10 advantages of strict education


Nowadays, by default, it is believed that children are strict moms and dads grow by complex monsters and perfectionists. But these people and they rule the world, so let them say "thanks" to parents.

Do not approve

Even sucking a little - not an option. Immediately before your eyes, a mother appears with the pursed lips and a nonlasky question: "It doesn't matter that the whole class is" three ", you explain why you have" four "?". Therefore, in adult life, you are all doing on "five". Pure automatically.

What do you do?

Strict parents set reliable fear of laziness and procrastination. Therefore, the grown children are rarely reading the morning Faisbook, then to sleep work.

Best university

Well, or one of the best. And on the budget. And there are such beautiful people that it is absolutely impossible to imagine life without them. But these friends would not have, we would have done on the default in the threshing technique under the Ministry of Increased.

You are a virtuoso liar

From a moral point of view, this is, of course, dubious dignity, but with the vital - an invaluable bonus.

You do not smoke

And drink very little. And if you suddenly smoked and drank, breaking free, then it was not for long. Because drinking and smoking is harmful, you are sure your extruded subconscious. And it, by the way, is completely right. And you still have some sporty discharge and you do not gnaw nails.


But your friends who drink and smoke, without you - as without hands. Because it is you - the very bright angel who says: "You already have enough" and causes a taxi.


What is it?

Sweet Home.

In your home clean. Not when guests are going to visit you, and not when it suddenly becomes nothing to eat, and always. You do not even notice how you wash the plate immediately after you ate dinner. The fact that for other "home cautor", for you - "Conditional Reflex". Or even unconditional, do biologists forgive us.

Built-in scanner

Parents under a microscope considered all your school friends, explaining why it was with this boy and here it's not worth friends with this girl. You are understandable, offended and still friendly. But then suddenly discovered that the parents were not so mistaken. This inner radar was repeatedly useful to you in life.


Whenever you came home, you still wash the cosmetics, but only then you will fall and die until next afternoon.

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