Skulls, penises, radish and 9 more reasons to pull out!


If you are tired of the new year and Easter and you want fire and fun, then catch the guide on the most strange holidays in the world. You give skulls, penises and Redis instead of the boning Olivier and Mandarins with champagne! Hop Hay-Lalalai!

Festival of Mud (Korea)


Every summer on the largest beach of Korea - Tachhon, the province of Chunchon-Namdo, the city of Porn - there is no little marine mud festival. It turns out that black marine dirt, which is abundant and aging can be expected on the coast, has healing properties, treats diseases and is scary efficient to care for the skin. In our opinion, it all does not matter - do you imagine how cool is fully revealed in the mud? The organizers build mud baths, slides, arrange battles in the mud (Iiiii!) And painting on the body of multicolored mud, and in the evenings, as a rule, fireworks, dancing and dirty bush. We already pack suitcases!

Night of radishes (Mexico)


Remember this date - December 23. It was this winter evening in the city of Ohcha-de-Suarez, the strangest vegetable festival is held - Noche de Rabanos. The history of the holiday is rooted in the XIX century, when enterprising Spaniards decided to use the territory died in the Indians to use under the landing of radishes. The soil turned out to be rocky and with a large number of rubble, but suddenly the rooteplood showed vitality and resistance: the seeds fell into the ground and, sprouting between the stones, took the strangest appearance. In this we saw the divine fishery and let's celebrate! Now the sculptures, figures of people and whole biblical plots are cut out of radishes, but the works of nature itself, which reach the half-meter in length and three kilograms of weight, are still especially appreciated. MONSTRUAL RADECT!

Faceted Stacan Day (Russia)


It would be surprising if in Russia did not come up with a holiday dedicated to the faceted glass. Many still consider it a joke and an excess occasion to drink, but the holiday really exists and is celebrated every year on September 11. The mystery of the origin of the faceted glass is covered with darkness: someone thinks that he came up with Vera Mukhin (the one who "working and collective farmers"), someone - that the glazers in Peter I, someone - that the glass was invented in Gus-Crystal The first glass factory in the XVIII century. Anyway, the glass was widespread in Soviet years and was used everywhere for drinking alcohol, as well as a measure of volume, for example. Any Soviet hostess knew that a faceted glass was exactly 200 ml.

Day of steak and blowjob (USA)


Male response Fly commercial romantic vanilla on Valentine's Day is celebrated on March 14. The idea of ​​the holiday is that in February, men give women here these all teddy bears, hearts, flowers, and in return in March they get a piece of excellent meat and blowjob. Well, at least, dreaming is not harmful!

Penis Festival (Japan)


On the first Sunday of April, residents of the Japanese town of Kowasaki are held by the Festival of Iron Penisov - Kanamara Matsouri. The main celebrations pass in the Kanama temple. Initially, in the XVII century, it was a holiday of prostitutes, who asked for the shrines of protection from the STD, in particular from Syphilis (in the main temple of the city, Yeah, strange these Japanese!) According to the legend, one day the demon settled in the vagina of the Young Virgin and bit off the penis two Her grooms right in the wedding night (probably still in different marriage nights ...), but the girl was not confused and asked the local blacksmith to forge the iron phallus, about which the demon in the end broke his teeth and died in terrible torment. Today, a huge member of 2.5m height is the main symbol of the holiday, which with honors endure from the temple on their shoulders transvestites in the Divine Palankin. In addition, souvenirs and treatments are sold everywhere in the form of phallos of different sizes, and all income goes to the organization to combat HIV.

Burning Man (USA) Festival


Let's start with the fact that the literal translation of this eight-day madness in Nevada literally means "burning man." The festival begins on the first Monday of August in the Black Rock desert. Participants are building fantastic works of contemporary art (if they do not like it - burn!), It goes in costumes of people, animals, alien invaders and in every way radically express themselves. There is a separate musical program, every year everything is cooler, and the culmination becomes ritual burning of a huge person on Saturday. It is important that each participant must take care of his own liability and not to leave any garbage. Tickets not to get, and last year, Fest visited nearly 100,000 people.

