Where are they treated from "sexual dependence" Harvey Weinstein and Kevin Spacy? And that this is generally


    While the world sexy scandal is gaining social and political power of two main triggers Harvey Weinstein and Kevin Spacei, who for two more than one hundred people is accused of harassment and rape, quietly "stabby" in an elite clinic for treating sexual dependence.

    Western press writes that they even do it under the roof of one institution. We tell, "what is this on" and how the work of such a hospital works.

    The concept of Sex Addiction in the early 80s introduced Patrick Karns, who claimed that this is a "illness from the head" and assured that this is the nature of this disease is akin to drug addiction and alcoholism. Here he rang and non-stop watching porn and uncomfortable sexual behavior, leaving beyond commonly accepted public norms.

    Time passed and we have what we have. But, for example, the American Psychiatric Association refuses to recognize the sexual dependence of dependence, and therefore the disease.

    For example, Dr. Damon Raskin from the Cliffside Malibu clinic claims that all this is just a PR at least because no known comparative studies of the human brain with narcotic or alcohol addiction do not provide similar results with the data on the brain of the brain of the one who has been diagnosed with sexual dependence.

    But Patrick Karns, part-time founder and owner of the Arizonian clinic for the treatment of the sexual dependence of Gentle Path, where "Vinstein and Spacy" is "needed" and argues that a 45-day course in his rehab is not a holiday. Is it so?

    So, a complete course of treatment from sexual dependence in Gentle Path (45 days) costs from $ 58,000, that is, it is at least. The treatment system includes: Introduction of the diary of observation of the observation, group therapy (interesting, Spacy and Finenestein sit in a circle and say: "Hi, I'm Harvey, I, I Kevin" ????), individual advice, neurofidbek (visual, Hearing, tactile and other signals-incentives, which allows you to develop self-regulation skills by training and increasing the lability of regulatory mechanisms) and meditation. Also here patients are practiced horse riding, yoga and various types of expressive arts.

    Chekin in Gentle Path is voluntary, the patients require a disconnected sex for 8 weeks and joint with someone from psychologists to develop an abstinence plan from breakdowns.

    The clinic is designed for the placement of 28 men (this is true), which are under round-the-clock supervision. In some cases, patients prescribe antidepressants, mood stabilizers and drugs that reduce the sexual attraction (that is, they are sipped in bromom?).

    At the same time, Patrick Karns refuses to publish at least any data and statistics on those who have cured in his clinic ", finally and irrevocable.

    A source

    On the announcement: Frame from the series "Raudley California"

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