What do we love dads?


There are many things in the world for which you can say "here thanks, that's this class!" Only him, your parent!

He is the biggest and strong in the world. He easily drives the terrible monsters from the dark room if the teddy bear is temporarily on vacation.

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At the same time, dad is very similar to the hedgehog. Perhaps dads from them and occurred.

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And the dad is the coolest of all the types of horses, because when you ride on his neck, and the review is better, and you can steer behind your ears!

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Dad can subsend above the mountains right into the sky, and you are flying! Mom with grandmother - Corvalol at the expense of the institution.

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Even the boring case of the type of charging with dad can become fascinating.

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Dad knows the lot in fashion, although it hides it to not offend mom. Yes, he can fasten the hood on the heel. Yes, he may fall in an unequal battle with a cunning sock. But then in the kindergarten you are a star of the day, Furore is provided.

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Unlike Mom, dad not only does not shout when you experiment with image, but can actively contribute to.

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The secret Super Secret Organization "Dad and Sons" (or Daughter) is able to turn such exciting operations as "ice cream, although it is impossible, but a little possible, only, TCC, ME is not a word."

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Any manual work with mom comes out more correctly, but with dad much more fun.

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The Law of Nature: If you catch a fish with the father and sometimes turn away, for some reason you still come across the biggest! And dad is very funny.

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Dad is indispensable in the campaign, because not only knows how to dry the fire and drag the tired fighters, but also knows that wash tomatoes and hands is absolutely not necessary!

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From Pope you will never hear that the sand is raw, the ground is cold, and from the stream blows.

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There is a lot of dads, and therefore it is possible to bury it for a long time, not that small sister.

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"Better is better in dad: dad soft - it will forgive!" - It is said at the classic ... and tested by numerous field tests!

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If you put on my dad with a ball, it will not be done too. Moreover, it is possible to easily apply the acceptances of the "sticking on the attacker" and "footboard".

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Dad is scary smart, everything knows. It is capable of defeating even Xers for the second class. When the dad will be tested to explain, he will just decide for you.

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Dad surrounds himself interesting things - especially in order to sometimes give you to push and twist!

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Dad can wet monsters. For some reason, the moms practically do not possess such abilities.

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Dad can be a sheriff, but for the sake of you will not refuse to visit and dangerous villain, whom they will soon win and sentence to shooting at the Big Holes.

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Nature so wisely arranged that you love to ride, and dad - sloying. And on the contrary, you try - so wise nature says that Nifiga, Comrade Dad, Slantia and catch it!

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It seems that it is not only we want to be similar. He even Santa Claus himself is trying to imitate. And daddy's voice, at least he gets to copy very much!

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