Catalog of bear services. When you do not need to help



There are situations in which you do not need to climb towards your neighbor and distant with your help. Our business only recognize and survive these moments.

Sometimes you just break the wrongness and injustice from you. And if you are not a straightforward and instant rocket system "came-I saw-struck", then breaks you and from the flour of choice. Write-help, otherwise it will be "oh" - or not to fit, and then it will be worse? Of course, there are no common answers. It is clear that in each case there is a bunch of subtleties. But there are moments when the answer is one: "Do not fit, and it will be worse."

1. A person is directly refusing

You are with her with the best intentions: "Lenochka, something you are so sad today!" And she is a smooth voice: "yes no, everything is in order." You understand: Well, yes, such a modest, polite girl. And continue: "I understand everything! What has happened with you?" She is already a little nervously: "Yes, nothing you seemed." You sincerely offer to divide the adversity and substitute your shoulder. She throws on you ... why? Because the commandment number is one of all normal chip-i-dale: "If you don't want your help - do not go with your help." It works and in cases when someone is near and though proudly sadness, refusing to inform you about the reason. Or when someone next to diligently helps himself, but not how it is necessary to do this - according to your authoritative opinion.

When the borders goes: If you live with this person not the first month - and he goes a greatest part of the time in the dark of the clouds, and all your attempts to understand what happened is only taking off and turns away. Looks like in vain you live with him for more than a month!

2. Children playing in "I'm the main" here "

The question is eternal as a "chicken or egg", "to be or not to be" and "who lives well in Russia": Whose Sockeys? And who was the first to call the graze-beef? And who to be an outstanding is a shallow goat or long dilda? Parent (and especially the progenitor, in the sense of grandmother) often on all pairs rushes, hearing offended roar and knocking a scope. As a rule, it will be automatically wrong with someone else's child - or, if both are yours, then a senior. But you do not need to become an arbitration judge. No need to pull out the "victim" and threaten the "offender" - especially if the alignment is not clear. Show sympathy - please. Listen and show what you understand - of course! But not to break from the position of the "God from the car", but to explain how people come out of these situations that such a compromise and how to make up or stand up for themselves. Ahead of life, and in it you will not always lead it on time when the toddle of the baby will come to the leg.

When the borders goes: When you realize that this is no longer a Skodnya, but extremely cruelty - and you see a threat to health (physical or mental) child.

3. Alien parents offended his own child


Or screaming to the baby, the evil. Or ignores him crying, monster. It, of course, is uncomfortable to be nearby, especially in close public place. But nothing can be done, it is not necessary for the children to make noise, it will have to just survive like a thunderstorm. And it is far from the fact that you will achieve goals with your righteous anger, that is, you will make everything quietly and fairly. There is a reason to breathe, exhale and think: why am I going to battle? What does it remind me? Why am I "I can't see it" and "can't leave so"? Did I benefit the child, having rigidly giving his parent in the eyes of the child and others? As for the child without a hat ("frozen!") Or in a sling ("What a foolish fiction!") - then be sent for such comments completely legitimately.

When the borders goes: Again, when real danger. When a child beat. Or when they do not pay attention to the fact that the child ran out on the road and can now get under the car.

4. Girlfriend is not super-great looks

Well, it does not go, madness, it is a lilac dress with a neckline. Well, she does not know how she is a poor, decorative cosmetics to use. And she also requires completely different. And you, like an honest pioneer, a noble musketeer and wishing exclusively good mobility, you will know her now, change yourself and put on the right path. And it will be again, like the sun, shine! After it will legitimately attach you some kind of accessory heavier. Here, believe, she is not friends with you so that you give it down. And for fashionable councils, too, specially trained people exist. Perhaps you have a chance to retrain the stylists. But the chance to lose friendship is greater.

When the borders goes: Well, if she really smeared mascara at the celebration, and she did not look into the mirror and did not notice - this is understandable, a completely different case.

