15 Lyfhakov for Domases and Travelers


We sorted shit terrarabites on the Internet to find for you truly cool lifehaki. It will be very cool if they are useful for you. Do you know something that we do not know? Write in the comments.


How to stick a European fork to a British outlet In the UK, use a three-pin fork for electrical appliances. Our forks are also suitable for them, but a block is built into the outlet. To deceive it, you just need to stick a spoon or cap from the handle into the central hole of the socket. Current will not hit, it is grounding contact. After that, the two necessary contact is unlocked. You can stick our fork. With American sockets, this number will not pass, they have less voltage in the network. How to put in a suitcase by 30% more things Going on a trip, you usually come across the biggest problem - how to place all the necessary things in the suitcase. Our advice: do not fold, and twist things in rolls. So the bag will fit the third more things, and then they will not be mint. How to bring on board the aircraft to a liter of liquid According to the rules of air transportation, in hand-made bags it is impossible to carry the capacitance more than 100 milliliters. And the total amount of fluid is not more liter. Accordingly, you can take small vehomallitarian bottles from yogurts and pour the necessary liquids in them. If there are no more than ten bottles, nobody will say anything.


Cool fruits in the automotive journey In the summer, traveling behind the wheel, I want a cold peach or pear. Buy fruit is not a problem, but how to cool them is a question. Put the fruit into the cellophane package, hang on the rear view mirror under the windshield and send central air conditioner ducts upwards. Five minutes later, fruits are cooled. How to quickly take driving driving Sometimes you drive driving, you go, and starts wildly clone into sleep. It is difficult to imagine something more dangerous. Stop on the sideline, plug the engine, pull out the key from the ignition lock. Put the key with the key to knee, so that the brush was on the weight, and let yourself fall asleep. As soon as you fall into sleep, the key will fall out of the hands. All, you can pick it up and go further. The reboot of the body occurred, and you are again vigor. To windows in the car do not frozen Winter ends, but this knowledge will still be useful. Before getting out of the car in a heavy frost, open the door and spending the interior for ten and fifteen seconds. Then you can close. From morning the window will be clean, not conceding.

At home

How to quickly wake up in the morning The shower helps well, but most importantly - it is generally up to the bed. To quickly come to my senses, he grieved the eyes with all the power of 20 seconds, and then open. After such a procedure, it is no longer enough, you can get up. How at night do not sneak the corners on the way out of the toilet If it is imparted among the night to go to Galun, follow the example of seafarers of the era of the discoverers. On the way to the toilet with a close-up one eye, see the second. On the way back, close another eye, and see already shrilled. So you will not have problems with adaptation to light and darkness. Sailors used this lifehak to descend in her for the day. How to dry socks in three minutes If you need to urgently wash your socks, but there is no time to dry, then read on. Quietly erase by the Dedovsky method in the sink, and sushi, putting on the hair dryer. On the drying of each sock will take a minute and a half.

In the shop

How to get a discount in a construction store If you do repair at home or started construction, then this lifehak for you. In a construction store, catch a forever or interior designer, depending on what you buy. It is not necessary to confirm it, the main thing is to keep confidently. In this case, the stores make a discount from 10%, as you prove. Here, of course, there is a small deception, but, on the other hand, if they are ready to give a discount, then why not use it?

Everywhere and always

How to catch mistakes in the text If the grammar-Nazi woke up in you, but the attentiveness suffers, re-read the text from the bottom up. So you will not be distracted by the meaning of the text, but concentrate on errors. This method uses correctors to make the eyes not closed. How to unsubscribe from SMS mailing SMS mailing is the most frozen spam option. Spam in social network or email can still be pulled out, but advertising in a mobile one is like nagging into bed. You can unsubscribe from the distribution using the SMSnenado.ru service. It is free and really works.

Lifehak bonus

If you write "Sberbank" on the wall with chalk, then in five minutes a queue of 20-30 pensioners is collected. I decide how to use this knowledge.

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