10 Your terrible disadvantages from which men are dragged. In gifs


We are not without flaw. We do not know that you yourself think about your shortcomings, but for the men at least 10 of them very much. Check and make adjustments to your plan of self-improvement. Well, if not for them, beloved, then at least for yourself.

For detrunities

10 Your terrible disadvantages from which men are dragged. In gifs 39788_1

There is nothing more temporary than a serious woman who has written on his forehead that everything around the woodpecker, which it would be time to grow up. The girls who know how to fool and do not stick to the complexity of life - the present treasure.

Little breasts

10 Your terrible disadvantages from which men are dragged. In gifs 39788_2

The first size like men no less than the fifth. And certainly no less than the fourth. Or any other. The main thing is that the chest in principle occur to be. Even among the porn actress, fully owners of the first size, and no one dismisses them for the uniform. Statistics. Meanwhile, says that the chest size with a airship attracts mainly adolescents, and older men prefer something less awkhann.


10 Your terrible disadvantages from which men are dragged. In gifs 39788_3

According to polls, for most men aged 20 to 45, the mind is included in the TOR-5 of the most attractive female qualities. Charm, what a fool after the hormonal tsunami rolls back, invariably turn into horror of which fools, but with smart, such dramatic metamorphosis does not occur. It should be noted here that you can be smart and clever - all the same different things. The second option does not like anyone and under any circumstances.


10 Your terrible disadvantages from which men are dragged. In gifs 39788_4

Fashion on the muscular fifth point Most men are very sad. Good news for Brazilian travel agencies and girls with an impressive derer.

Jeans with a T-shirt

10 Your terrible disadvantages from which men are dragged. In gifs 39788_5

Men still hardly distinguish last year's collection from the last year. It is desirable for them that clothes are slightly tightened, did not interfere with you move and understood it. Everything. In this sense, the clothes that ignore the very fact of the presence of trend-branded balalalak is ideal. And many find girls who dress in the style "so that it is convenient" with cute, attractive and, in general, light on the rise.

# Zhvetva

10 Your terrible disadvantages from which men are dragged. In gifs 39788_6

Lady should eat like a bird? Well, if the lady is pulled into the corset, then, yes, otherwise it will not work. But in fact, men like women who will shit down with appetite. Network of restaurants T.G.I. Friday's conducted a study that has shown that about a third of the men are ready to disappear on the girl who eats something like ribs or burger and licks the sauce from the fingers. Urcha.


10 Your terrible disadvantages from which men are dragged. In gifs 39788_7

There is nothing to discuss. Freckles - good, happiness and clean eroticism.

White Swimwear Traces

10 Your terrible disadvantages from which men are dragged. In gifs 39788_8

Another wild attractive thing, which hints - all these treasures that covered the swimsuit, not everyone can see.


10 Your terrible disadvantages from which men are dragged. In gifs 39788_9

The idea of ​​a woman as a gentle ephemeral being, which for peace around the world, arose to the Victorian era. Ignoring facts, the great minds of that time wrote treatises that women essentially almost an angels and any violence them alien. They and female orgasm considered pathology, by the way. To play by this long ago, I somehow strange uncle today. Most men - namely 66% - respects girls who can defend their rights and Vitiyevato to send in the ass. 14% even delighted with those who can physically enable opponent.


10 Your terrible disadvantages from which men are dragged. In gifs 39788_10

In reasonable limits, of course. But Miss Holly Golaytley, living in the surroundings of the dawns from the cardboard boxes, is still much prettier than the housewife - Kamikadze, which with the scream "Banzai!" Throws on every dust and holds the house collection of disinfectants.

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