4 Russian women of the 19th century, whose memoirs should read


We all read Russian classics and all wrote writings about how much knowledge she gives us about our past. But artistic literature on both artistic to transform turns, coincidences and drams. And what did people really live? What was worried about how the farm led how children were brought up, how did they fall in love?

Several women of the nineteenth century left wonderful literary evidence on these issues.


Elizabeth Waterozova

Pedagogue, Children's writer, a neborn noblewoman, water carrier - the author of several books, but it is more interesting to read her memories of childhood "at the dawn of life." Childhood Elizabeth Nikolaevna has passed mostly in the village, surrounded by small nobles and fortress peasants, and it was, alas, full of misadventures. Part of the misadventures took place from the poverty of the family after the death of the Father, but in general, how repeatedly emphasizes water carrier, they simply reigned the morals from the humanistic. Simply, in detail, it is observed, it tells about the orders in the noble families, about how the preserving life was arranged and what were the morals in the Smolny Institute, where she studied teenager.

Despite the fact that Elizabeth Nikolaevna was often surrounded by people of a wonderful character, like their sisters, a friend at the institute, a rich nobility-neighbor, who helped, obviously, the mother of water from that he sometimes took to live to her girl, the gratuitous - the leader of the nobility ... Alas, but With all this romantic Fleur from the era, the nobility and the Smolny Institute will be mercilessly removed.

The turns of the "plot" would give the opportunity to remove a full-fledged dramatic film or the series, and very strange that no one was interested in such a possibility.

Fanny did not slow down to rush with tears in his mother's arms. M-Lle Tyunyaev sharply noticed:

- I ask you to stop this roar! .. A few minutes later, when I arrive behind the girls, we already take care of it, and now it's your duty!

- Ah, cute Mademoiselle Tyunyaev, - Skellbiovskaya appealed to her, - tell her at least one affectionate word ... at least the smallest thing! .. After all, he from all these techniques, Cerchikhko, for sure the caught babies, sticks ...

- thrust! This is what kind of expression! "Silent!" - That's what you should tell your daughter! You dare to concern our calf gentlemen and the boss, and here again begin the same story! - And she headed for the door.

Maria Bashkirtseva

The memorars of the artist, who spent the equal rights of men and women and died in the color of years from the tuberculosis of the lungs, was read by Marina Tsvetaeva. But the modern reader they will seem strange, too sentimental, weak text. Do not rush to judge: After the death of Mary over the memorars, her mother had greatly worked, overcluded everything sharp, living, or, do not give God, sensual. Therefore, reading Mary's memoirs, be sure to read both the "genuine life of Madmoiselle Bashkirtseva" from Alexander Alexandrov, researchers of her diary, and feel how to turn a full-blooded, gifted writer into the blurred shadow, because the decency is more important than the ideas that the woman confessed.

He just wants to touch his legs or squeeze his hand, even kiss her, look close to the eyes, and does it professionally! He does not have any respect for my fifteen years. Fortunately, I have respect for them.

Sophia Kovalevskaya

The famous mathematician, the deceased will also long before old age, from the banal pleurit, left, besides scientific papers, and the memories of childhood, thanks to which we know not only about how the girl in the country, where the Higher Mathematical Education Girl did not allow to receive, became Mathematics, but also life and morals in the noble family are far from the same poor as the water-carrier family, and especially how children were brought up. And - about Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky, who was in the family of Sophia and tried to marry her sister.

After a long thoughtless, Malevich came up with a new means to force Michel to learn. "He is a boy capable and proud. If he studied with his comrade, he would have a fool of her fool, "he said. Thus, it was decided to take a comrade for Michel and, for the absence of the best, the choice fell on me.

I have always learned perfectly and all the arithmetic passed without the slightest work. When aunt, calling me to myself, hugged me with my soft white hands and my tender, inspired voice offered me to learn with her Michel to prove to him that even the girl could easily understand what he did not understand, I'm from the first Her words with delight agreed to her proposal. Michelle, for his part, shrugged only the shoulders when he was announced that he would have me a comrade in mathematics lessons. From the first of our common lesson, however, it turned out that the Malevich's fiction was like more intense. Michelle immediately changed tactics.

- Who does not understand such trifles! - He now said dismissively after each explanation Malevich, so as not to give me to walked the fact that I was better by knowledge.

Sophia segure

The famous, classic French Children's writer, the Rough of Pushkin, has Russian origin, and her books about the adventures of small Sophie are based on real memories of childhood. They are filmed in Francia a cartoonerized, and he still loves children. Read "Soninaprovy" is not easy, since what was fun and morally for children of the 19th century, makes it necessary to hold up the normal human century 21. It is not clear, for example, as a child of obviously poor parents eat, if almost all leprosy spread around the fact that the girl is hungry and Looking for how to get food without permission.

Continuate memories of childhood Sofia Segure Test "Approximate Girls" and "Vacation". They are considered not so fascinating, but also have an autobiographical basis. This is another writer, highly valued Tsvetaeva.

One day, when she really wanted to taste bread, and it was necessary to feed a pony in front of everyone, the girl took the bread in such a way that she had a small piece between her fingers. She believed that his pony would bite this piece, and the rest would get to her. But the pony, pulling the piece, bit her finger. Sophie was kept from a scream, without daring to attract attention, but the bread dropped from pain. Pony let go of her finger and took up bread. Finger bleeding very much. Sophie pulled him with a handkerchief and put her hand in the head of the apron, so that the mother did not notice anything.

Illustration: shutterstock

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