What will happen if you clean the shoes toothpaste? Funny stories from life


As we all know (and you also know!), Experience - the son of mistakes is difficult. And the economic experience is a real mother! After all, few of us did not come across the scorched milk, accidentally broken eggs or at all - forgotten and unscrewed on a full-crane.

But it's all, you will say, some understandable mistakes, very native and naive. And you will be right. Therefore, today we present you to the real epic failing of living people who have already grown, but continue to lag. And some - enough in childhood, so they only remember: O)

Miracles of Smekalky

Somehow, in his youth, we decided to get black cloaks with my girlfriend. We did not have black cloth, there were old sheets. White striped. Paints for the fabric were also not (there were dashing nineties).

We judged that the fabric is fibers. And hair is also fibers. So hair paint is quite rolling. And bought. Basma. Painted in the bath.

The bath had to enhance - the brown-green color did not want to go with her. The sheets are not changed.


When I only got my garden, my mother gave me seeds to sowing and said it was parsley. I saw her, she climbed, but a bit was not like the leaves on the parsley.

I thought it was some kind of special look. The smell was generally absent, the more characteristic parsley. But it did not stop me. I used this parsley all summer by adding to soups, borscht, etc. And ate perfectly!

And in the autumn, my parsley acquired orange roots and turned out to be carrots.


There was a pregnant woman, decided to prepare the "right" pilaf in the glamorous saucepan of Bergof. Started about "rolling oil" and Ida.

The oil caught fire and I decided to put it off ... with water! Fire pillar burned off nearby lockers near and left a black stain on the ceiling. The whole apartment was in smoke.

I evacuated a one-year-old child in a long room and began to call my husband. And this bastard, listening to my bivent monologue, asked: "So I did not understand - the pilaf will or not?".


When I returned from my first trip with a Turkger, I decided to boast of the family with the newly acquired skill to prepare. For a demonstration chose pea soup. But so much pea poured into the usual pan as we hide at the bucket at the bucket of 30 people.

The resulting pea concentrate we cut the sacrament, frozen, and enough for a long time.

After painted

The cat marked the favorite pad. I drowned her to wash in the machine. She was epiced in the process, filling out the latter washing with ancient plates of the fact that there were once feathers. I was afraid and rearranged the car on the drain.

The car hurried, hoarse, but rejected refused and open the lid did not allow. I had to spend two hours, dropped water through the lower valve. A prettyly extinguished dog sewed and left himself in the edification.


When I was about 9 or 10 years, then after school my mother, I explained to me on the phone how to prepare lunch. Once products in the refrigerator did not turn except eggs. Mom advised: "Swari Eggs, 5 minutes and ready."

In the evening, Mom discovered a hungry bumping and full bucket of broken raw eggs. I poured cold water into a pan, put the egg, turned on the stove, waited 5 minutes, took the egg, broke - raw, and thrown out. And so with the top ten

Papina assistant

Dad was very rushing at an important event. I asked to stroke the pants. Language, diligently ironed through the gauze, existing the clarity of the arrow along the logarithmic ruler.

The arrows turned out - you will not have perfect! But inside the pants, since I prudently twisted pants. Dad ran this.

Lenin was right

In my oven stored nitens all sorts. And, when suddenly it turned out, baking paper. Before lighting the gas, the baking sheet pulled out, but did not notice the paper. She caught fire. I covered the oven and waited until I would priece. And then I decided to gather as fast vacuum cleaner.

Grandfather Lenin was right! Flame flared out of the spark. Right in the vacuum cleaner in the bag. I had to call my husband - he advised to lie on the sofa and not touch anything before his arrival. Just in case.


Parents left for three days, leaving me with her sister on the farm. We decided to make the cookies "Roses", like twigs. And everything happened so great. Only at the end, when the saucepan from burnt flour stood and chadila, I decided that it was necessary to cool it. I did not come up with smarter how to pour into boiling still oil a liter mug of cold water.