La Tomatina (Spain)


The weekly festival in the Spanish town of Bunol (Valencia), the main event of which the Grand Tomatural Bare for which more than 1,000 tons of tomatoes is specifically brought. It is noteworthy that the festival is much more popular among tourists than among the locals who are a little more than 9,000 people. In the last week of August, almost 50,000 curious from all over the world come to the festival, fairs, fireworks, parades, dancing, salute, and all that the soul, but are known, but are known to the subimidor battle, first of all, are prisoner. The festival is held in honor of the patron saint of the city of Saint Louis Bertrão (San Luis Bertràn) and the Mare De Déu Dels Desemparats).

Las Fallas (Spain)


In Spain, you know a sense in flights! In March (from 14 to 19 people), all in the same Valencia is held a five-day fiery festival Las Fallas - the holiday of the Spring meeting. Historically, researchers believe, it was a professional festival of carpenters, which were burned by unnecessary due to an increase in the light day of the stand for lamps, but then all the inhabitants of Valencia were drawn away, where the most large-scale events are held. The main symbol of the festival is gigantic dolls, ridiculeling human virtues and vices, which are then burned. And in general, on the festival, the mad number of Petard, Fireworks and those Fallas are harvested, which means "torches" in translating.

Skull Day (Bolivia)


In Bolivia, strange relationships with death. Thus, annually across the country, the day of the skulls is celebrated when in the houses and on the streets are decorated with the remains of loved ones - dried, covered with varnish and painting the skulls of the dead, and the main celebrations take place on the largest cemetery of the city of La Pass. Turtles give flowers and sweets and ask to bring good luck in the coming year, in addition, the Bolivians worship the goddess of death together and believe that it is she protects them from all adversity. This strange custom is rooted in the tradition of the Indian tribes of Kechua and Aimar, who fucked their departed in the first anniversary of death. At first, such behavior condemned the Catholic Church, but I had to accept. Thank you for even the dead have ceased to cancel.

Dead Day (South America)


One of the largest pagan holidays, passing at the same time in Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras and Salvador on November 1 and 2. This day was celebrated by the ancient Indians Maya and Aztec, and in the period before the Spanish colonization, to keep the deceased skull in the houses. On this day, people come to the cemetery to communicate with their dead relatives and loved ones, build altars for whom they collect personal things for the dead throughout the year, drink, eat, and in the evening they are having fun, because death is the path to resurrection And they should not be afraid at all. Gloomy, but terribly interesting.

Holi Color Festival (India)


Annual Hindu Spring Festival is bright, colorful and very cheerful. Also known as Phagwah or BROZPURI. Something similar to our carnival: the culmination of the holiday becomes a burning Demonians of Holiki - the opponents of God Vishnu (the Supreme Divine, which is part of the sacred triad, together with Brahma and Shiviva), and he is celebrated 2-3 days in late February-early March. On the first day of the festival, the festival goes along the coals, they chase cattle through fires and, in fact, harp holik, and in the second - they arrange a march and parade, sprinkling each other with a colored powder, spraying with paints and dirt. In some regions, joyful orgies are arranged, it is possible that the traditional drink of the holiday is facilitated - the tandai containing a small amount of marijuana.

Festival Monslam


The Great Spring Prayer Festival, who marks the crushing victory of the Buddha over rage, greed and anger. One of the oldest and most significant holidays in Tibetan Buddhism. Every year there are thousands of monks for reading prayers and committing religious rituals. The monks make traditional Tibetan dances with masks (cham), and the ritual of the offering of huge pies (brands), decorated with very skilful sculptures of oil. On the 15th day - the oil lamp festival (Chung Chop), during which Dalai Lama comes to the Temple of Jokang and holds Buddhist service. Everywhere is angry with countless lamps, and the Barkhor Square in front of Jokang turns into an exhibition of huge brands, which then at the end of the festival are burned on fire. It is noteworthy that during ritual rites, the monks can not budge. Once the temperature dropped to -27 and began a blizzard, but all the rites were still committed in full.

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