5 ways to survive shame


To take a visit and find that the cat carefully nasal to you in the boot. Mix and send photos of your charms Mikhail Ivanovich instead of cute. To dance hard in the club and realize that the seams on jeans could not stand it.

Surely you will have a story and more. If you disgraced, the first thing that comes to mind is to change the name and hide in the Albanian forests incognito until the rumors of your opposite will die. But we have a better solution. More precisely, five solutions.

Imagine that 10 years

And what are you still ready to join faint with one memories of your fakap? Higher society is still not calling you at Saara? Everything is still only talking about it? And in general, didn't your shame be lost among thousands of others, fresher, yours and other people? It may easily be that today's shame is that you yourself will remember among the delicious idiotic women of youth.

Remove this plate from the player

You see myself - her bones. The shameful incident itself is a maximum of five more experiences. The rest is the cords of shame that cover you when you again and again lose the episode in memory - and every time it seems terrible every time. As soon as this case comes to my memory again - start reading lyrics with an expression or count the red cars passing past. This will help stop the stream of thoughts.

Remember that no one thinks about you as much as you yourself

Do you remember how Jennifer Lawrence disgraced on Sag Awards? And this story with Sophie Marso and a strap? And how Obama got into Cuba (not speaking about Louisiana, so where was Lazha so crazy)? Most likely, you have no idea what we are talking about, yes? That's it. And all these people are celebrities, at the time of their shame around there were thousands of people and hundreds of photographers. And all instantly hit the Internet. And after a week, even journalists about it forgotten.

Share shame

If you immediately tell someone in the colors about your shame, then it will be easier to transfer it. No huhry mukhra, but a scientific fact. A study on this phenomenon was published in the journal of Journal of Personality. In addition, in response to such a stadst history, the interlocutor tends to tell his companion - even more shameful. Also the therapeutic effect, you know.

Is it a shame?

We often undertake responsibility for other facpapa. Do not confuse - if the husband left the party at a party and gave birth to a birthday party, or a scordant stranger on the street misfortunely spoke about the sizes of your fifth point, or during the report someone in the audience nagged over your stutter, or the boyfriend's mother was declared without an invitation to his apartment Exactly when you decide to try sex in the hallway - this is not your shame, but they. So let them shame, and you go and eat a seal for your health.

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