Mom, I have been thirty years old! 10 truths you're time to master


The compliments and words of love will never be unnecessary and repeating from year to year, but some things seem to us, our mothers just it is time to understand and not return to them. Because we are already thirty years old, and that's what it means, dear Mom.



When you again and again, we have a conversation that you need to give birth to you granddaughter and you will definitely sit with him, I remember how you asked your puppy in your thirty and promised to care for him. I believe your promises here is about the same. Because also now adult.

# 2.

If I still didn't like good fat boys, the children of your friends, before thirty years, who did not need to throw their own cowpers in the washer, will not appear. Late, I got used to normal guys. Not those who eat well, but those who may feed me dinner.

# 3.

By the way, about food. If I still do not work the apple in soup from fresh cabbage, but I do it too thick, it does not mean that I will not learn to cook. This means that I have my own culinary preferences. Mom, come across.


For a greeting, you would choose another phrase than "urgently tonsured, you see what your face is horsepower with this hairstyle!" And in the kitchen, I invite you to drink tea, and not to inform me that it is necessary to punish the wallpaper in a strip.


Mom, not necessarily tell me what women men love. I have the Internet and Stopitzot of Men with a valuable opinion in the comments to find out all first-hand.

# 6.

No, moms, there is nothing abnormal, that every three years I change the place of work and work from time to time right out of the house. No one will think about me bad and my pension will be given anyway. So, please, Mom, I don't need to match the place in the mail, because there "but stable."

# 7.

No, I do not know that Tanya Sh. With her husband and she is not a better friend. We just sat in one desk in the younger classes, and all I can say about her now (classmates, thank you!) - She loves salads with mayonnaise and quotes from Omar Khayama.


Of course, I will buy you the same buns with color sprinkle that you love so much. But no, mom, I don't "do not exactly on the way," and let's not pretend that it is.


Yes, mom, I know what an orgasm, and we have it from time to time. If you change the topic of conversation, I will test without going off! Thank you.


Yes, mom, I eat well. No, moms, I don't think to sit on a diet!

Text author: Lilith Mazikina

Illustration: shutterstock

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