5 vodka-based cocktails to relieve autumn decent


In recent years, myxology has reached a practically level of art, and, which is especially pleasant, Russian drinks, brands and bangders play a far from the last role. We collected 5 steep cocktails based on vodka, which will help you not only feel all the completeness of spiritual cracks, but also make this autumn truly cool.

White Russian

One of the classic cocktails known for all 5 continents. It is noteworthy that he is much more popular than his fellow - "Black Russian", in which the coffee liquor is included in addition to vodka. According to legend, he first appeared in 1949, but at the end of the 60s in California, the cream began to add to it, and the film of the Koenov Big Lebovsky brothers finally secured the "White Russian" cocktail in the status of cult. By the way, "Russian" it is called exclusively due to vodka.


  • Vodka - 45 ml
  • Coffee liquor - 25 ml
  • Cream - 40 ml
  • Sugar syrup - 3 ml
  • Cocoa - 2 g


  • Vodka and liquor mix in a glap with ice to cool. Beat in a cream shaker with sugar syrup.
  • Pour vodka with a liqueur into a glass of iceless. Add whipped cream. Sprinkle cocoa.
  • NB! The dude in the "Big Lebovski" put in a cocktail ice, but without ice, much more tastier.



Cocktail, entered our life together with Manolo Blahnik, New York and Carrie Bredshow. A rare girl did not try this beautiful and rather strong mixture, which is served in an elegant wineglass. But in fact, this cocktail was prepared at the beginning of the 20th century on Gin and the raspberry syrup, then he was forgotten, but his truly triumphal return took place in 1996, when in the Rainbow Room bar on the 35th floor of the Rockefeller-Center he tried him and High appreciated Madonna herself. Well, then the story you know: "Sex in the Big City", Sarah-Jessica Parker and World Glory.


  • Kuanto - 15 ml
  • Vodka - 40 ml
  • Lyme juice - 15 ml
  • Cranberry juice - 30 ml
  • Lemonna Zedra - to taste


  • In the shaker with ice pour all the components. Carefully shake and pour into a cocktail glass.
  • Decorate the lemon zide.


The cocktail was invented on KaZantipe at the beginning of zero. Why is it called this way, the story is silent, however, it relies, tilting a glass, loudly knock her on the bar stand and exclaim "the canal!" or "Thousand features!". Some offer the option "Zenit - Champion!", But this is, how to say, an amateur. Cocktail turns, strong and provoking dancing, fun and new acquaintances. In short, we recommend!


  • Vodka - 20 ml
  • Grenadines - 20 ml
  • Tabasco - 2 ml


  • In the Shot to pour the Grenadine, follow - very neatly! - Vodka, and finally drop tobasco.

Vodka Martini

For some reason, it is considered the official cocktail of James Bond, although in the original book version the composition of this slaughter mixture also includes gin. But the famous "mix, but not to bother" - not a climbing phrase, but is quite the choice of a method of making a cocktail. We are talking about mixing the ingredients in a glass or shake in a shaker. In theory, it is not forbidden to do so, and so, we choose the classic version.


  • Vodka - 60 ml
  • Dry vermouth - 10 ml
  • Olives - 2-3 pcs
  • Salt - chipotch
  • Zedra Orange - pinch


  • A glass for mixing to fill ice cubes, pour vodka and vermouth, mix and add a pinch of salt.
  • Pour a cocktail into a cooled glass for feeding, slightly squeeze the zest. Decorate with olives on a skewer and zest and serve.
  • NB! Olives for this, and for all cocktails in general, you need to take only large, with a bone. It is more convenient without a bone - but they have less tastes at times.

Beluga's Golden Lock

Witek Wojaczek_2.

This cocktail can not be sought in desktop books Bangtenders - this is a real work of art that will be guaranteed to become a classic. Mix came up with the Bartender of London BEAUFORT BAR Hotel Savoy in London Vitec Nipimamek during the competition for the title of Ambassador Brand Beluga for 2018 and the best Bangpender according to the international bartender program Beluga Signature, the final of which was held last week in St. Petersburg. As a final competitive task, participants were asked to create special cocktails to snacks based on Beluga vodka, proposed by the Four Seasons Matteo Guida chef. The winner created "Beluga's Golden Lock" to the oysters, which fully reflected the concept of a given topic of the Grand Finale. In short, join the story that is going on right now!


  • Beluga TRANSATLANTIC - 60 ml
  • Sherry - 30 ml
  • Beluga Hunting Berry - 25 ml
  • Raspberry syrup - 15 ml
  • Salt - chipotch


  • In the shaker with ice pour all the components. Carefully shake and pour into roks with three ice cubes. Decorate the lemon zide.

Illustrations: Shutterstock, Beluga press service

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