The 15 most summer cartoons in the world


In the summer, every self-respecting child should drive and jump, dive into puddles and hunt in burdocks.

And in the evening, when it gets tired and dyed to the monitor - let the next cartoon from the collected of the summer collection. Each of them has such a property: you look - and immediately want to continue active summer adventures in the fresh air!

Bonifation Vacation "(1965)

The awesome cartoon of the great Fedor Khitruk about how the lion, who has never had a vacation, finally went to relax and visit the grandmother. ("To think only, and lions have a grandmother!") In Africa, instead of rest, he continues solid work - because you have to entertain kids who have never seen such a circus. The audience's children are dragging from a talented lion in a striped swimsuit and his touching grandmother in a cape - and adults sighs, thinking about what a cunning thing is a favorite job.

"Shake! Hello!" (1980)

The hare was lucky - he has a birthday in the summer, it means you can celebrate in nature. The hedgehog was also lucky - a hare can be given a chamomile and not bother. Bear, however, on his own wave: he collects chamomile from love for art and invents his own country Tilimylitrymdia. However, you can also give it! Immortal Classic with Aphorisms ("You can not be friends with me without a hare!") And the charming-baking song about the cloud-white-horse horses performed by the most Mimic actress Rushane.

"Vacation in Prostokvashino" (1980)

Glamorous mom pulls to the resort to walk the evening dresses, and her eco-friendly son escapes to rustic pleasures. Here in the summer grace, everyone will find something to be happy: Matroskin is that he now has two cows, the ball by adrenaliny photo oxides on the animals, and the postman Pechkin - Trolling Prostokvashinsev demanding documents. No one is surprised that even a capricious mother in the end was also charged to Prostokvashin faith!

"Summer Cat Leopold" (1983)

Halfed mice are assessed by the Dobryar Cat's house with insulting graffiti, build a complex and dangerous watermelonetting system - but good, clear case, evil wins, and it's not tightering particularly. Because a good word and a pulverizer or an umbrella can be made more than just a good word. So "if suddenly the thunder is hit in the middle of the summer - the troubles of this we will survive!"

"Wait for it!" Issue 16 (1986)

Julian Wolf relaxes on the beach and entertained by cartoons on a sympathetic hare, until it gets fainting from the heat. Here he gets into a fairy tale - and a cheerful magic whistle starts: an old man with a small woman, Baba Yaga, Snake Gorynych ... As a result, the hare saves the aggressor from the sunshine, and the final wolf: "Well, wait!" It sounds no longer angry, but only sad. For Soviet children, this issue is especially expensive by the fact that this is the last of the series, filmed during the life of the Great and Inimitable Papanov.

"Romashkov's train" (1967)

Little locomotive is a great lover of nature and a real romantic. Its case - to deliver passengers to the destination on time, and it periodically gets off the way and begins to admire the beauty of the surrounding world. It is reproached in nonpunctuality, and he innocently declares: "If we do not hear the nightingale, we will be late for a whole summer!", Then: "If we do not see the dawn, we can be late for life ..." There is some kind of transport Eastern wisdom!

"Visiting Summer" (1972)

Cartoon Boris Dejkina from the series on the sports topics - between two rival teams. In winter, these characteristic nickered kids chased the washer, and now on good weather they had a backpacks and went hike. Rest in the forest near the river did not cost any conflict with local fishermen, but when they recognized the team of Meteor in the uninvited guests, everything ended in peaceful - sports and cultural competitions. Here are only a bee, sorry, were not aware that they deal with the stars ...

"Santa Claus and Summer" (1969)

What does Grandfather Claus do most of the year when his services do not require the children's population? Doesn't it miss? Or maybe he also want to join the summer joy? Small flowers, admire the butterflies, cool tasty ice cream ... All this gives him good kids. Moral: I'm glad others - and you will achieve. Warning: Song "Here it is what, our summer" from this cartoon is not less attached than about the clouds!

"Summer in mumi-share" (1981)

Based on the "wizard hats" Tuva Jansson. Once in a friendly mumi-house asked asylum Tofxles and Vifxla - two funny wounders who chatting on Plusla misunderstood. To deal with who belongs to what they are hiding in a suitcase - to them or terrible cold morror - you have to arrange a real court. Cute and kind cartoon, if only to distract from the fact that the characters in it are very much like those that Drew Tuva herself.

"As a lion and a turtle sang a song" (1974)

A cartoon is almost without a plot, but with a suitable summer mood - a lazy, carefree, cheerful siesta. What else to spend the summer, as not to felting, sunbathing, skating on someone's big and reliable back - and sneaking songs: "Only I am lying and looking at the sun!"? In something, the careless lionok, perhaps, a reasonable counterweight to his workforce Bonifacea ...

"Treasure" (1985)

From a series of cartoons about a friendly company from Tiger, Martyski, Elephant and Croott - and their antagonist, a hedge and in the Barbidskaya Dyadyuk. In this series, the animals are looking for a treasure - and really discover the real treasure. And this treasure is water! Really the most valuable and useful thing in the heat, if you think about it. And harm eventually punished: they have grown up the grooves. However, she is so kind of funny, naive and not all terrible that he doesn't want more punishment for her.

"Scarecrow-meadow" (1982)

Bright sun coming over the city, and everything is already in their troubles. Only a stupid kitten sings: "Morning begins, the city wakes up!" He wanted to pick up everyone, but no one seems to be glad especially his sleek song ... The heart of a small viewer is bleeding with blood, but a clear case - everything will end with positive and mutual understanding, as it should be in the classic Soviet cartoon. Kottenki - they also build and help us and help!

"Komarov" (1975)

A hyperactive kid, whom all name is by last name (such a Soviet reality, yes), on a walk in the garden, it breaks into the sand, then at all runs on the will to dandelions and calves, cones and frogs. This is a completely timeless children - curiosity ... "Nina Palina! Well, what are you? Take everything, just do not cry! "

"Like Peter Pytochkin Slonikov considered" (1984)

The plot is externally similar to the previous one: a naughty little charismatic in a ribbon summer day is a buzzis in kindergarten, not giving peace or a group nor the educator. But then the teacher behaves much more intelligently and creative: Calls on the whole herd of African worship! And in general it is a young and pretty. Everyone would be! ..

"Smeshariki. Bibi Vacation "(2010)

A cartoon in which many adults recognize themselves in childhood and youth. They will know, of course, in the baby Bibi - who, having arrived at the holidays to the vacation pine, dipped with head in summer activity. He drives football and rushing with friends - and he simply does not have an extra minute on the conversation ... The parent at the most sensitive place will certainly let the tear. And the child may be absorbed by Morality: no matter where - give news to parents!

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