Save our ears: how not to go crazy from noise. 7 very necessary tips



Robinson did not understand anything in life. He was actually better than everyone: no one threatens karaoke under the windows, does not yell on the phone under the ear, does not open the brain perforator ... Give us your island, buddy!

But no. You can not, you understand whether to live in society and be free from him, with his garbage trucks, school venues and lover of a talk show. We'll have to somehow survive. For those who are especially tormented by surrounding sounds, we have collected all possible legitimate ways to deal with them.

Ground Apartment: Sound Absorbers

In a room with a minimum of things and completely solid surfaces, even seams walk deafening. The more soft items, the better the sound is absorbed. Carpets and rugs, sofas and armchairs, curtains and panels, blankets and pillows, as well as soft toys - these are our most faithful fastening friends. Shelves with books and paintings also work in this direction. Well, the same seams, as well as children and husbands, among other things, live bodies are also soft, look with them well for isolation! True, they effectively absorb too sounds only at the moment when they themselves are not published ...

Night snores: earplugs


Which of the numerous species take the most "quiet" and comfortable - there are hot spores about that. So each owner of a tender hearing should pick them up "for itself" - by samples, errors and screams "Eureka!". Some normally fits inexpensive polypropylene, and some "presses on the brain" and more gentle plastic silicone. Many praise wax earplugs: they seem to "spread", filling the space inside the ear, unlike rather solid and long earnests for musicians and builders in which they will not sleep much. Well, it is worth remembering that absolutely all the sounds around you are not buried finally cut off. Sounds actually in our organisms not only through the ears come ...

Night motors: sound air conditioning

There is such a device in the world of technology: it chases the room not air, but ... white noise. What masks black noises, that is unpleasant. Under it, they say, it is possible to sleep, unlike the maintenance of the route under the window or voices behind the wall. We ourselves, honestly, this device was not tested. But in fact, white noise can turn any acoustic system, so you can try.

Conversations of employees: music

Nothing more effective from chatty secretaries than good headphones with good music, humanity has not yet invented. True, in a couple of hours, the ball begins to grow slowly from any music, and the communicative colleagues do not give up so quickly. Well, only a jar with arsenic at office kitchen can already help here ... We joke, joking, of course. Cloofelin will be enough.

Sounds in transport: Headphones with active noise suppression


These are these who have such tremendous, soft and magnificent ambules (that is, lining). Ideally, they don't hear anything at all other than music. In the store you can check the quality of noise reduction: to wear and ask a friend to shout next to you. Can not hear? Excellent, you can safely descend into the rumbleing Metro hell.

Wall repair: Special headphones

There are special headphones from noise. Those that are used in ties, at construction sites and all sorts of high-profile enterprises. In the main mass, they are inexpensive and simple, and reduce the noise due to the fact that the abnormal sink is tightly closed with the right material. They indicate the degree of protection of headphones from the noise of different frequencies. In addition to passive, which are simply separated by all sounds from all sounds, there are also active - with a microphone and a speaker, in the midst of all this whistling, if necessary, told. For sensitive kids, also protective "ears" are available.

Loud neighbors: Police call


You can, of course, find the ban on the legislation to make people noise. But in practice it ... how to say ... Taxoe. First, until 23.00 you can even hurt the perforator, at least a disco is arranged. Secondly, even if you called Rospotrebnadzor to measure the noise level in the eastern restaurant under you, then the first must warn the second on the visit. And come, of course, in silence ringing. Thirdly, in the newest history of Russia, the only case is known when the noisy neighbor was punished. Six years ago, DJ was evicted in the town of Pervouralsk from the apartment. The persistent neighbors have achieved a court after two dozen challenges of precinct and 42 administrative protocols ...

So the police can be called except for the coolness. It remains such a fragile and thin method as a conversation in souls ... on some actually acts: apologize and make a calf quieter. But in other cases it is easier to move, than to simplify not to jow iron at night.

Noise Mass around: Soundproofing

If your apartment is beautiful, except that every neighbor church is heard as if you were directly from the spleen, you need to do something with sound insulation. There are several ways. First, it can be a "sandwich" from drywall with soundproofing material (type of cork or glass gamble). Secondly, ready-made decorative noise insulating panels or rolls. An additional layer, of course, will reduce the volume of the rooms, but it will significantly reduce the volume of burned nerves and headaches. And if there was a valuable acoustic engineer among your former classmates and there is someone to consult about the features of the room and the noise penetrating it is generally super.

Any Noise: Exercise Spirit


"You can not change what is happening is to change the attitude ..." It sounds already, of course, like a delicacy and blah blah blah. Still, the grain of truth is there. Any noise brings, annoying, infuriates the most when you are in a not very balanced condition. Here the spoon will fall - and you already have a grenade launcher. And if Decybel makes the favorite nephew, then for some reason they are not particularly injured ... so autotranengiings, soothing herbs and happy love still rule that do not speak. With them, even a jackhammer of a large family behind the wall is not so terrible.

The degree of voltage that loud sounds are in us are very dependent on the psyche. There is such a phenomenon - hyperactus, increased sensitivity to sounds. The fact that for all - barely audible and inconspicuous "tick-so", for the owner of this property - extinguishing "fuck-tararh". The causes of pathology can be different, mainly a variety of neurology. Another feature - some cannot take two sources of noise at the same time (right up to the harmless combination "someone says and music plays").

If the degree of disassemble and irritation in the noisy environment is uncritical, you can try to follow the advice of my friend's psychologist. He offered to train noise resistance so: periodically leaving to the forest - and there you can erase in the whole throat. After some time, you temper and strengthen. But if the extent of hyperactus comes to the stage "Save-help, and remove everyone around at all," this is a reason for a visit to the neuropathologist. Well, or to Robinzon Cruzo!

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