Literary directions. How to distinguish naturalism from realism?


Reading the book, think little, to which literary direction it belongs. Book and book. If only it was interesting. Meanwhile, knowledge is not complicated and useful. It is possible, firstly, if you shine with erudition, and, secondly, learn from the first rows with a large share of the probability to determine - you will like the book or not.


Positive characters are pronounced. Negative - nauseous. Both those and other are logarithmic ruler. By the end of the fifth page, everyone wants to kick them well, because how much, it is possible to talk, it's time to act! Alas. Actions will not. Neither on the fifth page, no one hundred fifth. Dressing monologues about civil debt, copyright notations and a little fresh, as if the boiled bow, love intrigue - that's what Classicism is famous. There will be no bloody murder, nor robbery, nor the transformation of beauty in the vampire. Even from the attic living room heroes will not be moved to the diligence. The canons of classicism prohibit changing the place of action and stretch the events more than one day. But a reasonable, kind and eternal here so much that it is worth reading even the most terrible Misanthropus.
Literary directions. How to distinguish naturalism from realism? 39825_1
What to read? Denis Fonvizin. "Nepal". Classical Russian drama. "I do not want to learn, I want to marry" - it's from there. J.-B. Moliere. "Tartuf". Alphabet of classicism, an ostropolitical topical comedy about a hypocrite priest.


The author (he is often the main character) from the first phrase begins to squeeze a tear from the reader. To do this, he puts characters in the countryside with lambs and lawns, and against the background of this pastoral causes the poor women to suffer. The girls in the sentimental novel are virtuous, chakhotochny and will die soon. The old women are poor, timid and will die too soon. The kids and sheep are prepared the same fate. The narrator himself tormented by unhappy love and full of suicidal thoughts. Most likely, in the final, he also knows what. By the way, the joker "disappeared Malvina My Bride"! Performed by Piero - Sentimentalism, the purest sample. So if you read the book, and "Malvina" spins in your head - this is it the most!
Literary directions. How to distinguish naturalism from realism? 39825_2
What to read? N.M. Karamzin. "Poor Lisa". "And the peasants can love" - ​​it is from there.


The hero of romantic prose is a true hero. Miscellaneous, well and one against everyone. At least three times per page romantic hero fights on swords or pistols. Twice as chapter, he lays poems, seduces the bayader, always a little wounded, slightly loved and darned. In the final, he either exquisitely expires blood along with a loyal horse, or beautifully goes to the bottom with his old good brigant. This chic guy requires the appropriate entourage. Therefore, in a romantic prose, it is full of exotic, like Gypsy tar, Turkish harem and robber vertices. All this is often the author's fiction, because the author himself did not leave the author further, but as shitting! Romanticism is not alien and mystic - in his arsenal a variety of witches, ghosts and Magi.
Literary directions. How to distinguish naturalism from realism? 39825_3
What to read? Actually, the poetry of Lord Byrona himself. M.Yu. Lermontov. "Hero of our time". Walter Scott. "Ivango".

Realism critical

It happens, read any artwork and feel how to wash write in the comments to the text "vital". In this case, most likely, we are dealing with critical realism. Critical realism does not allow author's fiction and finthiphushk. In short, no magicians! Everything should be "truly", without lies, so the authors of this genre have to use fantasy especially skillfully. In general, any life describing, be it sketching blogs or kitchen gossip - critical realism. The best critical realists are granny lavetles. After all, they have so much time to catch up with skill that no Shukshin or Platonov dreamed.
Literary directions. How to distinguish naturalism from realism? 39825_4
What to read? A.P. Chekhov. Stories. A.I. Kuprin. "Duel". MA Sholokhov. "Silent Don".


Naturalism is a realism of Nagish. "Nagishom" and metaphorically, and literally. Sweeping a French kiss, a detailed story about the device of the village Galuna or the description of the process of hanging down the goose - all these signs of the literary direction "Naturalism". However, the hard criteria of naturalism does not exist - after all, someone since childhood examines the medical encyclopedia instead of the "red cap", and someone and "cap" seems too physiological, especially in part of eating an old woman with a wolf. If you personally feel that this time it came out somehow too "vital", if you are not ready to open this book under children - boldly record the works in "Naturalistic" and read when no one sees.
Literary directions. How to distinguish naturalism from realism? 39825_5
What to read? G. Flaubert "Mrs. Bovari" Gi de Maupassant "Cute Friend"


