An open letter of the former husband of his ex-wife


An open letter of the former husband of his ex-wife 39761_1
We do not want to say anything about the last Hollywood trend divorce. This process in the world space is continuous, as in the song about "people-encounter, marry" and, in general, we will not even imagine how good that our discovers do not write tabloids. But, saying goodbye, we can write each other letters, as made this man on HuffingtonPost. Here is the text of this letter:

So, our twenty-year marriage ended today in court. Honestly, this is all some sur. When we came to this decision a few months ago, I felt that the world was collapsed. But here and now I think it can be survived. Fear has big eyes. And I was very afraid of life without you. You were the only man on earth for me who was near so long. The only one. You are my inner voice. And for 20 years of living together I have to do so many. Therefore, I decided to tell you something in this the first days of our "new relationship." I know that it is strange to write you this on the day of the divorce, but life is such a vehicle, but for the right words so little time.

You deserve rewards for 20 years of life spent with such a man as I

We both know that you are not easy to love me. I am unmanaged, I sleep a little, all the time is lingering and you know that I do not differ good behavior. I risked very many in our marriage, because he was always a dreamer. I pulled you into my adventures, which turned around for you with a full nightmare. I always led my passion. My life is a room with a dynamite in which I swallowed with matches. But you always managed with a unique charm and charm to smooth out all this. And as a result, we came to success, but I am very sorry that it is always very difficult to reflect on those I love.

Purely statistically, we have taken the right decision.

We both know that half of the marriages ends with a divorce. And the other half is death. So, my dear, here we just dismissed from the fast bullet.

You are a wonderful mother

Your kindness and love for our children is the most beautiful thing that I have seen in life. All the time I watched you together, I was fascinated by your "technique". You seem to exhale love, and they breathe it.

I want you to be happy

You deserve to be happy. Trying to keep marriage a good and real, not a reasoned, just a nightmare and hard work. I am glad that you do not have to cut it anymore. After all, you deserve peace and peace.

Just so that you know, I would marry you again. Even if it was aware that it would be so complete

Yes, we have three wonderful children. But. Even if there were no them, I would still choose you.

Keep away from Internet diagnostics!

Headaches do not mean that you have brain cancer. Well, OK, sometimes it is diagnosed. But such stubborn people like you, according to statistics they live for a very long time. Let death be a surprise and just enjoy life and years that you have.

You can't make me break away

I honestly tried to wave you. You are too good. The only thing that surprised me in our parting is how easily we have become friends again. After all, it was from this that we started our love. I am very glad that we are discussing so much and communicate a lot.

I will always be there if you need help

I am your fan and I'm so glad that you went again to learn something new.

Our divorce taught me alone: ​​we had to be more dates

I, perhaps, start to walk again. My friend registered me on a dating site.

I'm not a fool, I understand that such a woman, like you, long will not be alone

You are very easy to love. And I promise to support your new choice. And I'm even ready to make friends with him to tell him about you nasty!

Being your husband for 20 years was a great honor for me. And I'm ready to be your friend until the end of my days.

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