8 signs that you have time to make a mistress


The author of this text believes that the wife should also have the attention of her husband. And if she does not do this - this will make another. We refuse to be responsible for these letters and generally believe that married treason is at least not good.

However, signs and described situations seemed curious to us. We publish without bill.

She does not listen

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You come home and start talking to my wife, how was your day. Head of the Fool, and colleagues - incompetent freaks. After work, you ran into the street with a classmate, who did not see twenty years, he balded, married and opened the startup to Skolkovo. Or trying to explain the design of the homemade tourist stove that you came up with himself to carry with you fishing. And suddenly you see that she nods and gives up in arbitrary places, something commenting in social networks. In the worst case, she tells you open text: "Why do you tell me this garbage?". You are not interested in her. But it is nothing: you are actually not the easiest guy, you have something to tell. And you will certainly find a girl who will be interested. Well, because people are generally quite interesting usually, especially men.

Carries nonsense

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She regularly starts to tell you anything. Something that you have already heard forty times. How she went hiking in high school. As she was scared drunk at 15 years old (and since then it drinks very moderately, unlike you). As her mother punished her 10 years for rudeness. As she was engaged in the childhood riding riding, with all the details right up to the nicknames. No, the first few times it was cute and interesting. But, apparently, since then nothing new in her life happened. And even if for some reason it is impossible to divorce a woman, in whose lives nothing happens, isn't it worth a carefully listen to some other?

Do not praise

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It doesn't matter what you do: hang a shelf, cook dinner, write a novel, squeeze an extra kilogram or just come home early and bring a salary - it all goes without granted, for what to praise? What are you, little to stroke you on the head? Well, yes, in fact, this is one of the most important needs of a man - so that he should be praised to admire them. And if this does not happen at home, you can simply find another woman who will speak regularly: "You are the best." Stupidity, maybe, but works trouble-free.


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She suddenly ceased to grasp the time and on you, and at home, and everything else. Solid very important things: she writes comments in social networks, someone's wrong on the Internet. Or plays a computer game. Or fights for the survival of exotic indoor plants. And that is why it does not prepare, he does not have sex, forgets to succeed and scattered buns, from which the fattests. And for some reason you need a woman, and not an agronom or pilot of the Lagg-3 fighter.

Mom near

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In your life it became very, a lot of her mom. Mom came to swim and stayed. Mom went to sit with the child - and so every day. You dine at mom every weekend. Mom (optional, by the way, mom; Home Favorite friend, a former husband, boss at work or damn bald can take as many married space) with you always! Here, in a good way, you just need to run, but if it is suddenly impossible, there is a way out. To your note: there is almost no chance that the mistress will introduce you to mom.

Not dressed beautiful

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You come home, and she just goes away - meet, let's say with girlfriends. And you suddenly see it painted, in a tight short skirt, with beautiful naked knees. And it goes to work in trousers and thongs so that the seams of panties do not appear. Scented, combed and laid. When was the last time you saw her at home? She dresses for the outside world, for colleagues, for girlfriends, for random travelers in the subway, maybe even for a lover. And at home goes to the stunned workouts, in a terrible bathrobe, in an old stretched T-shirt of unclear origin. In winter, she does not shave his legs, because for whom does she try? For you? Excellent! Let another woman try to prepare for you, which will prepare for your arrival, pull out there is a different excess, frank the selective perfume and wear beautiful underwear.

Do not feed

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Do you eat a huge basic whole week? Last time the wife suited successful culinary experiments before the wedding? Refrigerator clogged with dumplings? Hot breakfast You have last seen on vacation, at the hotel "All inclusive"? So it will not go. Tasty food is associated with sex and in general with male happiness directly. If she does not feed you, feed another, still very simple.

Neglects sex

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When did you make it the last time? Two weeks ago? New year more often? She has a headache? She was tired? She has lots of work? I have to get up early tomorrow? Not in the mood? And the meaning? Not that mistresses never say so, but there is much less chance for it.

Photo: shutterstock

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