If it seems to you that the author is ill and rassa, then probably in your hands you have a sample of modernism. Do not worry for the author, it is in order (you too). This is how the ill-fated "flow of consciousness" looks like - the main achievement of modernism. It looks like a monologue of the non-nell, but not a sober companion on the train. Thoughts jump. Phrases are broken. Composition is confused. But the damn sounds beautiful and absurd! By the way, absurdity is another sign of modernism. Leading personal blog Labradors, speaking razors, anthropomorphic cockroaches - all this about him. About modernism. A typical hero of modernist literature is recognizable. He is pity and lonely. He hates the whole world, he corresponds to the world reciprocity. He is hero herself as if in early childhood several times attached about the angle of the railway. Only this can justify regular glitches, which the hero accepts reality for the surrounding reality. Do not wait for a good end - everything will be bad.
Literary directions. How to distinguish naturalism from realism? 39825_6
What to read? F. Kafka. "Lock". Ya. Hazhek. "The adventures of the brave soldier Schwejka." G. Hesse. "Game in beads."

Symbolism and aqmeeism

Symbolism is looking in verses - poets often abuse them. After all, the poets certainly need to express their fancy poetic thought through something even more poetic and fright. For example, the idea of ​​freedom of creativity, poets love to express through the verses of birds or water transport. Remember whitewashing sail? And a petrel? Persons are the same symbols, but under the other "better" sauce. Like, the poetry of aqmeist is not so prior. They say, it is more accurate and easier. Well, well ... "Exquisite giraffe wanders." Do you call it easier? We will be honest, not a specialist difference between symbolism and acmeism to see difficult. Therefore, for simplicity, we just offer to remember that Gumilev, Akhmatova and Mandelshtam - Ambamests.
Literary directions. How to distinguish naturalism from realism? 39825_7
What to read? Poem A. Bloka, K. Balmont, A. Akhmatova, N. Gumileva, O. Mandelstam (Early) and in general almost all poetry of the Silver Age.


In the peak of symbols and acmeists with their elegant poems and fading images, futurists cutting, coarsely and instead of sailboats and birds prefer something "jogging." Industrial metaphors - all sorts of "flutes of drainage pipes" and "tram claws" - Favorite Futurist's chips. Still futurists love to invent new words. So, if you hush in the text on some "Mobular", feel free to record the author in futurists.
Literary directions. How to distinguish naturalism from realism? 39825_8
What to read? Poetry V. Mayakovsky, Velimira Khlebnikov and Daniel Harms.


"In the center of the postmodern paradigm, there is an ontological problem" ... do not be afraid. This is a joke. And the joke is postmodernist. It has both self-ironya, and a mockery of the reader, who is unlikely to "master" the zai text, and the stub over absolutely meaningless Zaomu. In short, postmodernism, it is always a parody, sarcasm, black humor and words and sense games. Reading the postmodern thing, you understand that you have already seen everything somewhere. After all, no postmodernist will cost without embedded in the text of famous quotes, all familiar literary heroes, historical characters and other intellectual puzzles. Postmodernism is similar to the endless Matrius - there is always the one that is even less. The main thing is to be able to pull it out. In general, when in the text you will be stumbled at the same time on the Ostap Bender, Snow White, Pinocchio and Bivisa is one hundred percent postmodernism. And for sure, the names of the characters are the most "large matretors". Looking on, wipe deeper. The game with the author in "Catch me, if you can" captures.
Literary directions. How to distinguish naturalism from realism? 39825_9
What to read? Any works of V. Sorokina and V. Pelevin. From Western - almost all literature published from post-war times.

Avant-garde and surrealism

Avant-garde is futurism in an excellent degree. Bassni on toilet paper. Story, dusted on the back of the author. A story consisting of some interjections and other Perfomans, looking at which a creative person suddenly realizes - life live in vain, and fifteen novels published - Graphoman nonsense. A sensible person familiarized himself with the masterpieces of the avant-garde, first scratching in the back of the head, and then he asks something lonely on "read." Yes, even "war and world." Approximately the same reaction occurs from the average reader and on surrealistic poetry and prose. Because the "automatic letter", which surrealism is famous, the test is not for the faint of heart. The author-surrealist ruthlessly chips on the reader all the garbage of his subconscious, trying not to "spoil" the text with the mind. Plot? Heroes? Independent metaphors? Logically completed episodes? What are you speaking about! This is suro!
Literary directions. How to distinguish naturalism from realism? 39825_10
What to read? Poems of apolliner. They are wonderful!

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