5 ways to reduce the smell of the body if you do not carry deodorants


There are people who have irritation from deodorants on the skin, there are those who scare the risk of breast cancer associated with antiperspirants. In general, different reasons are at the heart of the decision to abandon funds that protect people around from the smell of your body.

If we still do not want to embarrass your flavors, it is not necessary to climb at home and wander only with deserted places. There are several ways to maintain the level of smell socially acceptable.


Refuse Spices, Luke and Garlic

The love of acute food affects the smell of the skin, and even the most fresh light sweat smells stronger and sharper. There are people who know how to beat these notes, by competently picking up the perfume, but when you try to repeat this trick, most of the attempt is created by the "pour" the smell of the body in perfume, so carefully.

More often washed

Take every four hours the shower is physically impossible, but many can quickly wipe the body in the toilet with wet napkins. And with the possibility of all the most odorous places on the torso, it is better to wash at all with soap, like hand wash.

Walk lemon juice or vinegar solution

What is called Babushkin Method: Freshly materable parts of the body are wiping with a cotton, impregnated with lemon juice or a weak solution of ordinary vinegar. The acid in that and the other does not prevent the release of sweat, but it kills the bacteria for some time that breed in the sweat and give it a sharp smell. Can be used and as a way to wash during the day. One problem may cause irritation.

Refuse alcohol

No, a glass of wine or a glass of vodka for dinner does not make anything. But a series of stems from the evening or habit of drinking beer, the smell of sweat is very unpleasant.

Use Talc

Yes, the usual talc supper. True, he looks bad on clothes, so it is suitable only when design like a shirt plus a blouse.

Illustration: shutterstock

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