Horoscope for 2016 from PICS.ru


Our editorial magic ball was very nervous when a horoscope was demanded for a whole year ahead. First, it is responsible. And, secondly, we gently warned it that if you, the ball, you set up, we will tell you in bowling for experiments. So he really tried very much.



Capricorns per year of the monkey, approves our magic ball, achieved unprecedented career successes if they work a lot. We must, - we were amazed, - work a lot! What a non-standard way to make a career! Then the ball has blushed and issued additional details: Capricorn should carefully look at new people surrounded. Some monkey is going to prepare them trouble. As a result, the year of the Cossacks will be held under the slogan: vigilance and loot. Not so bad what is already.



Aquarius, for a successful experience of 2016, our magic ball recommends urgently breaking the ties that, obviously become a burden and do not bring joy. The monkey loves decisive actions and burned bridges. After all, how, in fact, a man appeared? The monkey took a stick in his hands - and how to give the forehead the neighboring monkey. That's how a person appeared if someone did not know. Therefore, decisive water collections in 2016 threatens a rapid evolution. And our bild editor asked that next year all aquarities could eat five khachapuri at ten in the evening, and they had nothing to do anything anywhere, because it was that she evolution. No problem, Lina. May it be so!



Fish in 2016 waiting for honored success. And unemployed - does not wait. Accordingly, the pack of lottery tickets will not work. Only Pot Grad, everything as usual, sorry. The fact that this is the indication is true for any year and any sign, our magic ball does not confuse. He says: "So what?", And mysteriously shifts the ideal sphere in vacuo. But the monkeys love to multiply very much, and one of the best life elections for fish will be spawned next year. Move and breed, fish, stars promote.

PS. It was written long before we learned that our author of Ekaterina Kuzmin gave birth to a girl-hero. Katya, congratulations! And here we siled and from now on we believe in horoscopes.



The ranks of the stars initially sucked a rather difficult year. When success is necessary to scratch the claws with the ones and existing in the Tubes existing in Aries. However, everything changed literally at the last moment. The fact is that the chiefred PICS.RU - Aries. Who demanded to change this nasty paradigm. My magic ball with a magic ball is enough to influence the stars, but not enough to influence the commands. Therefore, next year, Aries are waiting for several weekends and, in general, life is simpler. Yes, we have a very modest chandeller, could also ask the texts in time.



Theorists believe that the Taurus is more than an earthly sign, firmly standing on the legs. Practices and relatives know that Taurus is still a romantic and a dreamer. And the fiery monkey is very practical and can not tolerate pink glasses. Well, the fastener about the monkey and glasses remember? So she will break everything. Accordingly, the calves need to be prepared with the fact that the world is going to appear in front of them as it actually is. This, on the one hand, of course, a heartbreaking spectacle, and, on the other, will benefit the stubborn calf, much stronger than he could assume.



The twins next year are expected long planned changes, which twin at the same time and very much wanted, and was very afraid. Fears can be discarded - everything will be much better than you could imagine even in the most bold dreams. It will be a surprisingly interesting and happy year ... Yes, the twin authors are now a service provision, and what? Hence another conclusion: Gemini in 2016 can safely use official position - nothing will be for it.



A monkey cancer offers a super prize at the end of the marathon race. The task of cancer is just to withstand this marathon, given that the run is expected to be obstacles. But this is just good and quite in the spirit of cancer, which without it all his life preferred to be a styer, and not a sprinter. In addition, the monkey promises success in any undertaking, from studying and startups before the wedding. Cancer does not like to risk, but this year is quite suitable. If you risk, then it is not necessary to postpone until 2017. Does 2017 be sure to be bad, just our magic ball does not see so far. We live now!



Lviv in the coming year is waiting for the period of emotional storms. Therefore, the lions will have to engage in self-controls a little more than usually, otherwise the planet will not be. And we continue to perform orders of the authors PICS.RU. In particular, Lilith Mazikina demanded a little inheritance. But our magic ball is strained and strana the promise to give lions in 2016 a large inheritance. Moreover, from an unfamiliar relative, so as not to spoil the holiday. Congratulations, Lions, thank Lilith.



Devas Monkey prepared decisive changes. That is, the fact that the Virgin, as a rule, cannot tolerate. And in the family, and in the work there is a turn of 180 degrees, and this is pouring this ... well, let's say - surprise ... completely unnoticed. Moreover, changes will be for the better, but the virgins they are traditionally chuck out of the rut. There was a recipe for the Virgin only one: go and know Zen. Do not worry, everything will end well. At least our magic ball adds very positive pictures from clubs of mysterious smoke.



The weights expect a bright and dynamic year, in which events will so rapidly replace each other that you can even be confused. Life will be filled with pleasant events, new acquaintances and the development of professional abilities ... Actually, it ordered our creative director of Elizabeth Ponomarev, who wants to become Charred. And it will be, trembling, Aries! And Lisa wanted to become a media signal, so I would, in the place of Bigboss, also began to tremble. Thus, thanks to our team, all the scales of the universe can sink hands, celebrating the coming dizzying career.



The monkey prepared for scorpions the damn dozen tests (that is, a little more often than once a month). And mainly it will be testing people. And what nerves will withstand people? Not scorpion, for sure. Therefore, in the coming year, scorpions are worth stocking and searching for them and search (maybe, on the mezzanine or for the cabinet fell) a tube with humans. It is possible to comfort yourself by the fact that in all, to the one, the beginnings of the scorpions will be accompanied by Mrs. Luck, well, people ... Yes, hell with them, they will suffer.



"Sagittariy ordered mutual love, relax and money," writes the author PICS.RU Julia Sheket. No problem, Julia! Your wish is already in your work, the stars are corrupt over the plans, argue so that the cosmic dust is a pillar, and draw graphs of issuing you ordered liver. And, between the case, they report that the Archers in 2016 will issue for the whole ten hares, but it is necessary to run only for one. So you just need to choose correctly. But it will be the most suitable hare in the world, do not go to the astrologer.

Happy new year friends!Always yours, modest lady of the magic ball, Alexander Smilanskaya

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