# Scientist: Coffee is no longer carcinogen



Nau ITS Opphisal: Coffee helps prevent cancer development. Not everyone, however, while scientists carefully talk about the uterus cancer, the oral cavity and the liver. But the fact of the fact - coffee is rehabilitated.

In 1991, the materials of the International Cancer Research Agency (IARC) were published, the authors of which suspected coffee in carcinogenicity. For more than 20 years, scientists from WHO were checked and rehearsed by these data and now confidently declare: coffee does not cause, but warning oncological diseases. In honor of this, WHO eliminated coffee from the list of potentially dangerous products. This is victory.

Coffee is not bad at all. In the article published last September in the medical journal Circulation, it is proved that the coffee maniacs later and less often earn the remaining diseases of the heart and vessels, less risk of getting diabetes and even some problems with the brain.

Coffee was accused of carcinogenicity completely insignificantly. Studies that were held in the 1970s and 1980s did not really show that coffee lovers more often sick with some kind of cancer. But these studies missed one fact: most of the studied not only saw coffee with liters, but also smoked, and many also loved lay down for the collar. With the same success, it would be possible to blame the carcinogenicity of the pants.

According to the latest data, 4-5 cups of coffee daily by 62% reduce the risk of uterine cancer and 39% - the risk of cavity cancer. And all because in coffee is full of antioxidants.

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