5 films with ghosts, after which something will not sleep


If you kind of like a lark and nights are not sleeping with difficulty, but right now I gained the work that you need to finish right away by the morning, seem to see her day and night, then you will save you from drowsiness?

No, not coffee. A very strong horror movie. We picked up to you a bowl, you can thank candy with thanks.

100 feet

Eric Ed, 2008


Money Marnie translated under house arrest. An electronic bracelet is fixed on its ankle, which follows that it does not go beyond the circumference with a radius of 100 feet. And I really want to go out: in the house of Marnya meets the ghost of the late man.

Sadist and Tyrant during his lifetime, he and after death intends to establish his right to mock marnie and cripple it. And maybe kill.

Ghosts fight well when you have a team of friends. But when you are in the eyes of others - just a murderer (and what a difference, why did you go for a crime), all from you turn away. Even the most native and relatives. Again, as in life, you are one on one with your tormentor. Only this time his attempt to turn you into nothing can turn into success.

Forest ghosts

Jason task, 2015


Natalie Dermer is one of the most interesting actresses of the new generation. She already marked brightly in Fantasy (Queen Marghery in the "Game of Thrones") and fiction (Crasress in "Hungry Games"), now we have a mysticism and ... at once two roles. Natalie plays the sisters twin, one of which disappeared in the Japanese suicide forest, and the second flew to look for her.

Against the background of this film, the previous one was a snack. Ghosts (not just ghosts, and Yurai, a special Japanese of their grade) will be very, very much, and the Japanese knows how to scare people before losing the pulse. Of course, the "forest" was created not the Japanese, but the folklore was used by them.

So, Sarah Plyus receives a message that her sister, Jess Pryce, a teacher in Tokyo, disappeared. Only one thing is known - Jess went to the local suicide forest. But Sarah feels that the sister is alive, and urgently crashes on her searches.

Paris - the city of Dead

John Eric Daela, 2014


Father Scarlett all his life was looking for traces of a philosophical stone created by the medieval alchemist Nicolas Flamelev. Once he came to such despair, which hanged himself. Then Scarlett decided to continue his business.

The trail to which she managed to attack leads to the catacombs under Paris. Scarlett joins the teams of Digger, and their descent is increasingly reminding the descent on the circles of hell, the road to which is removed by the feeling of guilt of each of them.

There is only one way to survive - really find a philosopher's stone.

Ridge devil

Guillermo Del Toro, 2001


More sinister heroes of the thriller than little girls, there can be only a crowd of Krapivinsky boys. I am not kidding, in this film, the action of which is happening in Spain during the Civil War, half of the personnel can be used as illustrations to the Material of Patriotic Children's Fiction. Even one tortured hooligan Patzaneok is.

In the center of the plot - events in almost isolated from the world in the wilderness shelter for boys. Among the usual orphans here are hiding sons of Republicans. One of them was just brought, and he faces that attracts the attention of the local ghost.

In the meantime, a bomb falls into the yard and does not explode. Well, for the time being. After all, in good cinema, every gun from the first act will shoot in the latter. No, do not strain, no "and everyone died" will not. The whole horror, of course, in violence, which prevails between the various-age boys in such establishments. And in ghosts. It only seems first that he is in the picture one.


Nick Murphy, 2011


Another film for lovers of stories about boys and shorts (we all, in the end, come from childhood and looking for that, why did the goosebumps once run on the back, and so that it was still a mural, otherwise we grew up).

Britain, 1921. Florence Katkart studies and exposes supernatural phenomena throughout the country. One day she is invited to tame the ghost to school for boys.

A coast behind the twist girl unlocks the story of one violence to discover the other and deal with ghosts, their own and others.

Text author: Lilith Mazikina

Illustrations: Frames from movies

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