How to keep the sacrament of a female body? 8 loyal ways


Modern life in a big city and a small joint apartment does not give a woman space for maneuver - she is constantly all in love. Well, how to stay languid and mysterious, if the sound of the water was washed in the toilet right away, what did you do there? But we just do not give up. Here are our recommendations, how to preserve the sacrament of the female body. We are serious.

Change in another room


Everyone knows that an unprepared man, seeing a woman without cosmetics, Push-Apa and pulling cowards, flows into poorly controlled psychosis and is generally nervous. So do not traumat the gentle male psyche - change only in another room and you are ready for it ready and painted, scent roses and quoting Shakespeare in the original. He can, of course, to indignant that you are already late for two and a half hours, but you know the quoting Shakespeare -Muzhiki love beautiful and educated.

Mask, I know you


If you want to make a mask from whale poop and Katsius seeds, which, as you know, contribute to rejuvenation and a good color of the face, then barricatize in the bathroom and under the fear of the death penalty do not come out from there until you smash the devilish mixture. The story knows the cases when one boy saw his girl in a mask and was so frightened that he gave her all his money and escaped. A good result, of course, but she was counting on a wedding.

Sleep in pajamas


The woman should be a mystery, so the Lord wants to sleep in shorts or - oh, horror! - naked. Only pajamas will give you a unique mysterious flaple and save from the cooling of married feelings. It is desirable that the pajamas is flannel, antisexual, long sleeve. Then, if you suddenly decide to hit a man with your naked in nature, he will admire that he smelled to an unearthly passion without going off and offered you a hand, heart and fill in addition. He sleeps and sees how your ardent depraved heart beats under flannel flowers.

Be Faee


Let him think that you are not bubbing and do not cake, you do not have snot, but you eat only with floral pollen and sunlight. You never, hear, never hurts anything! Maximum - head, but only for him to realize that you do not mind sex, but you want him to overcome. If you feel that a vague cold is sinking or what is more likely, you're immediately and go to "visit the sick mom." It doesn't matter that she is with a new lover (or mistress?) In Thailand, you're a fairy, you can all!

Be migid


He must guess himself what you like in sex. To do anything all these conversations, he will know too much about you, will cease to be lined and will ultimately leave! Therefore, the mystery and only a riddle! In the extreme case, the mouse is uncertain - this can be regarded by anything, so the method is completely safe. In addition, he is a man, he is just doing that it dreams to get to you between the legs, what the interests in life can still be!

Do not eat


With it - no food. Here is still - will see you by a chaw and cheerful! Maximum is a glass of water with lemon or a little wine. Explain this by the fact that while you are preparing, hinking, it turned out and already completely not hungry. Remember that you are a fairy! And in general, to leave the Bolonka: she will be able to feed food from his plate, if suddenly he is lying on a joint meal. By the way, you can say that she buses. Little, and such a vile dog!

Hang strips


This all over the world, sexual feminists arrange shares in support of women who have monthly, and there is no such thing in your small cozy Mirka! Everyone knows that men are weak creatures that are terribly afraid of the type of blood, and can stag in faint if it is accidentally seen. So they should be preserved! And gaskets from sin away.

No sex during pregnancy


It is better to sleep at all in another room. Let it from afar observes how a miracle of the origin of human life takes place. It would be nice to do not participate in the process at all, but here it is possible. And the main rule: Even if you really want, even if he begs you, in no case take it with him for childbirth! He can find out where children get out of! Let him think that the lotuses always bloom there, and silently lies.

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