15 Mami Soviets, which were pure truth


We told a terrible story of crumpled parental plants. Now, to restore the balance in the Universe, we want to talk about the advice that I remember with a smile and gratitude.

1. Morning evening wisen

It turns out that in the morning, indeed, you can remake a lot of things, and make them easier and more pleasant than to finish Dedlayna in the night. What we can talk about sports or proper nutrition, walks with your own children or cleaning in the apartment - all this night does not work in any way. And in the morning - the most.

2. Patience and work everything is a little

Best of all, they dislike all sorts of love suffering. Yes, in contrast to other ways to deal with spiritual adversities, after taking the T & T tablet, you not only calm down, but also you get a pleasant result, such as a fee.

3. Turn off the devices from the outlet

In his youth, it could seem that mom supersonally refers to the wires, and it was ridiculous. Oddly enough, environmentalists and lovers save with it - turn everything that you do not need, do not leave the charging devices in sockets.

4. He's not worth it

Over rare exceptions, Mom's eye-to-diamond is on all sorts of villains. Oh, it was worth it, if not obeying, then at least remember and hold on to the onset.

5. Do not argue for the sake of dispute

There was still no Internet, and my mother already knew that you would spend hours and days to fight someone who was wrong on this Internet. And you can't win. And be disappointed. And you will quit it. It has long been time.

6. came home - rejection

More pleasant, more convenient, hygienic. It is even strange that this requirement caused so much internal protest in childhood.

7. First homework

Or any other task. First we work, then we walk. On the contrary, for some reason it does not work, verified.

8. Eat vegetables, in them vitamins

Count, they really turned out to be vitamins! Moreover, all these carrots, broccoli and spinach are also tasty.

9. Do not be late

How did not want to go to school and it was not clear that everyone was so worried about 15-30 minutes of late. As selfish people who make everyone wait for everyone, you understand only when they work more with them.

10. What are you so angry, have you drone today?

Wow, as it is angry in three years. And at 7 years old. And at 14: Mom, I'm not three years old, in the end. But, in fact, hunger, indeed, acts on the nerves and prevents the perception of reality adequately. Sit down, eat and mb.

11. Sleep a day

Once you wanted to do anything anything, just not to go to bed in the afternoon, and now for a sweet daytime dream is ready to give anything. What is this pleasure, sleep! Although you go to visit this.

12. Be above

It is very difficult to be higher than anything when there is a meter with a cap. But now you have grown and suddenly realized that the talent ignore the nonsense is very useful and facilitates life.

13. It will pass

Any misfortune is not infinite. It can be survived. The confidence itself helps to get into the light.

14. Go to the toilet before reaching

An awkward recognize, but it is true. It is worth forgetting this rule, as it will definitely be laid on the road and away from civilization.

15. Cold, put on Raista!

Hell yes!

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