5 most dangerous posts for sleep


No one is engaged in the selection of postures for sleep deliberately - we simply dive under the blanket and climb a nest there until you feel comfortable enough. But some postures for sleep can noticeably harm health - and here are the most harmful of them.

On stomach

From the point of view of health - one of the worst positions. First, the head is turned on the side all night, and this is fraught with problems with the neck. Secondly, the risk of damaging or take nerves, which come from the spine to the limbs, and this will manifest itself with tingling in the fingers, numbness and deterioration of small motility.

On the back

This pose is bad for all in a row, but only for those who are inclined to snore and apnee - stop breathing in a dream. When you stop breathing, the brain immediately awakens you so that you do not suffocate. Such awakens per night can be 10-40. You can't remember anything on the outfit, but the full pass through all phases of sleep will not succeed. That is, even by sprinkling 8 hours, you will suffer from all the charms of the lack of sleep. There is another, much more critical risk: the brain, seriously blurred by alcoholic vapors, may not have time to wake you up during the respiratory stop. However, a high pillow can improve the situation, however, it will have to sleep almost half-sidew.

On the side

Like the previous posture, this does not suit only those who have a tendency to problems with the shoulder and femured joints. It's bad not what you sleep on the side, but the fact that we sleep on the same side on the same side. Try to change the sides, as well as replace the hard mattress on the soft, so that the pressure on the hips and shoulders is not so strong.

Putting his hand under the head

Very cozy, but bad for nerves, which pass through the hand - many hours of squeezing leads to numbness, cold fingers and deterioration of coordination.

On the stomach, hugging a pillow

Such a pose makes you sleep, firmly squeezing the jaw, because the pillow will be quite pressing on the chin. Such a blessing pressure on the enamel of the teeth cannot pass without a trace - the microcracks begin to occur, and there it is to serve as a caries. If you can not sleep differently, you can not sleep, ask your dentist to pick you up an elastic plate-kapa - she will protect the teeth.

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