Short novel or strong relationship: how to determine the outcome at the beginning of dating


Short novel or strong relationship: how to determine the outcome at the beginning of dating 39807_1

Entering new relationships, we feel both excitement and fears. We are afraid that we will give much time and interest to another person or nothing will happen, and we will suffer. However, there are questions that can help understand whether our relationship is permanent or just coming. What does it indicate that people on the right track to build a long, happy relationship?

At the beginning, it is difficult to determine how to develop further acquaintance with anyone. According to scientists, in order to determine how his further fate will go, 15 joint activities are needed, such as entering the party, concert, dinner or departure. After these experiences, the passion for another person reaches a high level, then it either begins to fall, leading to separation, or the relationship between partners is growing and forms relations.

Accept shortcomings

Various behavior and attitude also have a crucial impact on success in relations between people. It is very important how we perceive ourselves in relation to another person. On the one hand, we intuitively want our partner to see in us the best, and on the other hand, we expect that we can be ourselves, and our drawbacks will be accepted.

The proximity between two people is increasing when we are aware of our drawbacks. As a result, we accept them, and, nevertheless, do not refuse relationships. Scientists believe that the path from which it will go from the stage of idealization to real, will prove how partners feel comfortable with each other. If partners feel comfortable over time and the greatest hobbies, the relationship will continue.

According to studies conducted with the participation of newlyweds, those who emphasize how much they are similar to each other are more satisfied with relationships. Recognition of similarities indicates the durability of relations. The similarity between partners is necessary to maintain long-term relationships. The principle of "attraction of opposites" works when it comes to short-term relationships. Clarkvest (2007) proved that when spouses are similar from the point of view of education and relationships, the risk of divorce decreases.

Hidden relationships

The quality and duration of our relations also affect the so-called hidden relationships. The fact is that thanks to the experience and associations of the past, we automatically and unconsciously accept relationships with another person. What reflects our feelings, among other things, smile, visual contact or voice tone. According to researchers, the more positive hidden installations in relation to the partner, the safest style of attachment in these relationships.

A study was conducted, which demanded the rapid choice of emotionally charged words based on photographs shown by the partner. A quick response with positive words indicates a positive attitude to the partner. And those who had a positive attitude towards each other reported the smaller number of problems in relationship over time.

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