Real tbs for you and baby. Part 2: Urban Legends


PICS.RU continues a series of security publishes. Last time, we wrote about why it is impossible to write on burns (SIC!) And put the seafrine of the plantain to the penalty. In this issue - Obzh Outdoor! Learn by heart!


Real tbs for you and baby. Part 2: Urban Legends 39726_1

If you still think that road rules include only machines, buses, motorcycles and other vehicles, then you are deeply mistaken. Pedestrian - the most active part of the road. Sometimes so, bitch, active that I want to catch up, catch and punish. Why all sorts of grandparents, whose speed of movement approaches 0.5 km / h and frantic mothers with children and strollers. Thoroughly people love to move roads in the wrong place - often 10 meters from pedestrian crossings - for us truly a riddle. In general, in this case for children: they are getting used to the fact that to run the road where it fell and rushing under the cars, you can easily and naturally. In an accident annually, a huge number of people die every year, so here's a list of simple rules that need to follow and be smart! By the way, according to statistics, the overwhelming majority of accidents occur due to the fault of pedestrians, argue? The driver often turns out to be not ready for the fact that in the middle of the eight-band speed road suddenly materializes passerby. SUDDENLY!

  • Move the road only in the places allocated for this only on a green traffic light signal;
  • Reduce the sound in the headphones or remove them at all before crossing the road or go to the place where the car can go;
  • In no case, do not go / walk / fly the highway, even if it seems to you that there are no cars at all: they move at a speed of tens of times higher than yours;
  • Remember you are in Russia. As the Terrible eye spoke Gryum "Permanent Vigilance!", That is, to look around and even upstairs when moving the road at all.

Dear cyclists! Appeal to you! (We understand that autumn is in the yard, what cyclists, but we remind you, we are in Russia, we do not scare with miserable autumn and snow). We are decent on the roads, otherwise we have seen recently, as especially gifted rushes in a tunnel in the extreme left row. We warned.

Walking with a child

With regard to newborn children and walks with them, some mothers show Soviet resistance worthy of Zoe Kosmodemyanskaya. Wort away! Dress! Overalls! Socks! Pants! Hood! PLEASE! Orenburg Pooh Color! A blanket! Cradle! The envelope! Few people know that overheating is much more dangerous for the child unadapted to the harsh outside the world than supercooling. Therefore, guide the common sense and the rule "+1" - clothes on the baby should be exactly one layer more than an adult person. And, please, do not remember your own harsh childhood and wooden toys, nailed to the floor and diligently walking for 3 hours, if the child is tired (and crushed!), And you yourself tired. Everything should be enjoyable and gradually. In addition, there will be no superfluous loop on the handle of the stroller in which you can turn the hand - so your child will definitely won't go to travel with the breeze.

As for walks with older children, most importantly, what should worry you - security. We are not that your child does not lick swing in the frost or did not paint the still lifes in the sandbox, but about the fact that every year hundreds of children disappear in Russia, and many of them remain unsuitable. Be careful: the child can distract, go to see where the cat lives. Some show ingenuity and go to the Salon of Jaguar, after having escaped with a subtop. Examples and cases of mass! If the baby disappeared, do not give up a panic, and go to the police and in Lizaalert. In this case it is better to rearrange, seriously. By the way, Badges and stickers on clothes are sold for children, where you can enter parents' phones.

Attacks on the street

Real tbs for you and baby. Part 2: Urban Legends 39726_2

Almost each of us witnessed or even a victim of street attacks or robbery. It is impossible to insure this, except to stop leaving the house in principle, and there are up to 18 cats and foil hats nearby. But you can try to minimize risks. Something likely will seem to you excessive, but your own safety and health is not the cases when you can put everything on samonek. Night dark and full of horrors!

  • If you come back home late - take a taxi. Several hundred rubles are an excess bottle of champagne, without which you can do in order to get to the house safely. Taxi official, and not caught "with hand."
  • If you suddenly plan to sleep and obscurantism, then take care, so that a friend who will deliver your insensitive Taurus to a safe place, and will not quit a stop at the stop.
  • If you have a pack of hundred dollar bills with yourself (it doesn't matter that they are rolled by tubes! So wearing more convenient!) Try not to swing her in people too actively. As they say, beat and less.
  • In places of great accumulation of people watching personal things, keep the bag at hand, the backpack is also better to throw forward.
  • If you still stuck in the doorway and require money / Phones / Ring of your great-grandmother, it is better to give, without waiting for you until you look over your head. You can be three times a master of sports on karate and rhythmic gymnastics at the same time, but if drunk's drunken men against you are one hundred and fifty kilos of a living body, it is unlikely to help.
  • Do not go late in the evening one in places with a dubious reputation. In each city there is an area that enjoys bad fame: in Moscow it is Golianovo, in St. Petersburg - Kupchino, in Novosibirsk - Leninsky. There is usually more crimes committed, and attention! Almost every second crime is theft of someone else's property, each third is performed in public places, each fourth - on the street.
  • If you can escape - run.



In some places, the winter has already begun, and somewhere is about to begin. If your name is not Sab Ziro and you are not accustomed to command the elements, then on the street at this time of year it is worth being very neat. First, choose not sliding shoes. Studs and other inquisitive torture torture are good when a hard surface is under your feet, and not snow with ice sprinkled with sand. The older the man becomes, the worse it fractures fractures (this is so, Just for You to Know). Secondly, be attentive when you go past residential buildings. Why, in winter, they often change the roof on them (we do not joke), as a result of which pieces of old coating, slate, ice, snow and sometimes builders fly to the ground. Well, if the repair place is fenced, but we are in Russia. By the way about traffic controls - in the winter, the cars are becoming less manageable, remember this, if you suddenly decide what to go through the road in an unlit place without a transition is a great idea. And, by the way, the conviction of most of our compatriots is that if in the winter it is frozen, then you should urgently get a drink for Sugen, the myth is cleare of the fairy tale about the golden fish. After taking alcohol, the vessels are expanding, and you really feel warm, but! Due to the highly reduced temperature "Overboard", the same vessels will be spoken and narrowed even more, so you can freeze even stronger. And if you are not lucky - in a snowdrift. And if it's not going to sleep at all, then there is a drop in something vital. How to return frostbitten - in the last issue.

Let the force be with you! And remember: life is dark and full of horrors!

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