Christmas fortune telling


From the February 7 to 19 January, the shints should be guess. Who is supposed? When is it? This is the tenth business. Our task with you is to spend this mystical period in all senses with benefit and pleasure!

I wonder on threads

Each of the present girls cuts off the coil thread of a certain length (all the threads should be the same), then the girls simultaneously ignite their threads from one candle. Who caught the thread to the end of the first one and will marry the first to marry. Further look at odds. If the thread went out, not dogores and up to half - then you should not despair. It used to argue that the short-reaching thread means loneliness. Now it is believed that, most likely, the narrowed will be a foreigner.

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Guessing on the matches

Everything is simple. One match is you, another match - a young man about which you intend to know everything. Gilt the matches simultaneously and hold them next, until they roast. If the matches turned the heads to each other - everything will be fine with him, if, on the contrary, they turned away - so he needs. Fool himself.

We guess in the waters

At midnight you go out into the street, carefully pass around the fresh snow, leaving the chain of traces, and then go home and sleep. With dawn, you can check that there with traces. If no one has flooded them - the husband will be a convict and non-conflict. And if you flooded, then your marriage will be emotionally saturated. Wrong, make it up, quarrel, make it up. Nervously, but not boring.

I guess in the wind

And again at midnight (but what else?) You need to go outside and throw a handful of snow against the wind. If the snow arrives in your face, then the narrowed one will be a young strong handsome. If the snowflakes scatter on the sides, then you are married to a person solid, wealthy, but perhaps not too young.

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We guess on the side of the world

We take and throw a shoe or a shoe in the window (only carefully - the passers-by would not bother) or just through any obstacle, even through a snowdrift. And then we look into what direction to look sock shoes. It looks south - to be married to Yazhin, north - for harsh Viking, and so on. In general, practice in advance, and try to do without Grinders: kill - we will plant.


Before bedtime, we pour into a glass of water, there we also put a pinch of salt and speak loud the following magic words: "Who is my narrowed, who is my oakham, give me to drink!" In a dream, the narrowed-rude will certainly appear and offcoming the same glass. With salt, the main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise you wake up Chinese in the morning.

Divination by calcination

Before bedtime under the pillow, a comb was putting a comb, accompanied by the next magic phrase: "Daughty my rich! Come and make me braids! " In the morning, the "narrowed" can be on the calculation. Very comfortable fortune telling: You can stop to stop the brunettes (if the hair is light), blondes (if dark) and bald (if nothing turned out on the calculation).

Wedding ring fortune telling

For fortune telling a glass glass is taken, filled with three quarters with water, and then the wedding ring is slowly lowered into the water (take time at the girlfriends). And then you need to look closely inside the ring and at some point the image of the future spouse will appear in it. If a timely drink this case is a liqueur or mulled wine, there is a chance to see a small army of future husbands (we checked, yes!).

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Divination in the pan

For this fortune telling, a frying pan and a mother, which does not suspect about anything. We put a frying pan under the mother's bed, then we go to my bedroom and dramatically whispering "Daughty-dressed, come to the mother-in-law of pancakes." In the morning we run to my mother and discharge for her details of her dreams. The one whom Mom saw in a dream is most likely your future husband. The main thing is that Mom did not find a frying pan, did not guessed about your matrimonial dreams and did not attempt to joke on you.

Fortune telling on mirrors

You can guess on the mirrors only after midnight. For the ritual, courage, calm and two mirrors will be required, with one of them must be twice or three times more than the other. Mirrors are set against each other so that the "Mirror Corridor" formed. Light candles are put on the sides of the small mirror. Next, you need to sit down behind a small mirror and stare in a big one, to the end of the "mirror corridor", from where it will appear. He will go on the corridor to you and here it is necessary not to squeeze and run away (and the fortune telling it is really a crazy) and calmly throw on a small mirror in advance the pre-cooked pure handkerchief.

Fortune telling by Polenu

Excellent and very simple country divination. It is necessary to pull out the first crashed from the lunite with closed eyes, to drag it into the house and the configuration is already determined that you will get for your husband. Large Polyse - Husband will be healthy and strong. Cryption mustache - so-so hubby. Log with bitch - to be a lot of mommy. In general, you, before you take, it is better to finish the woods first. And then you never know what.

Fortune telling for the floor of the future child

You need to take a wedding ring, tie it on a thread and omit into a glass, filled with water so that the ring does not concern the surface of the water but it was inside a glass. And then you need to mentally ask a question about the floor of the future child and wait. The ring will start or spinless (it means there will be a girl) or move to the manner of the pendulum (it means there will be a boy). If the ring is not moving, then there is no answer to your question. We try further.

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Divination for the quality of life in marriage

In a bowl, a saucer or boots, objects are put on, and then the gadget girls blindly choose them. The choice of the item symbolizes the future life: an angle or ash - a bad life, sugar - sweet life, a ring - an ambulance wedding, a bulb - to tears, a glass - fun, a gold serving - wealth, an iPod - to ipad and so on.

Divination by cards

Before bedtime, they put a four kings under the pillow and say: "Who is my narrowed, who is my dazzhah, that you dream in a dream." If you dream the peak king - the groom will be an old man and jealous, the King of Chervoy symbolizes the husband of a rich, cross - military or police officer (in general, a man in bulk), and the Bubnov says that your husband will be young and beautiful.

Fortune telling at wax

Melt the wax in the circle, pour milk in a saucer and put an apartment or at home at the threshold. Say the following words: "The house, my owner, come under the threshold to drink milk, eating wax." With the last words, pour the melted wax into the milk. And then look what happened. If you see the frozen cross, then it is alas, to diseases or losses. If the wax blooms the flower - then it is fortunately in personal life. If the beast appears, be careful: you have an enemy. If the wax flows strips, then the move will happen soon, but will fall as an asterisk - wait good luck in the affairs. In general, do not limit yourself. Fantasize!

By the name of the passage

Run away at midnight to the street and ask the name from the first oncoming. That is how your narrowed, exactly so it will be beautiful and rich. It's very easy here: it's not worth running to the naval, but the area of ​​luxury newstores is our everything.

Simple and cute fortune telling with a cat

Make a desire, call your cat. If she crosses the threshold of the room with the left paw, the desire will come true. If right - not destined. If both are called again.

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