Take your pillow: 7 reasons to sleep in different rooms


Usually we leave to sleep on the sofa, after grabming. Although actually sleep in different beds can help avoid conflicts. We found 7 reasons forever leave a married bed - and thereby strengthen love.

Different graphs

For example, he falls to bed without waiting for a "good night, kids!", And you love to lie up to two nights, rewriting with castlantic friends and exploring the intersection of the Internet. Or vice versa, it is he who dawns turns the tails on-line dragons. Even worse, if one of you gets around the alarm clock, and the second is Bohemia, and before noon, no one intends to leave the pillow at all. Two beds solve the problem of difference in charts. And no more "Yes, you already have this damn alarm clock!".

Weak bladder

Little is annoying as a person who creaks the mattress and the door of the bedroom 10 times during the night, heats up to the toilet and crept again. And what to do? When nature requires its own, it is so easy to get rid of it. But you can get rid of anxiety, shifting the unfortunate on another bed.

War for the territory

Which of us did not wake up on the edge of the cliff, clinging for the sheet, because the partner captured the whole bed? Who did not answer the neighbor of good pink at 5 am? Jokes jokes, and such battles can seriously turn the relationship.


You cannot relax next to the cape. You can not believe that an ordinary person can publish such sounds - maybe he has transformer booths and jet engines in the human race? You are in rage and want to strange him with a pillow. You push him, pinch your nose and do all these meaningless tricks designed to stop torture. You look at the ceiling and count the remaining sleep clock. After passing four stages of grief, you go to humility and go to another room. That's from this and it was necessary to start.

Boring sex

This is normal, after a few years everything becomes a little boring. Constant accessibility somewhat creates. But sleep in different beds returns intrigue. Chu, creaked the door, isn't it cute?

Problems from the back

The selection of the mattress is a whole art. Someone can sleep only on soft, and others prefer Spartan dance on bare boards. The optimal elasticity of the mattress depends on the weight, the state of the spine and personal preferences - and these parameters rarely coincide. Let everyone be better every bed.


Some are simply used to sleep alone, and it has nothing to do with the partner. You are happy to live together, raise joint dogs and children, choose bathroom mats and cook dinners. But to sleep under one blanket - dismiss. Just uncomfortable. Why put attitude under the blow, if you can just put an extra bed?

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