments with reflectors, looking at how shit on everything that is not a screwdriver. Contact with the guys in the vestments always ends the same. From the soul having heard their "EEE" and "Daaa", you at some second make a decision to take orange! Whatever, but orange. Orange such a very professional color. With Orange, you run on the cashier, then home, then you are lovingly packing "chainsaw" (or what?) In a crunchy foil and wait for the delights of your beloved. And, damn it, instead of gratitude, you get or "offended baby" or indulgent "Well, what can the woman think in chainsaws"?

Circle 5 - "Favorite wants a gadget"

How to find your favorite New Year's gift and do not go crazy? 39826_5

If he wants a tablet or smartphone, it still walked. Although, be sure that the smartphone that he really wants - not the one that seems to you beautiful and high-quality. Most likely, in his dreams there is some android rubbish in a boring black case, with a million stupid functions. And the beautiful expensive brand gadget in the White, which you (for a minute) spent crap, will be "Babskaya useless garbage". Everything. He is sick. Are you sad. Money is spent. The holiday went the shock!

Circle 6 - "Very special thing"

How to find your favorite New Year's gift and do not go crazy? 39826_6

Everything is much worse if the favorite is the IT and all this year I dreamed of Iidishtere 6790-khbkubrbrbr89988 something. Clear thing that you are, as a deeply loving woman, lie on some rumbush, where the arrogant, brazen and something terribly similar to your nice goat speaks you through your teeth. After three hours of torment, you finally get a lined box, stuck with the wires and, pressing it to heart, rush home, hoping on the way that she does not ring somewhere in the subway. You pack in Foil, wait for the kraist. And he changed in his face and cited: "Well, I wanted 6790 - KhBKU, and this is 6790-khbkya. How can you not see the difference? " And you understand - this is, damn, fiasco! Full, his mother, failure. Not only did you give it wrong, now he is still sure that you are a complete sheep, which is not able to distinguish one gray box from the other. Rrrrrrrrrrr.

Circle 7 - "Clothing"

How to find your favorite New Year's gift and do not go crazy? 39826_7

In fact, boys love rages. Dear brand cool raises. They pretend that the above it and they are nice to the boots and Tulup, but the dear jumper, a beautiful club jacket or pieces of high-quality Italian shirts may well deliver a man joy. Again - money will be spent with benefit. So you think, and you buy him the most fashionable cashmere sweater of the most fashionable in the seasale of a mint color. In general, you can already prepare for the expression of the face "And where is my real gift"?, As well as to the fact that this sweater will warm you in the country. And all because "some kind of female color is too feminine," he is scary "and" I love Tulup ".

Circle 8 - "Hobby"

How to find your favorite New Year's gift and do not go crazy? 39826_8

Happiness, happiness, happiness! The loved one has a hobby, and it means you need to run into specialized Labaz, buying something special there - what he has no, and to do it well for the rest of his life. This is the worst hit out of possible! Because all these Hutsul plaids, shaman bubnes, super-black, celery scissors, golf clubs and the wings of the May beetle, firstly scary roads, secondly sell in cunning places in Kulchiki, and in third - one hundred percent not that. And most importantly, it will disappoint it limitless. Because you have just burst into the holy of the saints, there Natoptal, namusoril, spoiled and stand up with a satisfied view, having fluttered with absolutely Loche, ugly, shameful brilliant, which no self-respecting man in his hands takes. In general, you will be lucky if it is not breaking and will not open the veins for celery scissors.

Circle 9 - "Alcohol"

How to find your favorite New Year's gift and do not go crazy? 39826_9

Sooner or later you will come to the department of elite alcohol. After all, a bottle of good Scotch or Armagnaca cannot but please the real man, who your favorite is certainly. And here are two options. Either he understands alcohol, which means everything you choose, will be "not right." Either he is not understandable in alcohol, and your Armagnac will vulgarly dilute a cola or mood to them "Sellish under the fur coat". Yes, and then will look at you with a look of the dying cat and ask "what is it all? Where is my gift? "

The rescue

How to find your favorite New Year's gift and do not go crazy? 39826_10

Exhausted, explotant, hate new year and men you, in the end, buy a chinese helicopter damn. Because helicole is your salvation. And nothing that you gave his minimum three times. The beauty of helicoles is that they break five hours after the donation act. But as many as five hours, the favorite will be delighted. Yes. You hate helicopters with all the soul, because this is at least two broken festards, scattered around the room "Mimosa" and absolute confidence that your cute is an idiot that lived to thirty, and still behaves like a spaniel puppy. But on the other hand, we love them for it.


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