10 things that can not lie for love


Sometimes a lie see how by itself breaks away from the language. It seems that everything will be easier for everyone, everyone is doing that, and in general it is little things. But even if she never turns out, the fact that you have to lie about these 10 problems, suggests that your relationship is not so good.

Lies about sexual pleasure

It is not difficult to pretend to be admired by his talents. And you don't have to worry that he will be upset or respond to complex questions. But if he does something not as he learns about it, if you do not say? He does not feel sorry for themselves, so they regret his future mistress, he will think that since it was so beautiful for you, it means that it will work with them.

Lie about your plans for the future

He is poured by a nightingale about where you will go, what do you do, and you nod: "Yes, yes," you think about yourself: "Wait and see." And the longer you will pull with the truth, the more the air castle built by it, and its wreck is painful. Do not do it this way.

Lie about the state of your psyche

Increased anxiety, depression or obsessive-compulsive syndrome, in contrast to physical diseases, are not thrown into the eyes, but they will not pass, especially if they try to hide them. We all have the right to personal cockroaches, but their loved ones should be submitted by name.

Lies about your love

Love is different. Platonic romance, romantic courtship, stormy passion or something in the spirit "O God, what a man, I want my son from you." It is advisable to honestly compare your versions and if you want less love, calls and do not hurry to get acquainted with your parents, and if you want more - tolerate and silent here it is harmful.

Lie about your dislike

It's cruel.

Lie about your place of stay

If you are not preparing him a surprise, then it turns out, there are some areas of life that you intentionally hide from a person who you love. In theory, he is one of the most important people in your life. So if you go to the cafe, and on the question "where are you?" Automatically answer "in the store ran", it is worth checking - you are all right with him?

False about how to contact you

God with him, with a spy campaign for Tiramisu. But now if you have a well-hidden second mobile phone or secret personal email, and you do not work with Maty Hari, everything is right here.

Lie about your finance

Hide your money problems, debts, loans, receipts - terrible childhood and stupidity. Hide your debit - a sign of terminal degree of distrust of the partner. Both options are inclined to turn into an avalanche of problems if you delay with their honest discussion.

Lie about what you bad

What's the matter? Everything is fine. What has happened with you? Nothing, - familiar dialogue? Love does not guarantee telepathy. But involves supporting loved ones. If you honestly tell me "I feel bad," and in response you will get something other than support, it will already be his problems. In any case, while you say "everything is fine, everything is fine," you are, first of all, you lie to yourself and behave yourself, whether to depression, or to the nervous breakdown.

Lie about what you stay friends

Of course, it's nice to tell people "We broke up with friends," but if you do not communicate and you are not going to communicate with them also easily and frankly, as with your real friends, you lay. It is not necessary for this nonsense, who either gives him unnecessary hopes, or imposes extra obligations on you. Yes, and the concept of friendship is not worthwhile. It is quite possible to stay sweet and benevolent, just saying goodbye and wanted good luck to him.

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