Well, that I managed to bounce !!! Spots from the spraying hot oil covered the whole kitchen. The saddest thing was the day before the ceiling was. I tried to paint with gouache and chalk, but not very successful. All the remaining time was trembling horror before the punishment.


One day, my mother instructed me to ridicate the neck, and I destroyed the hoe rare and deficient, just planted the sea buckthorn, which parents through ties were in some kind of gardening research institute. One bus remained, although I tried to beat him very much. Fortunately, the hoe already fastened.

Murder with aggravating

When it was hungry, and I had a big dog, I bought on the occasion a whole cow's head. Cheap and beautiful. I didn't think about one thing - that it is necessary to somehow part. I jumped three hours around this unfortunate ball, and then I understood - you need to chop!

Bold her head in the bath, put a stool with a big board and decided on the ax. And at that moment, when I have already done it, I called some kind of policeman in the door.

It is worth it, so beautiful in shape, and in front of him the girl, in the blood, meat places and with an ax. And from behind the door shyly, Senbernar looks like and licks his hands slowly.

I had to conduct a policeman in the bathroom and show cow brains and other demand.


When I moved from the parent apartment, I grabbed the skin of Yak. Stephip brought her as a gift from Asia. The skin is very beautiful, meter one and a half per meter, thick long fur.

Recently decided to stretch it in a washing machine. At the exit, it was necessary to remove fur flakes to remove the flakes of fur, and the leather base broke into the shreds and literally disappeared. And how many glorious watches I spent, smearing the microscopic particles of the skins from the perforated drum washing ...

Children of corn

During my youth, we have not yet known how to cook popcorn. I was given by the coat of corn. Put on a frying pan and gas. The lid did not cover.

Five minutes later, a real shelling of hot grains began! I had to hastily retreat from the kitchen and hide behind the door until everything ended.

Ensured cow

Preparing beef purchased in the market. The saleswoman, so cute smiling for me, not ashamed to sell the meat of the Belarusian running cow.

I touched it a few hours in several techniques, but it was not chewed. Husband, culinary terrorist, Smallol his blender in mashed potatoes, but the puree was also not chewed. From the resulting mass it was possible to suck broth and then flatten the cake. So we used it.


After the holidays, I decided to save the "disappearing" tangerines. Welded compote. He turned out to be missing immediately. But I was not confused. Divated brandy as it should and saw.


Bacheloring in the institute hostel, decided to fry dumplings. Yes, it's not easy, but to shift - in deep breath! He took a liter of vegetable oil, poured into a saucepan and brought to a boil.

He began to throw dumplings there, and they black before her eyes. Grabbed the pan and under the water stream of her. Type cooling. And then the classic of the genre. Water in pairs, oil splashes on all surrounding surfaces, scary stench!

No hood, so I run to open the door to keep the kitchen to ventilate. All this breaks out and ... activates fire sensors. Epoles are dried throughout the hostel, elevators are blocked and boil ventilation. Blows so that it is impossible to open the door to the stairs.

In elevators, no one is stuck only by pure chance.

In little things

A visit to everyone to hit and cook in Eastern coffee. Added salts based on a teaspoon on a cup of drink. "All" amazed.

At the youth I took and stroked the Capron Tights. And tights, and iron, of course, spoiled.

I cleaned the dental shoes (not sneakers) toothpaste. Well, the caries of the shoe is not so far.

A girlfriend is 26 years old on full somehow once a knife in the saucepan of eggs - checked, welded or not. She said: "Well, potatoes are checked so much!"

I splashed into the borsch of vinegar so much that it was impossible. I thought, scored soda so as not to sneak. And ate.

Three times struck the freezer with a knife. In three different freezers. Hurry up to defrost. Nothing life teaches me.

Instead of ginger, accidentally poured in the fish soup incense. It turned out not so romantic, as in verses.

Delivered nuts with boiled condensed milk with a girlfriend. The condensed milk was cooked two hours. As it turned out, it was a can of stew.

The article prepared Lilith Mazikina

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