Convenient answers to uncomfortable questions about money


Of all the money - the most inconvenient. We can hardly discuss them even with the smallest. And this leads to confusion, insults and misunderstandings. How deftly get out of the embarrassing situations in which three are participating - you, your friend and wallet?

Wow, what is your luxurious car, how much did you pay?

Answer: Some terribly wonder how much you get and spend. But actually (and in Russian culture - especially) the money is intimate. And ask about the salary or cost of things - it's like asking about the length of a member of her husband. That is, it is possible, but only if the questioning is the best friend. Yes, and then you have the right not to answer. But since a person does not realize this, but to go to confrontation to you reluctance, just a switching attention: "I barely had enough, but look, what kind of beauty, sit down, now I will show how she knows how to massage."

Well, divide the bill equally?

Answer: Of course, Delim - if each of your company took only beer. But if the rest squeezed around the steak, and you limited to a mineral eye with lemon and salad? Do not stew, immediately ask the waiter to calculate everyone separately. And if it's too late and the check is broken, grab it first and firmly declare: "So, with me 300 rubles, and the rest shares."

Mash, and you designer, and advise me about repair!

Answer: According to obscure reasons, a bunch of people believes that you are working in our work purely for fun, and your accounts pay ourselves. But you are not at all obliged to do it for free, even if you ask for a friend. Of course, a quick advice seems to "I would carry the wall between the kitchen and the living room" you can give for so. But to draw the project - no. But you can offer a friendly discount at your discretion - so you immediately give me to understand that you a) a professional, b) a friend, ready to enter the position, c) do not even consider the option "Sleep".

Yes, I score, that expensive, I'll pay!

Answer: A friend has a six-digit salary, and you have an order of magnitude less. And every time she dismisses your attempts to leak her share for the evening in the corona bar, you feel like an object of charity. That's what you are in vain. People show generosity for themselves, mainly - to scratch the feeling of their own importance and good. And you climb with your weaving and prevent them from enjoying the breadth of their soul. If I really want to give something in return, you do not need to take a loan to bring a girlfriend to an even more luxurious place. This is not a situation of "money for money", but "Attention for attention." Homemade cookies, a collage of your best joint pictures - almost free and still warms the soul.

You pay, and we will all then throw it away!

Answer: Very often you pay bungalows in the mountains for your maiden gang, limousine for the Gull Party Lenka, and other joint fun, and the participants swear at Mom and the Motherland that everyone will go later. If already Lenka is waiting for the firstborn, and the weekend in the Red Polyana almost erased from the memory, and you didn't wait for money, do not hesitate to send a letter or a message with a polite reminder that you still expect your money back. A week later, one more, separately mentioning the debtors and inquiring the specific date of return. Do not immediately indignant - people can really forget about it. If someone drops and says that he will give away very soon, suggest the exact date itself, because "soon" can stretch for years.

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