5. Friend "We need to do it"

It urgently needs to be enrolled in the pool. She herself, of course, never, so you will go right now and write it down. And even better on yoga. Yoga perfectly helps from obesity, irregularly form of the spine, unhealthy aura and incorrect karma. You have already prepared mega-useful book to her ... stop. First, you do not know all the details about her health, heredity and cockroaches in the head. And a person has the right and the latter, yeah. And to ensure that it is not urgent to take care of your own health, no matter how hard you take it. Maybe she comes to any healing actions. Maybe she will advise you. But if you poke her eyes in her imperfection and laziness, there will be no good.

When the borders goes: When she with her bell tower convinces you with something. Suppose you sat down on the diet and do not touch anyone from there, and she almost forcibly cakes with cutlets fit. It is, of course, an evil troll, so you can gently and inform.

6. Meet her husband's friend on the other


No, well, it is impossible not to open her eyes. You always suspected that he ... This is the most ... not the most kosher animal. And now thanks to you, Miss Marple Schigrovsky County, the crime of the century is revealed! So what? Do you know all his sisters and a business partner namely and with special signs? Are you sure that you prevent your exposure not the situation "stumbled - repentance - already said goodbye to a passion and was going to rush to the beloved with a particularly large bouquet"? And even if everything is difficult. Well, everything will not be from your operational information simply. And in general, the heads of the messengers who have gone with the bad West, you probably heard something.

When the borders goes: When she herself understands everything and knows; You complain; clearly voiced that this goat truth did ten goat points on the list; Waiting for support. There is such a look that I have not seen anything, I did not hear anything, I won't tell anyone, somehow sacrificed.

7. Cutely worry ... or diverge

You have a girlfriend and friend. Among themselves, they are a couple. This is how successfully it happened! But nothing is eternally under the moon, and now their eternal love with a slight movement of the hand turns into the unceasing "Gav-Gav-Gav". That's how dirty! She tells you seeing heartbreaking stories that for the question: "Do you love me?" He replied: "Well, what is love in general?" He is no less seemingly - about how one day he woke up, and instead of breakfast on the nightstand the note "I left for my mother." By comparative analysis, you come to the conclusion that one of them is wrong. And trying to enjoy the second. Or to the conclusion that both of them got excited and it is necessary to reconcile them urgently. Thank you for you. Not-a. Even if they confuse, they will not hang your photos in their updated bedroom. And if you disappear - you risk in one fellible to divide with three friendships right away: with them as a cell of society, as well as with it and with him separately. Well, the third is excess here - in such matters.

When the borders goes: When some of them really falls the roof and he does anything dangerous and / or illegal. But this happens many times less often than the banal "tied tomatoes, you did not carry a bucket, Natasha, see how reptile I prick."

8. Colleagues conflict


The situation becomes similar to the previous one, when Ivan Ivanovich, with Ivan Nikiforovich, clung to some hussak on the basis - and alternately call you in the witnesses of what an olf their opponent. Not being a long-time friend acquaintance both or an excellent psychologist, you don't always understand where your legs grow there and who actually substituted anymore. So it is better not to fit. Maximum make an understanding person and with the participation of raising eyebrows. Otherwise, we will find yourself on your head by a participant in the triangle that delays the cleaner of Bermud.

When the borders goes: When they truly do not give you to work and break the plan. It is not enough to give it enough to inform it to be calmly - after which you will have moral right carefully and correctly inform the authorities that such a task is prevented by the fulfillment of such a task.

9. Adult child lives "not so"

He found himself a wrong partner. Incorrect sex, with the wrong color of the hair and the wrong list of favorite films. Hello, this is not your partner, this is his partner! He became a vegetarian and soon he could die without mild cutlets. She is going for half a year to volone in Africa - and may die from the Tsetz fly. Oh, it's hard to talk to you, but everyone can die anywhere. Even with you under the wing. Stand at night from the sofa, fuck your head against the wall and die. "She is an adult, separate personality from me" - Try to repeat this mantra when you call the morgue, because the thirtiethly did not raise the phone from five beeps at half pastime.

When the borders goes: Explicit danger that you can prevent. Daughter calls and says that her husband broke her. There are no "cute worn". Support, to accept, police, psychologist, that's all this. If you simply "Ka-Fair" that he is not enough with her, because the "maternal se-erdza", then give your heart of useful herbs and do not make a pregnant head!

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Three persons of the victim: Dramatic Triangle Karpman

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