Game "Dress Vasya": you vs his clothes



Is it worth it to take a male wardrobe in your hands? Most of the respondents believe: Yes, it is worth it. Moreover, many this process really works effectively!

Here is a paradox worthy of the deepest study of all the most British students in the light of scientists: if the gentleman begins to actively adjust the style of his beloved, it is good, as a rule, does not end. But gradually change the husband from the state of "loader-style" to the state "yes he is even more fashionable" is quite possible. At the same time, the Council does not kill love. We definitely cannot say what is the case here (for sure to understand this, you need to still dig in the chromosome!), But we can give tested recommendations in practice!

Shock style


This may be something that is not suitable for the current situation. For example, hipster skinnie and a T-shirt with a spaceworker on a beer forty-year belly. It may be something that causing the familiar dislocation of feelings of the beautiful. For example, tourist T-shirts with the Poses of Kama Sutra or the deep sponsors about beer. Or just a set of "scary that conveniently" type of camouflage pants on a jacket "Overalls" and in a feast, and into the world. When you carefully put forward logical arguments against these items in favor of any more relevant figure and occasion, the beloved voice of the sad bear from the cartoon asks: "And myself, it does not, not on-ado!" The most affectionate voice fox is responsible: "on-ado!" - And you go to the store. Having promised to the pizza award. Owing on Vasya a suitable thing, express the maximum delight. You can even pose to it in the fitting room. Awareness that the degree of irresistible rose in his eyes, he pleases.

Alien substances

Regarding the wardrobe items in men are highly developed sense of cardiac attachment and nostalgia. His beloved blue (that is, in the greatness of blue!) The jacket can be very different ... ten years ago, it was also exactly good. In the case of not a global tenderness, the average love of the little thing you can try to "pull it onto the ground." The gloomy old jacket snifflely smells and fool around: he is still nothing, of course, just strongly stuck my spirits. And so much that it is no longer detained. You do not mind smelling snowdrops and vanilla, dear? Radically configured wives-stylists recommend even to put on a small colony of mold, especially a terrible rhylad. However, you can not do this, but simply very authoritatively declare it.

Compromise: Do not throw away, and turn


And what to do, if this thing is the love of life? How to throw passionately adorable jeans, which disintegrate on molecules? Answer: If you plan to save the family for some purposes for some purposes, it is better. He will never forget such a treachery, will never live. (The edition of is known to the husband who has become a breasts to protect a completely lonely shoe - after all, he is from Italian skin, not hummingbird sneezed!) So offer to turn them with a slight movement into elegant shorts. So the pain of loss will not be too sharp. When they turn into elegant thongs by themselves, there will be nowhere to retreat.

Well forgotten new

By the way, this principle is "I love what is used to" - you can use for the good style. A man will fight back from the thing only first time until it felt that the danger of novelty goes away, and the light native breech comes. So, if you are good with the eye meter and knowledge of its size, you can even bring cute clothes for it directly with the delivery to the house. ("Such an action was, a third of the price, it was impossible to miss, ended!") After that, the most difficult thing is to motivate it to wear it five times. Further goes by itself. You will still pull it out of it.

What happened to her? She was dissolved!


Let's return to female cunning and antique cloths. Another option, how to speed up the natural death of the prehistoric object of clothing is to wash it in the bleach. Stores still selling the old good "Whiteness" of the Soviet sample. Capable to contribute to the final collapse of the pension sweatshirt to the state in which it is no longer put on with all the desire.

Nursing home for outfits

The man will be psychologically easier to cope with the pain of loss, if the native items will leave him not immediately and the commercially, and smoothly, gradually. In this sense, it is very useful, for example, the presence of a garage - where the most denim shorts and the same "overalls" will go. And he will be able to merge with them at least periodically. It will arise, of course, a new challenge of time: how to make this newly minted show room be solemn from overwhelming his ruffles? But let you consult you at least what your apartment could look like ...

The house was taken, not otherwise


One of the most effective and safe methods to protect both your eyes, and its reputation at the same time - to remove the frightening artifact away to the deepest closet, and hang a fishing jacket from above. To the question: "Where is my favorite brand-weekess, which I found it then in the first year in the forest?" - Answer: "I hung in the closet!" With pioneer honest eyes and crystal clear conscience. Remember the feat of the boy Kibalchish and hold on to be adamant. Otherwise, he will go to her theater.

Out of hole

And some men believe in the cutter as the Indians in Manitu. If the sock broke out, you, SPW, should shave it. It is preferably beautiful so, well, as his mom. With an indispensable application of a wooden mushroom. There may be a passionate lecture on the theme of the great force of progress, which sorrows space expanses - and was delighted to your life. With the focus on his male coolness and consistency, with the help of which he is now famously can afford entire new socks, Yes!

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